MY Space Journey

MY Space Journey
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Crystal/Krystal Light internal & CERN tech external (3/20/2015; UPDATED 10/13/2024)

The Difference between the Sun with natural internal Divine Electromagnetic Photonic Union energy in harmony with everyday life via mediation, and White Tantra; Or with Saturn's synthetic Consciousness machine required external Electromagnetic Photonic Union energy, machines like CERN.  This includes the difference in use of magnetic energy, for example the Natural way the Tibetan Monks levitate stones by using an acoustic (sound) magnetic levitation technique.  While mainstream scientists use machines an external source to create a physical lifting force stronger than the force of gravity and do not modify gravity or generate an anti-gravitational force; this is how Edward Leedskalnin built Coral Castle even openly supporting Saturn. The term “where the land of milk and honey flows free" this would also be the difference in Alchemy of within the trinity (mind, body, soul) of the self, or on the Outside with the false Ego. Neither Electromagnetic Photonic Union and/or technology is “evil” or “good”  it is the application of energy inward or outward

Cosmically money means nothing; everything is Light particles combined with Electromagnetic energy the Science of spirituality. So the only thing that matters is spiritual energy, the Energy we create both Love and Fear are broadcasted outward in the Universe all the time. Which is what multidimensional beings can live off of so to speak, it does not matter what is loved or hated but that they energy is created. This is also why in ancient times and today religion is above banks or leaders, this is also why all the world leaders Obama, Putin, and the Queen of England all connected together with the Pope that we see. The anti-light dark ET's operate spiritualty because that cosmic energy we create is what they what and need. The Light ET's obviously create their own Light don't need us to do it for them. however, with regards to the Food of the Gods, as well as with regards to the ORMUS, White Powder of Gold, Philosopher’s Stone, Elixir of Life, ( heart emoticon Star Fire heart emoticon ) , the Ark of the Covenant, Alchemy, Secrets, Transmutation, Biological and Technological on The Great Work of Alchemy.

Ambrosia it's high frequency Electrified Honey Crystals; maybe almost towards the plasma (Carbon-7 Pineal Gland) state. Plasma is a state of matter in which an ionized substance becomes highly electrically conductive to the point that long-range electric and magnetic fields dominate the behavior of the matter. 

For the Gnostic Truth of Ambrosia of the Vine of the Mind @ Surgit.jpg (2880×1440) ( <^> the Honey helps the Vines in the mind

"Honey Brain Benefits: Is Honey Good For Your Brain? 
Nutrition / By Valentino M.

Is honey good for your brain? In short, yes, honey is great for brain health.

This is mainly thanks to its antioxidants that protect your neurons, boost blood flow to the hippocampus area of the brain, and improve serotonin levels – helping you feel better and fall asleep faster. For thousands of years, people have treated honey as sacred food – using it to achieve youthful and vibrant health. When you consume honey, you get a full spectrum of nutrients, including the brain-nurturing polyphenols. These are known to protect our neurons from damage.

Three biggest honey brain benefits are:

Improved sleep
Elevated mood
Better memory
Unlike table sugar which causes inflammation, honey has more nutrients and delivers unique cognitive and mental benefits. (8, 9, 10, 11)

Below we’ll break down everything you need to know about honey and brain health, including memory, mood, sleep and more."@ Honey Brain Benefits: Is Honey Good For Your Brain? | Valentino's Naturals (

<^> Honey enhances brain electrical actively and sleep regulation <^> 

"Perchance to Dream
In 1953 Nathaniel Kleitman of the University of Chicago and his graduate student Eugene Aserinsky discovered that slumber, which had been considered a single continuous period of downtime, contains recurring periods in which the sleeper’s eyes move about, heartbeat and breathing become irregular, most voluntary muscles are paralyzed and brain activity (as measured by electroencephalography) is heightened. These fast, low-voltage brain waves resemble the ones that occur during wakefulness. This state became known as rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, to distinguish it from deep sleep. When people are woken from REM sleep, they usually report vivid dreams. Such reports do not occur when people are roused from non-REM sleep. Thus arose the close association between REM sleep and the oneiric state. For many years experts associated dream consciousness with the distinct physiology of the brain during REM sleep. But in the past several decades that understanding has begun to slowly shift. When people who are woken from deep sleep are asked “What was passing through your mind just before you woke up?” rather than the more biased “Have you been dreaming?” a more nuanced picture emerges.

