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Hellenistic Christian Gnosticism vs Roman Catholic Dogma (posted 3/5/2018, UPDATED 01/25/2025)

I created a simple PDF (updated v4) it's 2 pages, 1 sheet front and back with links. In short it's my Entire blog-site into two pages. If someone, anyone everyone knew this material would actually beat the Devil (Satan in all names) and his fallen angels with logic. It goes to the difference between Dogmatic and Gnostic Christen view points. Dogmatic view treats the Bible as a history, instead of learning actual history. Gnostic view goes to the Alchemy or Science of spiritual teachings. Of the history of Rome stealing, spiritual text from other cultures.  

Updated to make the PDF more print friendly - On My Google Drive @

The1st section this picture is the Foundation of Greek Hellenistic (Hera) manipulated by Hermetic Gnosticism.  Greek Hellenistic's wrote the Dead Sea scrolls from Greece and Egypt. Rome changed the Name of Horus into Jesus then put the Face of Greek Ares (set) together Horus being Uranus With Set\Ares being Mars.  Krishna is known as the Beautiful Lord for being a Triacontadigon which is a Dodecagon + Isogon in Union which is the same "Likeness" as the Creator/Source. the Geometric difference of Krishna and Shiva is ONLY a Decagon. The Satanic (anti-light) force (Jesuits, Freemasons, Knights Templar, and Brotherhood of the Snake etc.) has always taken what is created by the Light and twisted it. This is even connected to Quantum Physics everything is Light then turned into something else. Remember with and in "everything" “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” ~ Nikola Tesla. When it come to Spiritual teachings every Light-based doctrines has connections with Divinity in the forms of angels, gods, or devis and devas. Yes there has been some earth humans across time and space that have seen, done or known things beyond what was thought possible; yet they weren't directly angels, gods, or Devis and Devas from the spiritual doctrines. To the point how the Satanic (anti-light) force keeps people limited in knowledge and understanding; by severely down playing them or mixing them up badly. 

The original engraving of this famous alchemical image was made by Matthus Merian in 1618 on a copper plate for the work entitled "Opus Medico-Chymicum."  “Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem," means “Visit the interior of the earth, and by rectifying (correcting or purifying) what you find there, you will discover the hidden stone”. The seven letter acronym VITRIOL is an actual form of sulfuric acid. It is considered a core medium of alteration and is seen as the symbolic Secret Fire that guides us towards spiritual excellence. 

Chemistry and Philosophy
It is a combination of iron and sulfuric acid. In chemistry Vitriol can be used as a powerful disinfectant and further distillation will yield a yellow colored(its color in natural state is green) oil called Oil of Vitriol. The powerful acid can dissolve human tissue and is corrosive to all metals except gold. The sulfuric acid in Vitriol is a powerful medium of transfiguration in Alchemical experiments. We can gather that philosophically it is the agent of transformation not only in alchemical experiments but in a spiritual sense. It breaks down each metallic principle, extracts the essence, dissolves within them, and produces from the mixture the Stone Petra.

Alchemical Cryptogram
Below you will find the cryptogram, it is meant to be read starting from Visita and ending in Lapidem. So what does it mean? The cryptogram is not as difficult to decipher but on the other hand achieving the goal of the hidden message may take lifetimes. The motto urges the initiate to look within and discover his/her own true nature for this is the path to the philosophers stone. We can then match up the seven steps of alchemy with VITRIOL as the process of “rectifying” the “stone”. 

Like a Dodecagon is not a Tricontadigon, Mars is not Uranus, Arcturus star group is not Auriga star group, and Greek Ares is not Greek Apollo; So to Satan is not Christ… The teachings of a Apollo is the teachings of Jesus Rome 2000 years ago took the Teachings of Apollo God of light and the face of Ares the Greek god of war. Put it together and called Ares their Lord and Savior. Of course the Greeks fight back for Apollo for over 300 years but the ignorance of the people of Rome was greater unfortunately by numbers. One would say numbers purely by breeding and raping in connection with Aphrodite not Hera…

Some of them honestly believe because it is written in Scripture that evil will exist; Or that the antagonist side exists. That if they play out that role then they are for filling God’s word... The holy day of Sabbath is on Friday In 321ACE after slaughtering Hellenistic Gnostic Christians for 300+ years. Rome before they went officially to Catholic change the day of Sabbath in Rome to Sunday for Hellenistic Christians. Again the first council of Nicaea was in 321ACE. Rome moved a holy day of Sabbath for Hellenistic Christians before they went officially to Catholic. Rome with the Dark evles the fallen angels knew it and they changed it anyways which is technically BETRAYING the WORD of GOD... To the Point who is the Queen of Heaven?

"Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause; everything happens according to Law; Chance is but a name for Law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the Law."--The Kybalion.

It's basic Physiology IF people knew the REAL TRUTH over the last 2000 YEARS with the Hellenistic Gnostic Christians from Greece and Egypt with the Center Queen Hera/Isis; including others around the world. Magnetic Fields are Spherical. However there is a Divine Masculine part in partnership however the Queen is Higher.  To what is manifested... what you would call Living... Then Billions+ people would not be killing and raping each other out a false Belief system(s)...  In Scripture and in Catholic theology this word has come to mean much the same as devil and denotes one of the evil spirits. It's ancient psychological manipulation Rome who worships Satan made the word Daimon and the Hellenists bad while pretending to pray to the virgin mary when Rome Leaders with Hollywood themselves worship Lilith the Queen of the Night... 

"Truth is singular. Its 'versions' are mistruths." 

A lexicographical clarification may be helpful. In fifth and fourth century BCE Greek, above all in Aristotle’s writings, the adjective ἑκούσιος qualifies an act which is carried out “spontaneously” or, more precisely, “on one’s own initiative” and is therefore “free”,  since  it is  ἐφʼἡμῖν (“up  to  us”),  especially if  it  is  accompanied  by  a  rationally pondered decision. The philosophers of the Hellenistic schools were using different ex-pressions from the ones employed by Aristotle. According to Epicurus (Letter to Men-oeceus 133), a “free” choice is παρ̕ ἡμᾶς, “resulting from us” and thus not caused by ne-cessity or chance. The very same term, next to ἐξ ἡμῶν, “on our part”, is used by Chry-sippus SVF 2.998 and 999 (from Diogenianus, in Eusebius, Preparation for the Gospel 6.8); Cicero On Fate 9 and 41) uses in nobis, in nostra potestate. Only in later Stoicism, in Epictetus, τὸ ἐφʼἡμῖν can be found. Along with the Stoic paradox that the wise man is always “free”, even if he should  find himself enslaved  (SVF  1.219  and 222; 3.362,  363, 599  and  603),  it  can  be  inferred  that  the  originally  political  meaning  of  ἐλευθερία  - Ancient Greek term for, and personification of, liberty. 

Daimon or Daemon (Ancient Greek: δαίμων, "god", "godlike", "power", "fate")[1][2] originally referred to a lesser deity or guiding spirit such as the daimons of ancient Greek religion and mythology and of later Hellenistic religion and philosophy.[3] The word is derived from Proto-Indo-European daimon "provider, divider (of fortunes or destinies)," from the root *da- "to divide".[4] Daimons were possibly seen as the souls of men of the golden age acting as tutelary deities, according to entry δαίμων at Liddell & Scott.[5] The Hellenistic Greeks divided daemons into good and evil categories: agathodaímōn (ἀγαθοδαίμων, "noble spirit"), from agathós (ἀγαθός, "good, brave, noble, moral, lucky, useful"), and kakodaímōn (κακοδαίμων, "malevolent spirit"), from kakós (κακός, "bad, evil"). They resemble the Arabic jinni (or genie), and in their humble efforts to help mediate the good and ill fortunes of human life, they resemble the Christian guardian angel and adversarial demon, respectively. Eudaimonia (εὐδαιμονία) came to mean "well-being" or "happiness". The comparable Roman concept is the genius who accompanies and protects a person or presides over a place (see genius loci).

Gnosis (-g•no•sis): From Greek γνῶσις means “Knowledge” the higher meaning of Gnosis is knowledge from experience, especially experience of divinity or that which is beyond the five senses. The word Gnosis does not refer to knowledge that we are told or believe in. Gnosis is conscious, experiential knowledge, not merely intellectual or conceptual knowledge, belief, or theory. This term is synonymous with the Hebrew דעת "da'ath," the Arabic ma'rifah, the Tibetan rigpa (knowing), and the Sanskrit "jna.” 

Roman Catholic equal to the Freemasons and Jesuits use dogma to make metaphysical terms or topic physical. Example the apple of the garden of Eden to the Romans is physical even goes too...    Also there is the physical stone the UK government uses from Egypt The coronation stone it's what they use to make all of them kings or queens on... They themselves say it comes from Egypt so it makes the stone authentic but wait a minute what about the Egyptian teachings Egyptian doctrines/Scriptures?? Only the physical stone matters and nothing else???

The Hellenistic Gnostics (c. 300 BCE to 300 CE wrote the dead sea scrolls out of the library of Alexandria which was burned by Julius Caesar himself In 48 BC. The late form of Ancient Greek religion, covering any of the various systems of beliefs and practices of the people who lived under the influence of ancient Greek culture with Hera and Egyptian including the Egyptian deities Isis.  Persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire occurred intermittently over a period of over two centuries between the Great Fire of Rome in 64 AD under Nero and the Edict of Milan in 313 AD, in which the Roman Emperors Constantine the Great and Licinius legalized the Christian religion. In Rome the Council of Nicea (325 CE) removed books and decided the canon of Scripture at the Council of Nicea, picking some books, rejecting others. Thus altering the christen faith and becoming cathloic not christen. Even at this time was even before Jsutis, Freemasons, Knights Templar, and even before order of Mithras. After slaughtering christen the Romans stole, copied and manipulated Christianity teachings then killed off those who knew that. Since the origin of Rome they have stolen their ideas from other cultures; enslaved, killed and raped humans of all ages and both gender also animals. They also worship Saturn (Satan) and Saturn's astrological symbol is with the serpent tail which is the opposite direction of the 3rd eye. Yet not only do people associate the 3rd eye with them simply because they repeated true christen teachings of those they killed. A lot of people cannot see through their lies and call them holy...

With Hellenistic Gnosticism who created the teachings that the Freemason stole from. In the area of the priesthood, women were the equals of men. and more example Hypatia[a] (born c. 350–370; died 415 AD) was a Hellenistic Neoplatonist philosopher, astronomer, and mathematician, who lived in Alexandria, Egypt.  

The Burning of the Library of Alexandria --- Alexandria was founded in Egypt by Alexander the Great. His successor as Pharaoh, Ptolemy I Soter, founded the Museum (also called Museum of Alexandria, Greek Mouseion, “Seat of the Muses”) or Royal Library of Alexandria in 283 BC. The Museum was a shrine of the Muses modeled after the Lyceum of Aristotle in Athens. The Museum was a place of study which included lecture areas, gardens, a zoo, and shrines for each of the nine muses as well as the Library itself. It has been estimated that at one time the Library of Alexandria held over half a million documents from Assyria, Greece, Persia, Egypt, India and many other nations. Over 100 scholars lived at the Museum full time to perform research, write, lecture or translate and copy documents. The library was so large it actually had another branch or "daughter" library at the Temple of Serapis.

The first person blamed for the destruction of the Library is none other than Julius Caesar (who beleived by many reencartaed to be Putin today)  himself. In 48 BC, Caesar was pursuing Pompey into Egypt when he was suddenly cut off by an Egyptian fleet at Alexandria. Greatly outnumbered and in enemy territory, Caesar ordered the ships in the harbor to be set on fire. The fire spread and destroyed the Egyptian fleet. Unfortunately, it also burned down part of the city - the area where the great Library stood. Caesar wrote of starting the fire in the harbor but neglected to mention the burning of the Library. Such an omission proves little since he was not in the habit of including unflattering facts while writing his own history. But Caesar was not without public detractors. If he was solely to blame for the disappearance of the Library it is very likely significant documentation on the affair would exist today. 

Furthermore, Plutarch records in his Life of Marc Antony that, in the years leading up to the Battle of Actium in 33 BC, Mark Antony was rumored to have given Cleopatra (I Loved/Love Her as Queen) all 200,000 scrolls in the Library of Pergamum.[84][78] Plutarch himself notes that his source for this anecdote was sometimes unreliable and it is possible that the story may be nothing more than propaganda intended to show that Mark Antony was loyal to Cleopatra and Egypt rather than to Rome.[84] Casson, however, argues that, even if the story was made up, it would not have been believable unless the Library still existed.[84] Edward J. Watts argues that Mark Antony's gift may have been intended to replenish the Library's collection after the damage to it caused by Caesar's fire roughly a decade and a half prior.[78]
Further evidence for the Library's survival after 48 BC comes from the fact that the most notable producer of composite commentaries during the late first century BC and early first century AD was a scholar who worked in Alexandria named Didymus Chalcenterus, whose epithet Χαλκέντερος (Chalkénteros) means "bronze guts".[87][84] Didymus is said to have produced somewhere between 3,500 and 4,000 books, making him the most prolific known writer in all of antiquity.[87][79] He was also given the nickname βιβλιολάθης (Biblioláthēs), meaning "book-forgetter" because it was said that even he could not remember all the books he had written.[87][88] Parts of some of Didymus's commentaries have been preserved in the forms of later extracts and these remains are modern scholars' most important sources of information about the critical works of the earlier scholars at the Library of Alexandria.[87] Lionel Casson states that Didymus's prodigious output "would have been impossible without at least a good part of the resources of the library at his disposal."[84]
  $~~~ROME and Julius Caesar never respected other people rights just like the anti-light force from other worlds; the God-Masters of Rome.  ***Caesar was still deeply in debt, but there was money to be made as a governor, whether by extortion[57] or by military adventurism. Caesar had four legions under his command, two of his provinces bordered on unconquered territory, and parts of Gaul were known to be unstable. Some of Rome's Gallic allies had been defeated by their rivals at the Battle of Magetobriga, with the help of a contingent of Germanic tribes. The Romans feared these tribes were preparing to migrate south, closer to Italy, and that they had warlike intent. Caesar raised two new legions and defeated these tribes.[58] In response to Caesar's earlier activities, the tribes in the north-east began to arm themselves. Caesar treated this as an aggressive move and, after an inconclusive engagement against the united tribes, he conquered the tribes piecemeal. Meanwhile, one of his legions began the conquest of the tribes in the far north, directly opposite Britain.[59] During the spring of 56 BC, the Triumvirs held a conference, as Rome was in turmoil and Caesar's political alliance was coming undone. The Lucca Conference renewed the First Triumvirate and extended Caesar's governorship for another five years.[60] The conquest of the north was soon completed, while a few pockets of resistance remained.[61] Caesar now had a secure base from which to launch an invasion of Britain.*** Even though Rome history as never been honor are treated as divine in Life; even still today. That's what life what it is today... The Bible is not a history text book, even though it is treated as such instead of Learning real History.

Gnosticism (from Ancient Greek: γνωστικός gnostikos, "having knowledge", from γνῶσις gnōsis, knowledge) is a modern name for a variety of ancient religious ideas and systems, originating in Jewish-Christian milieux in the first and second century AD. These systems believed that the material world is created by an emanation or 'works' of a lower god (demiurge), trapping the divine spark within the human body. This divine spark could be liberated by gnosis, spiritual knowledge acquired through direct experience. Some of the core teachings include the following:

1) All matter is evil, and the non-material, spirit-realm is good.
2) There is an unknowable God, who gave rise to many lesser spirit beings called Aeons.
3) The creator of the (material) universe is not the supreme god, but an inferior spirit (the Demiurge).
4) Gnosticism does not deal with "sin," only ignorance.
5) To achieve salvation, one needs gnosis (knowledge).

This is Gnostic art NOT Freemasonry. Do you see the woman in the at the bottom of the tree? and not a man there... because with Hellenistic Gnosticism women are in high honor. 

It was Rome and the dark entities “they” serve. After horrifically slaughtering Hellenistic Gnostics (who wrote the Dead Sea scrolls) for 300+ years. Council of Nicaea Rome declared themselves rulers of Christianity and removed and severely altering sacred texts and killed people for reading by burning people alive; so people couldn't read and learn themselves. A list of burning for sharing the Bible by the Church of Rome > 

example many more 

1126 - Peter of Bruis - Burned at the Stake - Rejected Rome’s traditions
1155 - Arnold of Brescia - Bible Preacher - Hanged and Burned
1211 - 80 Waldensians - burned at the stake
1215 - 80 Christians - Tried by red hot iron and burned to death the same day in Strasburg, Germany.
1237 - 15 Christians burned alive at Cerdagne and Castlebon, Spain
1315 - Waldensian Bishop Neumunster - Burned at the stake in Hamburg, Germany
1315 - 50 Women and children burned at the stake in Schweidnitz in Silesia
1386 - Christmas Eve- Inquisitor Borelli attacks Valley of Pragela; hundreds frozen to death trying to escape.
1400 - William Sawtree - Wycliffe follower - Burned at the stake
1408 - John Resby - Heresy - Burned at Perth, Scotland
1409 - Tailor named Bradbe - Wycliffe follower - Roasted alive in a barrel
1415 - John Huss - Burned for preaching the Gospel and rejecting Rome’s views
1416 - 300 burned at the stake in Saxony
1417 - Sir John Oldcastle - Helped distribute Wycliffe Bible - Martyred for his faith by being roasted over fire
1427 - John Purvey - Bible distribution - died in prison - 1421-7
1431 - Paul Craws - Convicted at St. Andrews, Scotland and burned to death
1481/2 - 2,000 people burned alive in Spanish Inquisition in Seville and Castile
1488 - 3,000 Waldensian believers murdered in a cave called Aigue-Froid
1506 - William Tylsworth - Burned for his faith in the Word of God
1511 - James Brewster - Burned at the stake - Having a book of Scripture
1514 - Richard Hun - Died suspiciously in Lollard’s Tower in London
1519 - Six men and women burned for teaching their children the Lord’s prayer - London
1525 - Gospel preacher named Schuch - Burned at the stake in Strasburg for preaching and having a Bible - His Bible was burned with him.
1528 - Patrick Hamilton - Burned at the Stake in Scotland for declaring that it is the right of any person to read God’s Word
1529 - Louis Berquin - Burned at the Stake in France for printing and distributing Bible tracts in French
1530 - John Tewksbury - Burned at the stake for Bible distribution - England
1531 - Thomas Bilney - Martyred for preaching and distributing the Tyndale Bible
1531 - Richard Bayfield - Burned at the stake for Scripture distribution
1532 - James Bainham - Burned for possessing Scriptures in the English language
1533 - Henry Forrest - Benedictine Monk who became saved - Burned at the stake in St. Andrews, Scotland
1533 - John Fryth - Burned for preaching the true Gospel - England
1534/5 - 24 Protestants burned alive in Paris, France
1535 - Dean Forret - Burned for having Scripture in the English tongue - Scotland
1536 - William Tyndale - Burned at the Stake for Translating the Bible into English - His translation became the groundwork for the King James Version
1536 - Ann Boleyn - Wife of Henry the VIII - Beheaded for the true faith
1540 - Thomas Garrett - Friend of Tyndale - Burned at the stake - England
1545 - Massacre of Merindol and Cabrieres, France - Thousands of Waldensians murdered
1546 - Peter Chapot burned to death in Meaux, France for bringing French bibles to France
1546 - Stephen Polliot - Burned at the Stake for bringing Scriptures into France - His tongue was cut out so he could not witness to those around him at his execution.
1546 - Ann Askew - Tortured and burnt for studying and believing the true Scriptures
1548 - Paul Fagius - Burned for translating the Bible - England
1548 - Martin Bucer - Burned for translating the Bible - England
1553 - Nicholas Nayle - Burned at the stake in Paris because he brought gospel books for believers.
1554 - Lady Jane Grey - Beheaded for her conversion to true Christianity
1555 - Nicholas Ridley - Burned for his faith - England
1555 - Hugh Latimer - Burned for his faith - England
1555 - John Rogers - Translator of the Matthews Bible into English
1556 - Bartholmew Hector - Preaching and Bible Distribution -Burned at Thurin
1560 - Julian Hernandez - Burned at the stake in Spain for Bible Distribution
1560 - Jean Louis Paschale - Believed the Bible over Romish teachings
1560 - Stefano Negrino - Starved to death in prison - Italy
1561 - 88 men had throats slit in Montalto - Italy
1561 - Hugo Chiamps - Entrails torn from his body at Turin, Italy
1561 - Peter Geymarali - Entrails torn from his body at Lucerna, Italy
1561 - Maria Romano - Buried alive at Rocco-patia, Italy
1561 - Magdalen Foulano - Buried alive at San Giovanni, Italy
1561 - Susan Michelini - Hands and feet bound - Left to die in cold and hunger - Saracena, Italy
1561 - Bartholomew Fache - Gashed with Sabres and wounds filled with quicklime - Died from the agonizing pain
1561 - James Baridari -Sulpherous matches placed all over body and then lit
1561 - Daniel Revelli - Mouth filled with gun powder and then lit - Head blown to pieces
1561 - Maria Monnen - Flesh cut from cheek and chin thus exposing cheek bone- left to Perish
1561 - Thomas Margueti - Mutilated to death at Miraboco, Italy
1561 - Sudan Jaquin - Cut to bits in La Torre, Italy
1561 - Sara Rostagnol - Slit open from legs to Bosom - Perished on road between Eyral and Lucerna
1561 - Anna Char bonnier - Impaled on a spike and carried from San Giovanni to La Torre
1561 - Daniel Rambaud - Refused to renounce the true Gospel as they took his nails off, then fingers, then his feet, then his hands, then his arms and finally his legs at Paesano, Italy
1562 - James Bovell - Rejected Rome’s teachings in favor of the Bible
1566 - Francesco Spinula - Drowned at Venice, Italy for making a Latin version of the Psalms
1567 - Pietro Carnesecchi - Refused to bow to papal authority
1570 - Aonio Paleario - Martyred for writing a book called “The benefit of Christ’s Death.”
1572 - St Bartholomew’s Day Massacre - 4,000 brutally murdered of the French Huguenots - It lasted from August 24 to October 23 - Total killed during this time was about 35,000