In the early phases of deep sleep, and during short daytime naps, which consist of pure non-REM sleep, people report vivid hallucinations that are shorter, more static and more thoughtlike than the dreams that occur during REM sleep. These visions are typically more like snapshots than narratives and do not include a self. Yet a minority of non-REM dream reports are indistinguishable from REM dreams. It is also notable that sleepwalking and nightmares occur in deep, not REM, sleep. Thus, scientists have had to revise the belief that the REM state is an external manifestation of the subjective dream state. Further evidence comes from the study of brain-damaged patients by neuropsychoanalyst Mark Solms of the University of Cape Town in South Africa. When a part of the brain stem known as the pons is destroyed, people no longer experience REM sleep. But only one in 26 of such patients reports a loss of dreaming, and nobody has ever reported loss of dreaming from limited pons damage.

The regions critical for dreaming are not in the pons. They include the visual and audiovisual regions in and near the temporoparietal-occipital junction in the neocortex. Destruction of small portions of these areas leads to the loss of specific dreaming dimensions. For example, a stroke, tumor or other calamity in the cortical region necessary for color or motion perception will leach hue or movement from dreams. Moreover, medications that manipulate dopamine levels strongly affect dreaming while leaving the REM sleep cycle unaffected. L-dopa, the most popular medication for Parkinson’s disease, increases the frequency and vividness of dreams, whereas antipsychotic drugs that block dopamine reduce dreaming. The dissociation of dreaming from REM sleep serves as a conceptual clearing of the deck for neuroscientists such as myself. Now we can focus on the neuronal causes of conscious mental activity, whether in a dreaming or wakeful state, without being confused by extraneous factors such as REM or non-REM sleep that, it turns out, do not pertain to subjective experience per se." @


Also Bees are connected to the Goddess Mother Energy @

"The honeybee has a long tradition of being worshiped and venerated as a symbol of the goddess in many ancient civilizations. Some of the oldest images of bee goddesses date back 10,000 years. For example, the Anatolian Mother Goddess wearing a Beehive styled tiara confirmed the Goddess’s exalted status as a Queen Bee who ‘streams with honey’ in this early society. The Bee is the only insect that communicates through dance, yet this largely forgotten trait is one of the reasons why bee imagery from antiquity has been misinterpreted according to some art historians. Many old images depict the bee goddess dancing. In The Goddesses and Gods of Old Europe, Marija Gimbutas examines imagery on artifacts from Old Europe, circa 8000 BC, and postulates that they portray the bee as a manifestation of the Mother Goddess."


If you think of the solar system celestial bodies’ equivalent to the charkas and the human body; the sun being the pure light (obviously) the Light represents the Akasha the aether the realm of the divine spirit.  Like veins in the human body connecting parts to each other there are magnetic lines from Sun (Akasha) flowing life force to each of the other parts making one system like one body.  The field of dark matter hidden in our solar system (in the picture below) being like the nervous system of a human body.  Akasha (or Akash) is the Sanskrit word meaning "aether" in both its elemental and metaphysical senses. It the Etheric field that extend beyond all things. Sound of the spheres (chakras) the primordial Om of creation. The spheres (chakras) "As above, So below" The Planets are the same as the chakras in our bodies why it is said the Universe is within us all. 