Virgil (Publius Virgilius Maro 70BC - 19BC) in his Aeneid (book 10, lines 284 & 458) has the phrase "audentis fortuna iuvat" (Fortune aids those daring) or Fortune favors the bold...

Hindu Druga & Egyptian Nut the Primordial Mother {the 20 sided Cosmic Isogon} can Create, Preserve, and Destroy. The native great mother spider's web is the "field of infinite energy” equal too the Egyptian Goddess Nut and Hindu Durga the Primordial mother of us all.

In Islam Allah had three Daughters Allat, Al-Uzza, and Manat. Listed online Al-Uzza is described as a warrior maiden so she is linked to Athena. However with the pattern of ALL things it would make Al-Uzza equal to goddess Nut. Allah linked to Amon-Ra.

Three links from different cultures and time make a pattern 

With Freemasonry females are no better then whores mainly because Satan hates females.

The lot of women can only be explained as Satan expressing his enmity toward the woman:::

 Genesis 3:15. And I will put enmity between thee and the woman and between thy seed and her seed. He shall bruise thy head and thou shall bruise His heel.


Daniel 11:37 ~ Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.

Masonic Chair Dance Ritual @

The list is the "official" reason why UK crown have their claim to the throne to their divine right to rule they say: "In the following genealogy those who reigned have K fixed to their names.
1. Adam, b c 4000, 3070, Eve. (Adam the atom (ie Zeus), and Eve (ie Hera) the Electron; WHO NEVER EXISTED as in the *dogmatic* story)
2. Seth, b c 3870, 2978 (Seth Egyptian god of darkness aka Satan)
3. Enos, b c 3765, 2860
4. Cainan, b c 3675, 2765
5. Mahalaleel, b c 3605, 2710

^> IF Adam and Eve never existed then their claim to the throne is bullshit. IF they say it true then by the same dogmatic law of the bible we have to kill them for worshiping BAAL\Moloch\Hades. Including Rome. if only mass people knew... thy Lord God commands you to kill all those who worship BAAL... In London is/was a BAAL arch way... by following the Bible which is in part of the UK crown claim to the throne. We the people have to kill them... 1 Kings 18:40 KJV "And Elijah said unto them, Take the prophets of Baal; let not one of them escape. And they took them: and Elijah brought them down to the brook Kishon, and slew them there." 

>Moloch, BAAL or Hades they're names for the same anti-light consciousness energy... "All (anti-light) roads lead to Rome", Rome slaughtered all free thinking Females (Hellenistic Gnostics) throughout Time. Also assisted the anti-light non-human forces to enslave the entire Planet. Ares is the god of Rome and Ares in other cultures is ???" the Olympian gods were friendly towards Ares. Firstly, Hades was thankful to the god of the War because the Underworld’s population grew bigger and bigger thanks to Ares’s activity. The second was Eris ((Lilith) (Discord)), sister of Ares who run next to him during his war campaigns. Deimos (Terror) and Fovos (Fear) was also sons of Ares and the accompanied him in the wars.Athena and Ares were enemies and they had a lot of quarrels even in the battlefields. Even though both of them were strictly connected to the War, they were diametrically opposed because Athena used her wisdom in order to make a good war strategy contrary to Ares who was hot-tempered and keen on the war violence. He fought by the Trojans during the Trojan War and Athena wounded him twice. When Ares went to Zeus complaining for Athena’s attack against him, Zeus, who disliked Ares because of his vicious character, lambasted him despite Ares’s arguments that his father favored Athena.

>The Monumental Arch, also called the Arch of Triumph (Arabic: قوس النصر‎) or the Arch of Septimius Severus, was a Roman ornamental archway in Palmyra, Syria. It was built in the 3rd century during the reign of emperor Septimius Severus.

>Persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire occurred intermittently over a period of over two centuries between the Great Fire of Rome in 64 AD under Nero and the Edict of Milan in 313 AD, in which the Roman Emperors Constantine the Great and Licinius legalised the Christian religion. 

The persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire was carried out by the state and also by local authorities on a sporadic, ad hoc basis, often at the whims of local communities. Starting in 250 AD, empire-wide persecution took place as an indirect consequence of an edict by the emperor Decius. This edict was in force for eighteen months, during which time some Christians were killed while others apostatised to escape execution. 

These persecutions heavily influenced the development of Christianity, shaping Christian theology and the structure of the Church. The effects of the persecutions included the writing of explanations and defenses of the Christian religion. 

>The Temple of Baalshamin >>> The Arch of Triumph of Palmyra is recreated in London - 1,800 years after it was built in 2016 @

Scripture itself is telling you not to take it dogmatically like a history text book but to seek the higher or deeper (gnostic or esoteric) meaning:

(Old Testament) 2 Corinthians 3:4-6 (NKJV) “The Spirit, Not the Letter” - And we have such trust through Christ toward God. Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think of anything as being from ourselves, but our sufficiency is from God, 6 who also made us sufficient as ministers of the new covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.


(New Testament) Matthew 13:33-35 (KJV) Another parable spake he unto them; The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven, which a woman took, and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened. All these things spake Jesus unto the multitude in parables; and without a parable spake he not unto them. That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, saying, I will open my mouth in parables; I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world.

Giving Tithe or 10% has nothing to do with giving physical gold but of Consciousness the 10% of your mind your metaphorical gold. Which was the Gnostic teachings before Rome turned the teaching dogmatic like a history text book.

The Knights Templar didn’t create anything They are the predecessors of Roman Catholics Jesuit\Freemasons who took h Hellenistic Gnostic teachings and manipulated it for their own purposes.The catholic priests in the past and still are afraid people to be too smart for them to control one day if they knew too much. Same to for all dogmatic Christian-based subgroups A.k.a. Baptist, Methodist, Latter-day Saints Mormonism etc.To why also the catholic church burned people alive for reading or owning the Bible. Mainly because people would point out how they Catholics don’t follow scripture; maybe to why now they want to re-word Scripture...


The Hellenistic Greek/Egyptian Gnostic Apple

In the 2nd section this picture the apple from the tree of knowledge is from the Hellenistic Greek/Egyptian Gnostics. The apple is the charkas in full light up your spine as seen in the picture... “Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem," means “Visit the interior of the earth, and by rectifying (correcting or purifying) what you find there, you will discover the hidden stone” -&-  Dead Sea Scrolls: "If you bring Forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you." - The Gnostic Christ

^> When the Roman dogmatic verison is a physical apple outside of the self.  Since what Freemasons, Catholic and others who practice dogma it to make metaphysical quantum or Psychological terminology into physical names of objects or locations.


To make it easy for people, everything in existence is within a Torus field. From the cell to living being to the planet to the Solar system to the galaxy to the cluster of galaxies to the universe itself. So the Big Bang is the center of the Torus field.

It’s astro & quantum physics; “When we keep expanding our perception and conception to the scales of solar systems, galaxies, galactic clusters and universes, the pattern is still toroidal. Solar System Torus Solar System Spirals Galaxy Torus” ~ By Foster Gamble

“The self, in a toroidal universe, can be both separate and connected with the rest of the universe.” - Arthur Young

Remember with and in "everything" “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” ~ Nikola Tesla

Magnetic fields are produced by electric currents, which can be macroscopic currents in wires, or microscopic currents associated with electrons in atomic orbits. The magnetic field B is defined in terms of force on moving charge in the Lorentz force law.

&&& Zeus is Adam (atom) Hera is Eve (electron bonding) and Eris is Lilith  <^>

The torus field is spherical is based on the magnetic flow of the Atom - For all the dogmatics story there is a quantum physics counterpart...

The magnetic flow of the Atom - All dogmatic stories there is a quantum physics counterpart...  Hellenistic Christian Gnostics with Quantum physics: "God takes a rib out of Adam and Makes Eve, the “Rib” is part of Adam like an Electron a part of the Atom If we take an electron from Atom we cause a new action of creation, the dogma story is saying that all life began with the splitting of the Atom/Adam. The part of Adam and Eve is known as Ionic boning, the scientific process is called Ionic Bonding. Atoms that have gained or lost electrons are called ions. Because each electron has a negative charge, the gain of electrons creates a negative ion and the loss of electrons creates a positive ion. In short if you take and electron out of (or from) an Atom it creates a positive Ion; If you add (or increase) an electron into an Atom it creates a negative Ion. The attraction between negative and positive ions results in strong bonds called ionic bonds that hold the ions together; the key pattern is “positive & negative”, “light & dark”, and “female & male”. To form sodium chloride an electron from a sodium atom is transferred to a chlorine atom; thus something new is formed." ~ From Bill Donahue

Red or Fission moving the Adam\atom outward for the negative ION is dogmatically called Lilith
Blue or Fusion moving the Adam/Atom inward for the positive ION is dogmatically Eve

Like the spiral galaxy and the billions of suns flow around the core or center; inward towards the center which is high frequency - As Above

Is like the spiraling electrons, protons and neutrons of the atom just depends on the amount of electrons, protons and neutrons the movement direction for the energy type or element type - So Below


3rd section this picture --- Allah esoterically means all of us, just like the Christen word Hallelujah (pronounced in English Allelujah(Allahuia) means praise all of us... Judaism in the ancient world combined Jewish religious tradition with elements of Atlantean, Greek, Hindu, and Tibetan cultures; where Jesus comes from equaling 888. Until the fall of the Roman Empire and the Muslim conquests of the Eastern Mediterranean, the main centers of Hellenistic Judaism were Alexandria (Egypt) and Antioch Northern Syria which is now Turkey, 'Joshua/Jesheua' and in Hebrew to English J's and Y's are inner-changed so the Son's/Sun's name is Yoshua or spelled Yeshua for Hebrew But also in Greek IHSOUS before Latin (catholic) Jesus came into being at The Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D. after 300+ years of Rome slaughtering horrifically true gnostic Christians. Greek gods; Early Christian art is rich with Dionysus associations, whether in boisterous representations of agape feasting, in the miracle of water-into-wine at Cana, in wine and vine motifs alluding to the Eucharaist, and most the use of Dionysus facial traits for representations of Christ." ~Dr. Thomas F. Mathews, The Clash of the Gods, 45. Before Rome made Jesus from Greek IHSOUS because it was too close to Egyptian Horus. They 'All' refer to the 'Son/Sun' dogma (traditional Christianity) says Son and Esoteric (Gnostics Christianity) says Sun when reviewing the same material. The esoteric/Gnostics are the Hellenistic Greeks of Ancient Egypt, while the Worldwide commonly known dogma/traditional are the Catholics and every sub-version of them like Baptists, or Methodists etc. The reason why this is not Taught to the masses is because if people knew the connection of them all by which groups and why, they would easily see {Ihsous = Horus} is just like {Joshua/Jesheua = Yoshua/Yeshua} are connection by the same and different reasons; which would blow the dogma/traditional out of the water and free humanity from forced Spiritual enslavement via ignorance and fear. Within our solar system we have the Sun which is natural Union and 888 referring to Christ which is trinity

It’s about perception of scripture and the mindset do you see it dogmatically or esoterically (Gnostic)...

Qur'an, 23:86 "See ye not how God has created the seven heavens one above another?"

Do you see it dogmatically as in there are seven physical heavens that you can physically stand on?

Do you see it Esoterically the seven heavens are like the seven chakras within each of us?

Just like Allah esoterically means all of us, just like the word hallelujah means praise all of us...


Christen: Revelations 1:20 “As for the mystery of the seven stars which you saw in my right hand, and the seven golden lampstands: the seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, and the seven lampstands are the seven churches.”

do you see it dogmatically as the seven churches or seven candle sticks are physical objects that you can hold or go to?


Do you see it esoterically the seven candle sticks/churches are like the seven chakras?

Judaism: Book of Tephi 3:3 We were five that rode upon asses, and five by the mules they led Whereon were the things brought forth from the House of the Lord when we fled, The (Bethel) Stone of Jacob our father, The Seat wherein Yahweh ("I AM") dwells.” & “…The queen of the Gates and Nile cometh out of Jerusalem. As a sweet fruit ripened in Winter. Hither with her the Stone, The Stone of the Kingdom (Bethel) cometh. It shall not be left alone. Henceforth of her sons forever. I bid ye prepare her a home. Wherein all shall be meet and ready that the feet of the queen shall come…”
Do you see that dogmatically as a physical queen will be somewhere will come to you with her stone?


Do you see it esoterically as the Queen is Kundalini: is feminine energy who lies asleep at the base of the spine, coiled 3 1/2 times around the first chakra, awaiting unfoldment with Chokmah (Jewish Wisdom Union) providing the raw energy. The chakras are not physical they are aspects of consciousness in the same way that the auras are aspects of consciousness. The chakras are more dense than the auras, but not as dense as the physical body. They interact with the physical body through two major vehicles, the endocrine system and the nervous system. Each of the seven chakras is associated with one of the seven endocrine glands, and also with a group of nerves called a plexus. Thus, each chakra can be associated with particular parts of the body and particular functions within the body controlled by that plexus or that endocrine gland associated with that chakra.

It was Rome and the dark entities "they" serve. After horrifically slaughtering Hellenistic Gnostics for 300+ years. Council of Nicaea Rome declared themselves rulers of Christianity and removed and severely altering sacred texts and killed people for reading by burning people alive; so people couldn't read and learn them. The true sabbath to connect Islam & Christianity is Friday not Sunday. The English weekday name Friday comes from Old English "Frīge's Day" and is cognate with Old High German frîatac. Both weekday names are result of interpretatio germanica that occurred at or before the 3rd or 4th century CE, glossing the Latin weekday name dies Veneris 'Day of Venus'. Several place names refer to Frigg in what are now Norway and Sweden, although her name is altogether absent in recorded place names in Denmark..

^^>> "The Roman emperor Constantine, a former sun-worshiper, professed conversion to Christianity, though his subsequent actions suggest the “conversion” was more of a political move than a genuine heart change. Constantine named himself Bishop of the Catholic Church and enacted the first civil law regarding Sunday observance in A.D. 321.

On the venerable day of the sun let the magistrate and people residing in cities rest, and let all workshops be closed. In the country however, persons engaged in agricultural work may freely and lawfully continue their pursuits; because it often happens that another day is not so suitable for grain growing or for vine planting; lest by neglecting the proper moment for such operations the bounty of heaven should be lost. —Schaff’s History of the Christian Church, vol. III, chap. 75.

Note that Constantine’s law did not even mention Sabbath but referred to the mandated rest day as a “the venerable day of the sun.” And how kind he was to allow people to observe it as it was convenient. Contrast this with God’s command to observe the Sabbath “even during the plowing season and harvest” (Exodus 34:21)! Perhaps the church leaders noticed this laxity as well, for just four years later, in A.D. 325, Pope Sylvester officially named Sunday “the Lord’s Day,” and in A.D. 338, Eusebius, the court bishop of Constantine, wrote, “All things whatsoever that it was the duty to do on the Sabbath (the seventh day of the week) we (Constantine, Eusebius, and other bishops) have transferred to the Lord’s Day (the first day of the week) as more appropriately belonging to it.” Instead of the humble lives of persecution and self-sacrifice led by the apostles, church leaders now exalted themselves to the place of God. “This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world” (1 John 4:3)."Emily Thomsen @


The 4th section this picture: Do you want to be the Fire purifying or being purified by the fire? 

Savior is a Protagonist - Satan is the Antagonist 

In the ancient world the combination of religious traditions with elements of Atlantean, Greek, Hindu, Judaism, Hebrew and Tibetan cultures; from the view of esoteric/Gnostic teachings. If you use you mind's eye and spin the view point from ancient Egypt to the 17th century Greek painting, from side view to strait on. Then if you notice the King/Lord Osiris/Zeus of Ancient Egypt/Greece also in the same position as Lord Krishna = Dionysus being similar with Ophiuchus standing on the snake, and with the Harp or Flute same high frequency sound with Eta Carina that gives birth to Suns when the King condensation is located. Krishna is considered a full avatar of Vishnu, or one with Vishnu himself.


Whenever Hera, (ISIS) queen of the Olympians, has had enough of her husband’s attitude, she tries getting even with him. When Zeus produced a daughter, Athena, from his own head, she wanted to show him that she was his equal, so she bore a son, Hephaestus. Now, Athena, although sprung from her father with no mother in sight, had had a mother. Her father had disposed of her by swallowing her, so Athena had all the necessary genes to be a full woman. Not so with Hera’s parthenogenic son. Hephaestus was pretty good, considering there was no one to provide him with his y-chromosome, but his mother thought him hideously ugly.

Exposure of infants is a familiar topos of ancient history and mythology. The child was “exposed to the elements” to die or be picked up by someone else in need of a baby [Oedipus, Romulus and Remus, Moses, and Cyrus the Great] or slave. Among the gods, death isn’t a possibility, but nevertheless, Hera (or possibly Zeus) threw her deformed son from their home, high atop Mt. Olympus. The plunge took more than a day, so when lame Hephaestus landed, he needed help. Thetis, the future mother of the Trojan War hero Achilles, tended him, incurring his obligation to make the fantastic set of armor described in the Iliad. When Hephaestus healed, he plotted revenge against his mother. His divine gift is metallurgy. Known to the Romans as the blacksmith god Vulcan, he is associated with volcanoes, his smithies set up under the craters and vents. Hephaestus made a special type of metal throne that could permanently trap a person. He sent one of these to his mother, who, assuming her son wanted to buy her love, accepted it. Not only did she accept the gift, but she sat in the chair, and so was stuck.

Hephaestus (DWARFS & TROLLS with the FALLEN ANGELS behind NANO-TECH) refused to unstick Mommy Dearest. None of the gods who rushed to help their queen could do anything. Hephaestus’ brother Ares tried to talk with him, but Hephaestus threw firebrands at the war god. Eventually, another parthenogenic child of Zeus offered to help. This was Dionysus, unique among the gods in having at one time had a mortal mother. Zeus had impregnated a Theban maiden named Semele. When Hera learned of this infidelity, pretending to be a friend, she tricked Semele into making Zeus reveal his full grandeur. Seeing the brilliance of the god, the mortal burst into flames, but before everything was gone, Zeus scooped up the not yet-born Dionysus and sewed the fetus in his thigh, whence it was born in due time.