Just Like the like the picture of the movie the 5th element. In the center was not just "her" it was both female and male as one in Union, why Goddess Isis (with Blonde Hair (Carbon-7) NOT RED Hair with Lilith is also linked to sexual Magic like White Tantra:  

Also in fairness I think I met Nephthys\Lilith in Amsterdam first that I remember... to explain I have been to Amsterdam twice in this Life one of those times Family I smoked for sure, but I/we did the museum tours and high in the park. I Did go to Fo Guang Shan Holland Tempel which if I am correct now is Kali's temple? At the Time I was like everyone else Like I have said before in other posts. I bowed to Kali I think that time in Amsterdam I did not engage in sex with any girl in the red light I was in Love with a Blonde Girl back in America; that nothing happened with yes. In one of the Streets with a A Lot of Shopping stores on it is a Begijnhof Chapel, Amsterdam it's a Roman Catholic Church for battered Women in Amsterdam NL. Then there was this simi-tall Blood Red hair with green eye Woman in a nice professional black dress she asked can "she help me?" I felt Instantly like an Angel power up with wings to stand guard in battle. It felt weird because I didn't know why I was feeling like that in a Church with yes an outward physically attractive female but I felt darkness. I left right then and there.

~&~ I was working at Microsoft as a contractor traveling tech. Sometime later experimenting with Acid, I do not recommend this method a lot of pain, I recommend following scripture less painful~

I paid for a trip to Rio Brzail I paid for a 5 star hotel on white sands for a week for vacation. I met a girl and fell in Love real Love that Love is what saved me... I gave up my Trip to Rio Brazil because it was her Birthday week, so I wanted to be with her. Depending on who you ask in one view point she wasn't deserving of my sacrifice of a wonderful vacation thousands that I paid for; that i gave up for her. I did it for Love on her Birthday to be with Her we were both on LSD making love (Tantra) after about 42-45 minutes. It Felt Like I was a Snake with electrical energy shoot up my spine. I looked up I saw this tear in reality pure white golden light (milk and Honey) and on the edges were the colors of the rainbow 3 to 5 seconds the tare or portal opened right in front of me and it felt like time slowed down almost then as it was closing time started back flowing like normal. It was a dawning experience to say the least, ever since then I have known it was all real; it was the most beautiful light ever seen! I learned afterwards it was for real my Kundalini in Tantra Sex Union, that what I saw was Crystal/Krystal though the Star Chamber of Isis. The LSD was like Viagra for male reasons, without choice also I could not ejaculate because of the LSD, also I was in a ‘hypnagogic state’ its important BEFORE SEX ie it's best to grow up mediating into an adult can be utilized by the ancients and known as the shamanic ‘trance state’ of the Pineal Gland actived in both partners; before sex not after or as a result of it OR IT WILL NOT WORK.  Combined with strong magnetic strokes on the coccyx of both man and woman with the purpose of awakening the electronic solar fire, the igneous serpent of our magical powers. This is a system that transmutes the sexual energy into Ojas (Christ force). The couple must restrain the sexual impulse and avoid the ejaculation of the semen, send the energy in & upward. . <^> IT SAVED me so I have been to Hell then May 2013 I had my White Tantra Experience which makes me the Prodigal Son Dionysus. I think months later in 2013 I meet Persephone. She was a really Beautiful Blonde so beautiful she turned me to stone. Up until recently I thought it was Hera/Isis (I love Hera always she is Always Number 1) anyways. Even if it wasn't Hera and 15% it was Perspehone I love them both. She was Hot! It makes since logically givens ALL that Happened and where I went too..... === Greek Dionysus I never did get a name but logically thinking back now.}{


***   ***

Three Heavens Naturally & THEN the synthetic anti-lights copy with Technology which destroyed Mars electrometric shield.