Hera, desperate, accepted Dionysus’ condition: He wished to take a throne as the youngest Olympian. *IN real LIfe Wish to be on Hera's Side/Team, like a Pawn who loves his Queen"; better then tatrutus BY FAR!.  


Protagonist is a noun that refers to the main character of a literary work. Usually this is the hero or heroine of the story. The protagonist of the story has magical powers, which she uses to fight evil. Antagonist is a noun that describes the person who struggles against the protagonist by causing evil. Evil as in torturing, enslavement, raping, killing without reason, and bathing in blood.

Black Chess pieces are connected to the 'order' side of the Cosmos

Truth about the pleiadians have no connection to any chakra including the root. I have sections to my blog say pointing out how they are the fallen angels… Yes while it is within the King’s purview to slain, it’s still the light to try and give chance and healing and use violence last resort. maybe even to go away and let the dark destroy themselves kind of thing…

In Greek Hermes (pleiadies) tried to steal Apollo‘s (Auriga) ox 🐂 ♉️ Taurus constellation 🌌 - it’s known as the “trial of Hermes” at the end of it Apollo gets the ox back and friendship with Hermes. Keep in mind that Apollo is Krishna is Jesus in the sense of forgiving and healing ❤️‍🩹 Who in Egyptian is Horus as king only banished Set he did not kill Set; Same with Hermes (Thoth).

Do you know that Uranus and Mars are different Planets? Like Auriga and Arcturus are different constellations? Like Apollo and Ares are different Greek gods? If you follow the lines from the planet symbols to the human and/or beast that planet represents. Rome and its anti-light masters used the image of Jesus from the picture above by the Hellenistic Gnostics who wrote the Dead Sea scrolls from Greece/Egypt. To make the Greek god Ares and/or the Egyptian Seth equal to the Hindu Shiva (Mars is war and Saturn is destruction) to be the image of the savior. IF you think about, why is that one only image that the Roman church who lies and kills innocent people though out time (dark ages and witch trials burning people alive; with the Nazi’s in WW2 to current date) would say is the savior?

Smile Empty Soul - This Is War @ 

White Chess pieces are connected to the 'order' side of the Cosmos

 I noticed in one of the FB model girls showed some evidence of pedophilia. Why is it usually homosexual pedophilia with the secret society members. Greek Eris ie Polaris star is the queen of chaos for death and disharmony. In order to have Harmony or even Life you need the union of opposites to why the Queen of Heaven is Hera ie Sirius star. For Norse Loki who raped Idun (Virgo) for HER Golden Apples with the assistance from the Dark Elves. To why all murders and rapists go to the fire realm.  Loki is Greek Ares who is Greek title of Satan for Christen terms. Ares was like by Hades the Real Satan for all the souls he would send to to Tartarus. There is a difference in being an antagonist damming people and being a protagonist in healing people.   I deal with Thousands of "people" (trolls, non-humans, bots) online. I am no Saint... In my other page omitted already I OD at EDC 2012 & no water. Then went to the The Wood of the Self-Murderers: The Harpies. By the Grace of the Light I was saved. Then roughly one year later I had my kundalini experience. I still make mistakes daily but not a secret society member, no blood rituals or sex with kids.  

Eris is connected to Epstein's blood orgy island 


The 5th picture: This is of Egyptian Thoth is the ancient Egyptian Neter equal to Hermes god or known as Hermes Trismegistus "The Thrice Greatest." Norse Heimdallr and Judeo-Christen Arch Angel Michael who is Roman Mercury, Mayan Kukulkan, and to the Aztecs Quetzalcoatl.IE FALLEN ANGEL!!!! 

Elfs 🧝‍♀️= Birds & lizards 🦎 & I am 🐒 😅

In Norse mythology there are two groups of elves bright elves and dark elves

Bright elfs heal - give the Love to the world, Dawn of a New Day.

Dark elfs steal - take the light away from humans for the eternal night.

The differences is not the skin but the 👀 bright elfs have bright 👀 dark elfs have black 👀 eyes.

From verity of media content in America and Europe (Netflix Ragnarok series {real Jotunheim is in south africa; plus giants, fire giants and ice giants are all from different realms}) many people confuse dwarfs with dark or just elves; also in Norse there is Bright elves and Dark elves.  Norse Valkyrie (equal to Greek Amazons) are the Bright Elves; Norse Gna with Pegasus. Elves are Angels so Dark Elves are Fallen angels The best way to describe a Dark Elf they look like the living dead but the have pointed ears but with black eyes. the Realm of Svartalfheim for the Dark elves right next the realm of Helhiem both dark relams n either side of chain princess Andromeda the opposite frequency of Queen Hera using the Law of Harmonics with the Cosmos locations. Dark elves steal souls to eat souls from the realm of Helhiem. Like in Greek how Hermes is a psychopomp  takes souls from Greek Hell but collects them... assumed to return them here on earth however with connection to dark elves Hermes takes them to eat them.   

Double square of Melchizedek (castor connected Ares to Cain) while Abel is Apollo

 1st the connection between Loki and the Dark Elves... *The treasures of the Gods* Loki's malice was in reality the occasion of the acquiring by the Æsir (Æsir = Law of Harmoic A & E) of all the precious weapons and treasures that served them in such good stead during their warfare with the Giants. Once on a time Loki cut off all of Sif's hair. When Thor found out what had happened, he seized on Loki and threatened to crush every bone in his body; he relented only on [51} Loki's swearing that he would get the Dark-Elves to fashion for Sif hair from gold that would grow like other hair. Loki went with his task to certain Dwarfs known as the Sons of Ivaldi; and they, made not only the hair but also the ship Skidbladnir and the spear Gungnir. @ ~~~
Snorri's Edda I, 340-46. 
On the rape of Idun:::  Loki's wiles provided the direct occasion for these events. Once on a time Odin, accompanied by Loki and Hænir, set forth on a journey that took them across mountains and over wastes where it was no easy matter to find food. At length, on descending into a valley, they caught sight of a drove of oxen; seizing one of the herd they kindled a fire, and began to boil the flesh. ~&~ Page 56, line 11 — The myth of Thjazi and Idun seems to have been widespread and well-known (cf. note to p. 76). The skalds sometimes refer to Idun as "Thjazi's booty," and to gold as the [316} "Giants' mouth-reckoning" or as the "Giants' words." According to Snorri's account in the Ynglinga Saga, Skadi became thoroughly tired of Njord and later wedded Odin; their son was Saeming, ancestor of the Haloigja family.It is not certain just which stars were supposed to have been formed from Thjazi's eyes. In the opinion of J. Fr. Schroeter (Maal og Minne 1919, p. 120 f.) they are the two stars β and γ in Ursa Minor.
> 2nd the connection with Hermes and Ares both from Arcadia Why Alcyon of the Pleiades stays with Hinduism instead of connecting all cultures example Greek with Shiva being Ares also Alcyon is Hermes why Hermes is against Zeus and his Sons like Dionysus. and Apollo. For In Greek mythology, Lycaon (/laɪˈkeɪɒn/; Attic Greek: Λυκᾱ́ων, Attic Greek: [ly.kǎː.ɔːn]) was a king of Arcadia who, in the most popular version of the myth, tested Zeus' omniscience by serving him the roasted flesh of Lycaon's own son Nyctimus, in order to see whether Zeus was truly all-knowing. In return for these gruesome deeds, Zeus transformed Lycaon into a wolf and killed his offspring; Nyctimus was restored to life. Sons of Lycaon Acacus (Ancient Greek: Ἄκακος means "harmless"), in Greek mythology, was a king of Acacesium (Ἀκακήσιον) in Arcadia, the son of Lycaon, and the foster-father of the infant Hermes. Hermes whats Ares to be the new Zeus like how Hermes wants Shiva to be the new Brahma. OR Seth to be the new Amon-Ra, and Loki to ebe the NEW Odin like in the Marvel Movie "Thor: Ragnarok". ALWAY the Hollywood thus Ares with Hermes with Eris makes Queen Isis is made weak when she is the most powerful Goddess next to the creator of ALL 

Hollywood purposely misrepresents Thoth|Heimdallr|Hermes|Mercury|Michael WITH Hollywood is satanic to them Satan\Seth\Shiva\Ares is their a savior; as seen in the picture.; Technically from ancient Egypt BAAL would be Saturn. (Mars is war and Saturn is destruction)


The 6th picture:

The 6th section this picture from the ancient teachings because of the negative energy Saturn is Black, also Is baphomet  is in black. Seth\Satan is black not necessarily skin color but energy is black; to what also Saturn\Seth\Satan\Melchizedek (Technically from ancient Egypt BAAL equal to Hades would be Saturn; Mars is war and Saturn is destruction ) wants to be everything the all in one God; at times Satanic Freemasons make Melchizedek to be the father/photon/king, mother/electromagnetic/queen, son/union/prince/savior by using people ignorance of the ancient teachings. Don’t forget it was the satanic Freemasons who enslaved people of Africa and name them Nigger loosely from the alchemical word Nigredo basically means black. They use Hollywood movies and TV shows to have sympathy for people of black color while they use'em to insult the spiritual teachings via people ignorance. Baal is "owner" = Melchizedek being titled regent of earth. The double squares of Melchizedek connected to north pole of Saturn's hex-cube and Saturn is Satan.

2 Corinthians 4:4  "Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don't believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don't understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God." <^> antagonist = Definition of antagonist

1 : one that contends with or opposes another : adversary, opponent political antagonists

2 : an agent of physiological antagonism: such as

a : a muscle that contracts with and limits the action of an agonist with which it is paired

— called also antagonistic muscle

b : a chemical that acts within the body to reduce the physiological activity of another chemical substance (such as an opiate = why America soldiers guard and transport opium) especially for 2 Corinthians 4:4: one that opposes the action on the nervous system of a drug or a substance occurring naturally in the body by combining with and blocking its nervous receptor  


Baal (/ˈbl/ BAYL; sometimes spelled Bael, Baël (French), Baell, Buel) is one of the seven princes of Hell in 17th-century goetic occult writings. The name is drawn from the Canaanite deity Baal mentioned in the Hebrew Bible as the primary god of the Phoenicians. In this hierarchy, Baal (usually spelt "Bael" in this context; there is a possibility that the two figures aren't connected) is ranked as the first and principal king of Hell, ruling over the East. According to some authors, Baal is a Duke with sixty-six legions of demons under his command. According to Francis Barrett, he has the power to make those who invoke him invisible. During the English Puritan period, Baal was either compared to Satan or considered his main assistant. Some demonologists believe his power is stronger in October. The origin of Halloween in Samhain involves pagan worship and sacrifice to Baal.[1][2][3][4] While his Semitic predecessor was depicted as a man or a bull,[5] the demon Baal was in grimoire tradition said to appear in the forms of a man, cat, toad, or combinations thereof.

Moloch[a] is the biblical name of a Canaanite god associated with child sacrifice. The name of this deity is also sometimes spelled Molech, Milcom, or Malcam. Biblical Hebrew מלך (mlk) usually stands for מֶלֶךְmelek "king" (Akkadian malku), but when vocalized as מֹלֶךְmōlek in the Masoretic Text, it has been traditionally understood as a proper name. While the received Masoretic text dates to the Middle Ages, the existence of the form Ancient Greek: Μολοχ (Molokh, whence Vulgate Moloch) in the Septuagint establishes that the distinction dates to the Second Temple period. Moloch has been traditionally interpreted as the name of a god, possibly a god surnamed "the king" (cf. adon "lord", baʿal "master"), but pejoratively mispronounced as Molek instead of Melek, using the vocalisation of Hebrew בּשֶׁתbosheth "shame",[2

The satanic Freemasons make this in the context that it’s a evil thing when it produces cosmic light of divinity. The epic clue to solving if it's bad is it good, is in astrological symbols. The Sun is the same as Ra, for Venus is the ankh also known as crux ansata (the Latin for "cross with a handle") is an ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic ideograph symbolizing "life" and the 3rd Eye if the Kundalini energy went up the spine. While Saturn's astrological symbol is of a cross with the serpent tail which is in the opposite direction of the 3rd eye; no scriptures involved and the proof is right there. To Mercury again the ankh but with horns, for interconnection to the Hippocampus belongs to the limbic system and plays important roles in the consolidation of information from short-term memory to long-term memory, and in spatial memory that enables navigation. The hippocampus is located under the cerebral cortex and in primates in the medial temporal lobe. It contains two main interlocking parts: the hippocampus proper (also called Ammon's horn) and the dentate gyrus. What the Satanist or Satanist do is the make metaphysical terminology or physical object locations into demonic creations or manifestations when in truth has nothing to do with them but is against them; another example would be the Swastika how it belonged to countless cultures long before the Nazis yet to what most can only think of.


The 7th section:  

Marvel Comic version of Sirius vs Polaris

It depends on what level your on a Atom, Cell, Planet, Solar system, Galaxy, Universe. While Venus most of the year is the Brightest Planet before dawn. On Friday September 27, Earth Year 2019 the Brightest Star and Largest Star before dawn is Sirius the Queen Mother Hera/Isis/Frigg/Radha. Connected to the higher third eye chakra. The Queen's is represented by Juno ⚵ a scepter topped with a star [41]. Also the only female & largest zodiac the Sun takes most amount of days to travel through it. Rome and the Rothschilds (Jesuit\Freemasons\Knights Templar) call satan\saturn Lucifer mainly because its rare people actually read the Bible so satanist play on people’s ignorance. There is another reason because of the Torus Field, As above So Below, by rising to the top or falling to the bottom. Going in the opposite direction the serpent tail (Saturn etc) away from source or the 3rd eye completely; will destroy you completely thus return to the Light. Instead of going toward Source and the 3rd eye is divine (Venus/Sirius Etc.); you would be living and one with the Light.   

Why was 6 afraid of 7? Because 7 ate 9 


The Road Not Taken  - 1874-1963

Luke 11:30-31: Jesus said: “For as Jonah became a sign to the men of Nineveh, so will the Son of man be to this generation. The Queen of the South will rise at the judgment with the people of this generation and judge them…”

Hera (Isis) is #1 because she is connected to all the charakas.; use the 3rd eye 1st before sacral chakra. Athena is #2 she is connected to the Heart to the 3rd eye charakas. Aphrodite is #3 she is connected to the sacral to the heart chakras. Which leaves Eris (Lilith) #4 she is NOT connected to any of them, Eris goes away from the 3rd eye. Hera is White Tantra the union of Male and Female going up the spine; Athena is on that side as well. Aphrodite is Gray Tantra. Then Eris (lilith) is the opposite meaning everything forbidden sexual aka Black Tantra. Everything is a Duality thus the union of Opposites sex the exchange of energy changes based on the order of operations to which part(s) of the body is being used or not used.; ie using the 3rd eye or not.

Sophie is a reference to a Queen of Greece IE Hera who is Isis, the Black Queen in Chess also linked to a Black Snake. However in the Scene is a character named "Sheila" if you remove the E Shila you get > shila (Devanagari: शालिग्राम शिला Śāligrāma-śilā), is a particular variety of stone collected from riverbed or banks of the Kali (Polaris the white queen in chess or white snake) Gandaki, a tributary of the Gandaki River in Nepal< linking to the White Bishop Aphrodite who is represented by a Yellow same in native teachings why she is wearing a Yellow dress. At the end the two walk around but end up back at a Merry go Round which is hidden teachings of ouroboros the snake eating itself which would be the same over and over. That going to Sophie the True Queen Hera. With Daenerys Targaryen (Isis) wanted to brake the 'wheel' is the breaking of the 'ouroboros' for the dawn of a new cosmic day... 

Hindu: : The word Sukra in Sanskrit means ‘lucid, clear and bright’, and as such Sukra is the brightest planet. Sirius feminine energy. Goddess Lakshmi is the presiding deity. The Buddhist Goddess of abundance and good fortune Vasudhara also mirrors the attributes of Lakshmi. The signs Taurus and Libra, the second and seventh in the natal chart are ruled by Venus. Areas of life attributed to Venus are pleasure, affection, intimacy, ornaments, luxury, comfort, sensual satisfaction, passions, tendency to enjoy pleasure, vitality, affluence, appearance, artistic talents and fine arts. Venus is an embodiment of love and beauty. Sukra is an indicator of matters relating to spouse and partners. Reproductive system, face, throat and kidney in a physical body is controlled by Venus.  According to the Harivamsa Lakshmi is the mother of Kama, the god of love and so provides an interesting parallel to the Greek goddess Hera. Hera, the Greek Goddess of Women and Marriage, is known for her extremely jealous nature. But, she also stands for long-lasting matrimony and fidelity.  Hera (Roman: Juno) was the queen of the Olympian gods and goddesses in ancient Greek mythology. She was the sister and wife of Zeus, the King of the Olympians, who had tricked her into marriage. Otherwise a beautiful and solemn woman, Hera is known for her vengeful nature and her long-lasting jealousies for the numerous lovers and consorts of her philanderer husband. Added to this, Hera is also often depicted to be scheming against Heracles, who was one of her many stepsons. Owing to the fact that Hera was always loyal to Zeus, and in an ongoing tug-of-war with all the other women who were seduced by him, some scholars have postulated that the goddess’ cult might have taken root in some pre-Hellenic matriarchal culture, and the tradition may have then, assimilated within the Greek pantheon. In Greek mythology, Hera is the Goddess of Women and Marriage. But, she is also the Goddess of the Skies and Starry Heavens, owing to Zeus’ association with the two. In Greek mythology, Hera is the daughter of Titans, Cronus and Rhea. Cronus was told by his parents, Ouranos (Sky) and Gaia (Earth), that his rule will be usurped by one of his own sons, who will then assume power as the King of Gods. 

Sirius is not Venus.

 Goddess Lakshmi (Hera) was born from the churning of the primordial ocean (Samudra manthan) and she chose Vishnu as her consort. When Vishnu incarnated on Earth as Rama Lakshmi descended as his respective consort - Sita (Rama's wife) and Rukmini (Krishna's wife). Ancient scriptures of India declare all women to be the embodiments of Lakshmi. Hindu wedding rituals and ceremonies also embody the marriage and relationship of the Divine couple Lakshmi and Vishnu. Lakshmi is also considered as another aspect of the same supreme Goddess of the Shaktism tradition. The goddess is particularly associated with the lotus flower and is sometimes referred to simply as the Lotus Goddess.  In this guise she is a member of the Buddhist pantheon too. The goddess has no temples built in her name but she is particularly worshipped in one of Hinduism’s most evocative celebrations, the annual Diwali or ‘Festival of Lights’, held every October-November.

Everything everything everything physical or manifested has a quantum connection/reference all the different mothers are different electromagnetic frequencies like emotions or states of consciousness; electromagnetic energy is feminine. Like from the Roman Aurora or Germanic Ostara/Esther (Easter) to the Middle Eastern Ishtar & other names Asherah/Ashtoreth associated with love, sex, beauty, fertility and the Sun. Planet Venus Symbol Gate guarded by lions, eight pointed star, Symbolic staff.

>Christen: The Gospel of Luke says seven demons had gone out of her,[Lk. 8:2] and the longer ending of Mark says Jesus had cast seven demons out of her[Mk. 16:9]. She is most prominent in the narrative of the crucifixion of Jesus, at which she was present, and the witness in all four gospels of the empty tomb, the central fact of Jesus' resurrection. She was also present two days later, immediately following the sabbath,[4] when, according to all four canonical Gospels,[Matthew 28:1–8] [Mark 16:9–10] [Luke 24:10] [John 20:18] she was, either alone or as a member of a group of women, the first to testify to the resurrection of Jesus. John 20 and Mark 16:9 specifically name her as the first person to see Jesus after his resurrection.  In both cases, her name has to do with re-birth, rejuvenation, inspiration, and light. Her relationship with the sky identified her with Venus, the evening and morning star. From Earth, Venus can appear up to 47 degrees away from the Sun. During these times, when it rises or sets a few hours before or after the Sun, it can be seen just before sunrise or just after sunset as a bright morning or evening star. To which brings the light (Lucifer). Revelation 22:16 "I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star."