I start doing research heard-core but like everyone I listen to everyone else. Some like Teachers I listed below are some of the best you can get in the Earth Heaven Level the First Heaven Level.  But I started off with all media content on the web which is mainly a lot of Freemasons\Jesuits members pretending to be Honest people trying to Help but they mislead with the care of learning the truth. Granted not all even not all those reading this mainly because I blocked them as best I could. It's only the ego itself that blames itself. I was in a Grocery Store and there was this flash of Blue Light in the coroner of my eye Blonde Female glowing blue light like she was skipping in the aisle. I saw her and Instantly felt like bowing because She was Royalty my carnal mind didn't know at the time who she was at the time.  Which is Jay character in the movie Dogma in my video "Ramsey god eye OR Israel God Eye" Like but I bowed and waited until she spoke very properly and wonderfully <3 Who have I been talking too? in a sense how did I do it.... because I actually did do it True White Tantra only me one male. It blew my girlfriend off the bed at the time. I did n't know hoe to answer her at the time and also at the time she was so Beautiful her beauty turned me to stone. To answer her It was Fate <3 :D I Love Her <3

Remember with and in "everything" “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” ~ Nikola Tesla  ~<^>~ you can lie with words but you cannot lie with frequency energy you vibration on.  ...choose wisely....

^> So in Another way I am a Thief of Divine Gold has well - in fairness Dedicated to all my Great Teachers: Bill Donahue, Carl Sagan, Alan Watts, Milton William Cooper, Benjamin Stewart, David Icke, Gregg Braden, Sadhgru, Dr Bruce Lipton, and many more; for all their related videos and books.

^^>> with a combination of Year of Study instead of partying all the time. Battling Freemason Gov Trolls and helping people wake up their consciousness and going though may own mistake and yes while making more mistakes.

Literally If I had my choice to do it over again 100% what ever Queen Isis/Hera says to do; the joke what She says :) <3 I know I need to start before I know I am sorry still the best choice is Isis (Sirius) for Life to go Forward... 




The Divine Cross (the Earth & Galactic Cross combined) has 8 points which is linked with the tilt of the Earth axis which is 8. The Earth Rotates once a day on Its Axis, an imaginary line that passes through Earth from its north pole to it South Pole. The Imaginary line through the North and south does not stand upright. It tilts by 23.47 degrees producing the Ecliptic; the path along which the Sun appears to move as viewed from the Earth. If this line or axis was standing upright, the Sun's path would then have the shape of a zero - O. But because of this orbital tilt the invisible path of the Sun has the shape of the figure 8; the noontime position of the Sun in the sky, plotted over a year, produces a figure eight-shaped curve called Analemma. The 8 pointed star is just a symbol for Electromagnetic energy.


The Nazca Sun-Staras the Magic Square of Mercury by Joseph M. @


The most unusual of the Nazca Line Markings in Peru is the Sun-Star glyph. The graphic at the top of the page is a photograph of the main part of the marking. The graphic below has the main part outlined in black. 


The rectangle with the twelve small boxes at the corners, along with the cross in the center, seems to suggest the Magic Square of Mercury

Nazca Sun-Star Pattern with the Magic Square of Mercury

This is quite strange, because the Magic Square tradition apparently started hundreds of years before, on the Eurasia continent.

3D, 4D, & 5D across Space-Time within the 9 Realms Matrix AND Charakas Energy Vortex points with Earth.

A number of crop circle formations have similarities to various aspects of the Sun-Star glyph.

Analyzing the suggested Magic Square of Mercury reveals the number 13 and multiples, such as 39 and 78. Certain crop circle formations indicated the same type of numbers and shapes. There was a strong hint that the number 39 and multiples associates with the Triplet Numbers (111, 222, etc.) by combining with multiples of 72 (39 + 72 = 111). 

The 1st part/half is the path of the Great Work Gnosticism. The key to the philosopher’s stone or the 3rd eye. The 2nd part/half is my own picture I made in short the basic structure of the quantum universe

Greek: Sun and moon The etymology of Selene is uncertain, but if the name is of Greek origin, it is likely connected to the word selas (σέλας), meaning "light". As time passed, Helios was increasingly identified with the god of light, Apollo. However, in spite of their syncretism, they were also often viewed as two distinct gods/titan (Helios was a Titan, whereas Apollo was an Olympian). The equivalent of Helios in Roman mythology was Sol, specifically Sol Invictus. Just as Helios Sun, from his identification with Apollo, is called Phoebus ("bright"), Selene, from her identification with Artemis, is also commonly referred to by the epithet Phoebe (feminine form). Also from Artemis, Selene was sometimes called "Cynthia".  Selene was also called Mene. The word men (feminine mene), meant the moon, and the lunar month. It was also the name of the Phrygian moon-god Men.

Buddhist: "Other textual traditions, among them the Karandavyuha Sutra, not only extolled the physical transformations of Avalokiteshvara, but also described forms in which the bodhisattva appeared with multiple heads, arms, and eyes. The Karandavyuha Sutra was likely originally composed in Kashmir in the northwestern region of the Indian subcontinent around the end of the fourth century to the early fifth century CE. It dealt at some length with the “thousand-fold” nature of Avalokiteshvara, describing an appearance of the bodhisattva with one hundred thousand arms and hundreds of thousands of eyes. Additionally, the sutra describes the sun and moon as having been born from the eyes of the bodhisattva. Other deities owed their births to other parts of his body. The “thousand-fold” nature of Avalokiteshvara, who is identified in the sutra as a universal savior, was likened to the vastness of the bodhisattva’s body and his corresponding omnipotence." Michelle C. Wang @


The Moon, Greek Selene came from Norse Realm Jotunheim; the land of Giants. It could have traveled space but that is a chance that it came through the Earth from the Portal located near Drakensberg (Dragon’s mountain or Mouth) South Africa; yet still came from Jotunheim. Scientist will tell you the moon came from the earth its just the moon came from the portal on the earth in South Africa. the moon came though the portal as Plasma. Earth locations of portals to All Realms GIF @

The Moon Here is the link to the "Geophone Rock/pyramid" image. Note the brutal noise issues this frame suffers from, though the shape of the pyramid is still barely discernible through the haze in the original frame BEFORE Enhancement. 

Crow777 "The Lunar Wave" > Published on Dec 16, 2014 @<<>> This clip includes the 9 lunar or moon waves (hologram?) filmed to date. Four are from other video geographer and five from me. There is no longer any debate as to the reality of the lunar wave as an actual real event that has been taking place on our moon for some time. Lunar wave is an electromagnetic pulse which is omitted via the moon itself and is connected with negative frequency to the Earth itself and all life on the Earth.


"In historical times, the Earth was Moonless. Giordano Bruno (a 16th century Italian philosopher) is reputed to have written in De Immenso: “There are those who have believed that there was a certain time (as our Mythologian says) when the moon, which was believed to be younger than the sun, was not yet created. The Arcadians, who dwelt not far from the Po, are believed to have been in existence before it (the moon).” “Theodorus writes in his first book that the moon had appeared a little while before the war which was fought by Hercules against the giants. Aristochius and Dionysius Chalcidensis, ( & ( in the first of their works, confirm the same.”  “Mnaseas said that the Arcadians were born before the moon, and so they were called ‘proselenian’; meaning, ‘before the moon’.” Bruno goes on to step upon the sensibilities of future scholars by noting that, “the earth, which is of the same species as the moon, is of creatable and destructible substance, and is truly animal and even mortal, although divine. Therefore, the planets (worlds) are able to be created and destroyed, and it is not possible that they have been eternal, since we have proved them to be alterable and consisting of changing parts.” Velikovsky has discussed this same idea by noting that one of the most remote recollections of mankind is in regard to the period of Earth’s history when it was Moonless. Velikovsky quotes everyone from Democritus and Anaxagoras to Aristotle and Apollonius of Rhodes to show that such a pre-Hellenic time existed. Those humans living at the time were called Pelasgians, Proselenes (“before the Moon”), and Arcadians (pre-Danai and pre-Deukalion).  They were said to have dwelt in the mountains, fed on acorns, and lived as aborigines. Plutarch, Hippolytus, Censorinus, and a doubting Lucian wrote of pre-Lunar people, as did Ovid, who said that the Arcadians possessed their land before the birth of Jove, and were older than the Moon. There are even Biblical references which allude to a Moonless Earth or at least can be so interpreted.  Finally, the memory of a Moonless Earth is contained in the oral traditions of such Indians as those of the Bogota highlands in the eastern Cordilleras of Columbia, i.e. according to tribesmen of Chibchas, “In the earliest times, when the moon was not yet in the heavens.” The references to the aboriginal nature of the pre-Moon folk, and the fact they lived before “the birth of Jove” is particularly noteworthy.  