>Greek: THE STAR OF APHRODITE (PLANET VENUS) Pseudo-Hyginus, Astronomica 2. 4 (trans. Grant) (Roman mythographer C2nd A.D.) : "Planets. It remains for us to speak of the five stars which many have called wandering, and which the Greeks call Planeta . . . The fourth star is that of Venus [Aphrodite], Lucifer by name. Some say it is Juno's [Hera's]. In many tales it is recorded that it is called Hesperus, too. It seems to be the largest of all stars. Some have said it represents the son of Aurora [Eos] and Cephalus, who surpassed many in beauty, so that he even vied with Venus [Aphrodite], and, as Eratosthenes [Greek writer C3rd B.C.] says, for this reason it is called the star of Venus. It is visible both at dawn and sunset, and so properly has been called both Lucifer [Eosphoros] and Hesperus . . . Euhemerus [Greek mythographer C4th B.C.] says that Venus [Aphrodite] first established the constellations and taught Mercurius [Hermes]."Aphrodite possessed a magic girdle (made by Hephaestus) which had the power of inspiring love and desire for those who wore it; hence it was borrowed by Hera when she wished to stimulate the love of Zeus. (Hom. Il. xiv. 214, &c.) The arrow is also sometimes mentioned as one of her attributes. (Plnd. Pyth. iv. 380; Theocrit. xi. 16.) In the vegetable kingdom the myrtle, rose, apple, poppy, and others, were sacred to her. (Ov. Fast. iv. 15. 143; Bion, Idyll. i. 64; Schol. ad Aristoph. Nub. 993; Paus. ii. 10. § 4; Phornut. 23.)  Aphrodite and her son Eros, the former also born from a foaming sea.

>Egyptian: "Hathor is an Ancient Egyptian goddess who personified the principles of love, beauty, music, dance, motherhood and joy. She was one of the most important and popular deities throughout the history of Ancient Egypt. Hathor was worshiped by Royalty and common people alike in whose tombs she is depicted as "Mistress of the West" welcoming the dead into the next life. In other roles she was a goddess of music, dance, foreign lands and fertility who helped women in childbirth, as well as the patron goddess of miners. The cult of Hathor pre-dates the historical period and the roots of devotion to her are, therefore, difficult to trace, though it may be a development of predynastic cults who venerated the fertility, and nature in general, represented by cows. " @ & The Book of the Heavenly Cow states that while Ra was ruling the earth, humans began plotting against him. Ra sent Hathor, in the form of the warlike goddess Sekhmet, to destroy them. Hathor (as Sekhmet) became bloodthirsty and the slaughter was great because she could not be stopped. As the slaughter continued, Ra saw the chaos down below and decided to stop the blood- thirsty goddess. So he poured huge quantities of blood-coloured beer on the ground to trick Sekhmet. She drank so much of it—thinking it to be blood—that she became drunk and returned to her former gentle self as Hathor. ~ Egyptian book of the dead & Temples (and chapels) dedicated to Hathor: The Temple of Hathor and Ma'at at Deir el-Medina, West Bank, Luxor. The Temple of Hathor at Philae Island, Aswan. The Hathor Chapel at the Mortuary Temple of Queen Hatshepsut West Bank, Luxor. Through this association, Hathor came to be regarded as the mother of the sun god Ra and held a prominent place in his barge as it sailed across the night sky, into the underworld, and rose again at dawn. Her name means "Domain of Horus" or "Temple of Horus" which alludes to two concepts. The first allusion is to the part of the sky where the king (or dead king) could be rejuvenated and continue rule (or live again) while the second is to the myth that Horus, as sun god, entered her mouth each night to rest and returned with the dawn.

>Norse; Freyja (/ˈfreɪə/; Old Norse for "(the) Lady") is a goddess associated with love, sex, beauty, fertility, gold, seiðr, war, and death. Freyja is the owner of the necklace Brísingamen, rides a chariot pulled by two cats, keeps the boar Hildisvíni by her side, possesses a cloak of falcon feathers, and, by her husband Óðr, is the mother of two daughters, Hnoss and Gersemi. Along with her brother Freyr (Old Norse "(the) Lord"), her father Njörðr, and her mother (Njörðr's sister, unnamed in sources), she is a member of the Vanir. Stemming from Old Norse Freyja, modern forms of the name include Freya, Freyia, and Freja. ~ Dobat, Siegfried Andres (2006). "Bridging mythology and belief: Viking Age functional culture as a reflection of the belief in divine intervention". In Andren, A.; Jennbert, K.; Raudvere, C. Old Norse Religion in Long Term Perspectives: Origins, Changes and Interactions, an International Conference in Lund, Sweden, June 3–7, 2004. Nordic Academic Press. ISBN 91-89116-81-X. For Aphrodite (Hom. Il. xiv. 214, &c.) & (Plnd. Pyth. iv. 380; Theocrit. xi. 16.) &( Ov. Fast. iv. 15. 143; Bion, Idyll. i. 64; Schol. ad Aristoph. Nub. 993; Paus. ii. 10. § 4; Phornut. 23.)

>Islam: Al-ʻUzzā (Arabic: العزىal-ʻUzzā [al ʕuzzaː]) was one of the three chief goddesses of Arabian religion in pre-Islamic times and was worshiped by the pre-Islamic Arabs along with Allāt and Manāt. The Nabataeans equated her with the Greek goddess Aphrodite Ourania (Roman Venus Caelestis). A stone cube at aṭ-Ṭā’if (near Mecca) was held sacred as part of her cult. She is mentioned in the Qur'an Sura 53:19 as being one of the goddesses that people worshiped. Al-ʻUzzā, like Hubal, was called upon for protection by the pre-Islamic Quraysh. "In 624 at the 'battle called Uhud', the war cry of the Qurayshites was, "O people of Uzzā, people of Hubal!"[1]


Goddess I  ( Hathor)

The primary aspect of Goddess I is as a youthful wife, beautiful and downright sexy, and she is occasionally associated with references to the lunar crescent and rabbits, a pan-Mesoamerican reference to the moon. (In fact, many cultures see a rabbit in the moon's face, but that's another story). She often appears with a beak-like appendage protruding from her upper lip.

Goddess I is known as Ixik Kab ("Lady Earth") or Ixik Uh ("Lady Moon") in the Maya books known as the Madrid and Dresden codices, and in the Madrid codex she appears as both a young and aged version. Goddess I presides over marriage, human fertility and physical love. Her other names include Ix Kanab ("Child of Lady of the Seas") and Ix Tan Dz'onot ("Child of She in the Middle of the Cenote").

Ixik Kab is associated with weaving in the post-classic period, and the aged form of Ixik Kab is often shown weaving and/or wearing a pair of horn-like elements on her head which likely represent spindles.

Goddess O (Hera) 

Goddess O, on the other hand, is a powerful aged woman identified not just with birth and creation but with death and world destruction. If these are different goddesses and not aspects of the same goddess, Goddess O is most likely to be the Ix Chel of the ethnographic reports. Goddess O is married to Itzamna and thus is one of the two "creator gods" of Maya origin myths.

Goddess O has a raft of phonetic names including Chac Chel ("Red Rainbow" or "Great End"). Goddess O is depicted with a red body, and sometimes with feline aspects such as jaguar claws and fangs; sometimes she wears a skirt marked with crossed bones and other death symbols. She is closely identified with the Mayan rain god Chaac (God B) and often seen illustrated with pouring water or flood images.

The fact that Goddess O's name means both rainbows and destruction may come as a surprise, but unlike in our Western society rainbows are not good omens for the Maya but are bad ones, the "flatulence of the demons" which arise from dry wells. Chac Chel is associated with weaving, cloth production, and spiders; with water, curing, divination, and destruction; and with making children and childbirth.


The 8th King Orion Christ the King (union) is fighting the Legion of dead souls 🐍 protecting Amon-Ra ie the protecting the LIGHT The King of Light Orion (Osiris, Vishnu, Zeus & Odin) is protecting the throne of Light at the galactic zenith Point from being eaten by the Eridanus Constellation known as the Egyptian Apophis; Known as a snake of chaos with the power of dead souls. You can see dead souls heading away from the throne down the snakes gullet towards the fire around away from the zenith point.

 "The Maya equivalent of "chi" (China) is referred to as coyopa or "lightning in the blood," which enables one to perceive within the body messages from the external worlds - both natural and supernatural...There is no one word for this in English, but it means something like, "vital force spirit." The Hidden Maya, Martin Brennan @

There is Both High- Low vibrational frequencies of different Areas or parts of the Galaxy. That the Galaxy it self is staged or intelligently designed.... on multiple level example if you contact stars together on selected High energy even mixed with low energy stars you get different forms of Life ie US... and many other out there.... you just have to think on multiple levels of the same thing at the same time. then know each thing based on logic and reason. For another example Winter Circle or Winter Hexagon we see from this view but we LIVE in a 3D universe (at least currently) so extend this picture out with your mind... say if you were on the other side of the Ori constellation what would the view be like? That is the boldly go where no one as gone before type of feeling exists...

See Betelgeuse, the ruby-red star

Pollux along with Capella, Aldebaran, Sirius, Rigel, and Procyon are part of the winter asterism known as the Winter Circle or Winter Hexagon.