The period when the Earth was Moonless is probably the most remote recollection of mankind. Democritus and Anaxagoras taught that there was a time when the Earth was without the Moon. Aristotle wrote that Arcadia in Greece, before being inhabited by the Hellenes, had a population of Pelasgians, and that these aborigines occupied the land already before there was a moon in the sky above the Earth; for this reason they were called Proselenes. Apollonius of Rhodes mentioned the time “when not all the orbs were yet in the heavens, before the Danai and Deukalion races came into existence, and only the Arcadians lived, of whom it is said that they dwelt on mountains and fed on acorns, before there was a moon.”  Plutarch wrote in The Roman Questions: “There were Arcadians of Evander’s following, the so-called pre-Lunar people.”Similarly wrote Ovid: “The Arcadians are said to have possessed their land before the birth of Jove, and the folk is older than the Moon.”  Hippolytus refers to a legend that “Arcadia brought forth Pelasgus, of greater antiquity than the moon.” Lucian in his Astrology says that “the Arcadians affirm in their folly that they are older than the moon.” Censorinus also alludes to the time in the past when there was no moon in the sky." @


"In Plutarch’s work “Morals” we find the following<: “There were Arcadians of Evander’s following, the so-called pre-Lunar people. Similarly, Ovid wrote: “The Arcadians are said to have possessed their land before the birth of Zeus, and the folk is older than the Moon.” Stephanus of Byzantium wrote: “Arcadians and females, both exist before the moon”. Hippolytus refers to a legend that “Arcadia brought forth Pelasgus, of greater antiquity than the moon.” Lukianos in his Astrology says that “the Arcadians affirm in their folly that they are older than the moon”. Evidence has also been found in other parts of the world.In Bolivia symbols on the wall of the courtyard of Kalasasaya (built in 13,000 BC) provide evidence that the moon came into orbit around the Earth at a specific moment in time thousands of years ago, long before what mainstream historians refer to as recorded history. Moreover the calendar gate in the same site provides evidence that a smaller satellite once rotated around the Earth.

The oral traditions of Colombian Indians of the Bogota highlands in the eastern Corldilleras of Colombia refer to a time before the moon. . “In the earliest times, when the moon was not yet in the heavens,” say the tribesmen of Chibchas (1). Africa also provides its own evidence. According to Zulu legend, the moon was brought hundreds of generations ago by two brothers of alien form, Wowane and Mpanku. What does all this mean? The ancient memory of an Earth inhabited by humans without a moon has passed from generations to generations forming the traditions of numerous civilizations. How did the moon get there? Is it a part of the Earth? A planet that entered the magnetic Earth’s magnetic field? Was it naturally formed or made by some lost civilization" @