All these tablets—I quote from Miss Harrison's Prolegomena to Greek Religion, in which they are fully described and illustrated6—“have this much in common: buried with the dead they contain instructions for his conduct in the world below, exhortations to the soul, formularies to be repeated, confessions of faith and of ritual performed, and the like.”7 They supply, in short, a kind of vade mecum to the lower world. In treating of the Orphic eschatology, I shall make frequent use of these inscriptions, the most important of which probably belong to the fourth century before Christ, although the doctrine they embody is much older. The eschatology of the Orphics, a word or two must be said about their theological doctrine. This was contained in the numerous and often grotesque theogonies, which represented the successive stages in the evolution of the world under the figure of successive dynasties of Gods.8 The only point which it concerns us to notice here is the element of pantheism in these theogonical poems. One of the fragments celebrates Zeus as “first and last, the head and middle, out of whom all things are created”:  Ζϵὺς πρω̑τος γϵ́νϵτο, Ζϵὺς ὕστατος, ἀργικϵ́ραυνος, Ζϵὺς κϵϕαλή, Ζϵὺς μϵ́σσα, Διὸς δ̕ ϵ̓κ πάντα τϵ́τυκται.9 The legend ran that the universe with all its parts was fashioned within the frame of Zeus, after he had swallowed Phanes, in whom, as the offspring of the great world-egg, all the seeds or “potencies” were present.10 The rest of the fragment describes the world itself as nothing but the body of the God: the heavens are his head, the sun and the moon his eyes, and so on: his mind is the aether.11 Whether the whole of this fragment is early, may well be doubted; but the line in which Zeus is said to be the “head and middle” of all things was certainly known to Plato; and he speaks of the doctrine as “an ancient story”—a phrase which he elsewhere applies to primitive Orphic beliefs.12 We shall afterwards find an example of the same kind of pantheism in Aeschylus, and possibly also in Pindar."  Lecture 5: Orphic Religious Ideas @

Serapis (Koinē Greek: Σέραπις, later form) or Sarapis (Σάραπις, earlier form, from Coptic: ⲟⲩⲥⲉⲣϩⲁⲡⲓ Userhapi "Osiris-Apis") is a Graeco-Egyptian deity. ... Serapis continued to increase in popularity during the Roman Empire, often replacing Osiris as the consort of Isis in temples outside Egypt. <<>> Connections to Zeus

Judaism: Genesis 1:14 (KJV) And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years.

Egyptian: Osire, through his mathematicians, now furnished the Lords with maps of corporeal stars, and moon, and sun, and the position of the earth, with the sun-belt, and bestowed the names of animals upon them. Showed where the region of Cows was; the place of Bulls; the place of Bears; the place of Horses; the place of Fishes; the place of Scorpions; the place of Sheep; the place of Lions; the place of Crabs; the place of Death (Sagittarius); the place of Life (Gemini); the place of Capricornus; and marked the seasons, and made twelve sections (months) to the year, which was the width of the sun-belt. ~ Book Of Osiris Ch XII ***

"The constellation Ophiuchus the “Serpent holder” [thus S-Ophi-Isis. 7M] sits 180 degrees across Orion (Ausar). Face one you face the galactic center, face the other you have your back to the galactic center. Ophiuchus sits in the direction towards the center of our galaxy. The ancients called it the ‘Gate of the Gods’. Orion (Ausar) sits in the opposite of this direction, which would be considered the ‘anti-galactic center’ and the ancients called this direction, the ‘Gate of man’. In the Greek tale, Ophiuchus tramples on Scorpio and having received the elixir of life from the serpent, restores Orion (Ausar) to life. At the time, Orion (Ausar) set at sunrise on the winter solstice, thereby symbolically entering the Underworld, to be reborn as he rises heliacally on the summer solstice. As Orion/Ausar “dies” (sets at sunrise) on the winter solstice, Scorpio does rise — but with Ophiuchus on its back, rising heliacally (rising with the sun). And as Scorpio “dies” — when Orion rises heliacally (rising with the sun) in the summer — Ophiuchus also is setting, driving the Scorpion down into the Underworld beneath her."Golden and Silver Gates | The Seven Worlds (

"During a Great Celestial Conjunction, the Sun crosses that great river in the sky, the Milky Way. Egyptologists explain that the solar God Ra (and Horus) required a boat because they sailed the Heavens from sunrise in the East to sunset in the West. At night, Ra travelled the Netherworld to be reborn in the morning at sunrise. Egyptologists reject the idea that the Egyptians understood the Precession of the Equinoxes and that the Sun also sojourns along the zodiac in a 26,000 year journey corresponding with the Precession Cycle. In the Book of the Gates, the travel of the Sun at night along with the deceased pharaoh into the Netherworld is described. The Sun enters the Netherworld in the first hour just after sunset to be reborn in the morning at sunrise after a twelve hour nocturnal journey. There are many parallels, however, with the precessional journey of the Sun along the twelve signs of the zodiac to be discovered in the Book of the Gates. The 12 hours in the Book of Gates are structured into four groups of three hours, denoting a cross in the face of the clock. In the 12th hour Nun raises the solar barque with the scarab beetle of the Sun God from the primeval waters (Milky Way?), this is the hour of the rebirth of the Sun." Welcome to The Key of Solomon 

Sagittarius is named the "Gate of God" (which could be interpreted as the place of Death, the spirit world which corresponds to ‘the place of Life’).  There is evidence that the Sun orbits the Galactic center (Sagittarius A) once in about 200 million years, the Galactic center being situated in a direction opposite from the Pleiades (fallen angels)  in the direction of the Sagittarius and Scorpio constellations. Sirius, A trinary (trinity) star group, it is known in Earth mythology as the Dog Star. Sirius was one of the first areas to be colonized by beings from the Lyran star group. Sirius embodied the energy of the triadic template and perpetuated the drive toward integration. Three bright stars in line in the middle of a bright rectangle decorate Orion's belt, which points northward to the clusters of the Hyades and Pleiades of Taurus, and southward to the Dog Star (Dog is God backwards) Sirius; and below the belt, we also find two immense stars, Rigel and Betelgeuse. The Great Carina Nebula, also known as NGC 3372, spans over 300 light-years, one of our galaxy's largest star forming regions.  Coming into the Milky way Galaxy is Sagittarius Galaxy with the Great Orion Nebula, the Carina Nebula is home to  young, extremely massive stars, including the still enigmatic variable Eta Carinae, a star with well over 100 times the mass of the Sun. Eta Carinae is the brightest star at the left, near the dusty Keyhole Nebula (NGC 3324). While Eta Carinae itself maybe on the verge of a supernova explosion, X-ray images indicate that the Great Carina Nebula has been a veritable supernova factory. 


Astrophysics:  starting with the Ten Day Festival, of seeing what else was said. The Ancients celebrated special events in festival form .. there were three-day, sixth-day and ten-day festivals; New Moon and Festivals of Red Linen .. but the Ten-Day Festival was special because it was celebrated in commemoration of Jupiter and the Eye of Horus in (§ 1067) “THE EYE OF HORUS will come to you at the ten-day festival while you yearn after it”

In explanation .. JUPITER rotates once around every 10 hours, while the earth rotates once around every 24 hours. As each goes through their respective rotation .. it will take ten days for them to come back into synchronization and for Jupiter's Eye to appear again in exactly the same way .. and just as the ancient records say .. The Eye of Horus will come .. "while you yearn after it"!

Solar storms are triggering X-ray auroras on Jupiter that are about eight times brighter than normal over a large area of the planet and hundreds of times more energetic than Earth’s "northern lights," according to a new study using data from NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory. This result is the first time that Jupiter's auroras have been studied in X-ray light when a giant solar storm arrived at the planet.

The Sun constantly ejects streams of particles into space in the solar wind. Sometimes, giant storms, known as coronal mass ejections (CMEs), erupt and the winds become much stronger. These events compress Jupiter's magnetosphere, the region of space controlled by Jupiter's magnetic field, shifting its boundary with the solar wind inward by more than a million miles. This new study found that the interaction at the boundary triggers the X-rays in Jupiter's auroras, which cover an area bigger than the surface of the Earth.

These composite images show Jupiter and its aurora during and after a CME's arrival at Jupiter in October 2011. In these images, X-ray data from Chandra (purple) have been overlaid on an optical image from the Hubble Space Telescope. The left-hand panel reveals the X-ray activity when the CME reached Jupiter, and the right-hand side is the view two days later after the CME subsided. The impact of the CME on Jupiter's aurora was tracked by monitoring the X-rays emitted during two 11-hour observations. The scientists used that data to pinpoint the source of the X-ray activity and identify areas to investigate further at different time points. They plan to find out how the X-rays form by collecting data on Jupiter's magnetic field, magnetosphere and aurora using Chandra and ESA’s XMM-Newton.


"Truth is singular. Its 'versions' are mistruths.

Here's one way of analyzing it. Consider the predicate 'Thinks(α, φ)', which is true just in case agent α thinks that φ is true. Let A be the Archivist, and A = Atom. Let's begin by looking at what A says:

Ω = { φ : Thinks(S, φ) }.

Ω stands for the set of "things that matter", which according to A is the set of all those propositions φ (about events and so on) that S thinks to be true. We can assume that there is another set Σ s.t.:

Σ = { φ : True(φ) }.

This is the set of those propositions φ that are actually true. Depending on which set-theoretic relations hold between Ω and Σ (e.g. Ω ⊂ Σ, Ω ∩ Σ = ∅, etc.), version of the truth may or may not coincide with the actual truth. Now let's look at the things S says:

(1) Truth is singular.

(2) 'Versions' of the truth are mistruths.

I take it that (1) means that:

(1) ∀φ, α, β( [φ ∈ Ωα ≡ φ ∈ Ωβ] → Ωα = Ωβ).

This says that given any two agents α and β, if a proposition φ is among the truths recognized by α (Ωα) if and only if φ is among the truths recognized by β (Ωβ), then the truths recognized by α are β are the same. So for any two different 'versions' of the truth, there must be a φ that belongs to one but not to the other. If one of these guys is right, then both are and their Ωs coincide with Σ (the set of all truths).

From that reasoning, (2) doesn't follow; what follows is this:

(*) ∀α, β ( ¬[Ωα = Ωβ] → ∃φ[φ ∈ Ωα ∧ ¬(φ ∈ Ωβ)] ).

Which says that if two agents have different 'versions' of the truth, then there is some proposition that one thinks to be true while the other thinks to be false. But (2) says that in that case both Ωs are 'mistruth's, i.e., neither Ωα nor Ωβ is a subset of Σ:

(2) ∀α, β ( ¬[Ωα = Ωβ] → ¬[Ωα ⊂ Σ ∨ Ωβ ⊂ Σ] ).

This, of course, doesn't follow from previous reasoning, because it's possible that one of the Ωs coincides with Σ. All we can conclude is that at most one can, because of the disagreement, because of the fact that they are genuinely different 'versions' of what happened.

As I said, 'versions' in that context seems to me to contain assumptions that we might want to reject, so that, for example, we'll be able to say that two 'versions' of what happened yesterday may both be true." @

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