I really don't like the Sumerians but... even they say the Earth was originally moonless >>>
The references to the aboriginal nature of the pre-Moon folk, and the fact they lived before “the birth of Jove” is particularly noteworthy.  While Velikovsky and those scholars suggesting a Moonless Earth time, have never made the apparent connection to Sumerian records and the Anunnaki, many of whom of the latter have a date of birth (or arrival in the environs of Earth) which would have occurred after the time of some of Earth’s original aborigines.  In fact, the time of a Moonless Earth might likely correspond to the time when Homo Erectus was roaming about the planet, dwelling in mountains, eating acorns, and becoming the archetype for future aborigines.  The possible assumption that the Arcadians were a civilization is without confirming evidence.  In addition, the habit of Sumerians to consider civilization and the world as an interchangeable term, does not eliminate an Arcadian “civilization” as being essentially an aboriginal one.  Meanwhile, all the histories tie together, all the pieces of the puzzle fit -- provided, of course, there is no recarving of the puzzles to make them fit in an incorrect position.  

Given the distinct possibility of the Moon being a relative newcomer to its orbit around the Earth, an arrival apparently prior to the Anunnaki of Sumerian history, one might even consider seriously the even more radical suggestion of the Moon being artificial.  In the section on Lunatics, we considered this possibility of a Moon being the ideal space ship, wherein one has all the comforts of home (including a vast collection of kitchen sinks), and at the same time, can enjoy an observational status wherein no one else (in particular, arrogant humans) even suspects the existence of a nearby extraterrestrial intelligence.

Is it possible that the Moon arrived with the Anunnaki -- either initially, or later when it was apparent that an off-planet base was essential?  Is this their “home away from home”, from which they could observe the going ons down below, while still enjoying a privacy from prying human eyes?  Zecharia Sitchin [2] and others have noted that there were Anunnaki “watchers” in the space surrounding the Earth -- and while it might be assumed they were in artificial satellites in near-Earth orbit, no one appears [until the writing of this essay] to have considered that the artificial satellite upon which the Anunnaki were doing their watching (and administering the trans-shipments of Gold back to Nibiru) was in fact the Moon!  And yet it makes total sense." Dan Sewell Ward, @


Jubilee Bible 2000

They shall fear thee along with the sun and before the moon throughout all generations.

^> The Jubilee (Hebrew: יובל yōḇel; Yiddish: yoyvl) is the year at the end of seven cycles of shmita (Sabbatical years), and according to Biblical regulations had a special impact on the ownership and management of land in the Land of Israel; there is some debate whether it was the 49th year (the last year of seven sabbatical cycles, referred to as the Sabbath's Sabbath), or whether it was the following (50th) year. Jubilee deals largely with land, property, and property rights. According to Leviticus, slaves and prisoners would be freed, debts would be forgiven, and the mercies of God would be particularly manifest. Leviticus 25:8-13 states:


And he shall continue as long as the sun, and before the moon for ever.

^> The Septuagint version of the Old Testament (Brenton) originally published by Samuel Bagster & Sons, London, in 1844, in English only. From the 1851 edition the Apocrypha were included, and by about 1870,[1] there was an edition with parallel Greek text,[2] another one appearing in 1884. In the 20th century it was reprinted by Zondervan among others. Codex Vaticanus is used as the primary source. Brenton's has been the most widely used translation until the publication of New English Translation of the Septuagint in 2007.


And he shall continue with the sun, and before the moon, throughout all generations.

^> The Douay–Rheims Bible (pronounced /ˌduːeɪ/ or /ˌdaʊ.eɪ ˈriːmz/[1]) (also known as the Rheims–Douai Bible or Douai Bible, and abbreviated as D–R and DRB) is a translation of the Bible from the Latin Vulgate into English made by members of the English College, Douai, in the service of the Catholic Church.[2] The New Testament portion was published in Reims, France, in 1582, in one volume with extensive commentary and notes. The Old Testament portion was published in two volumes twenty-seven years later in 1609 and 1610 by the University of Douai. The first volume, covering Genesis through Job, was published in 1609; the second, covering Psalms to 2 Machabees plus the apocrypha of the Vulgate was published in 1610. Marginal notes took up the bulk of the volumes and had a strong polemical and patristic character. They offered insights on issues of translation, and on the Hebrew and Greek source texts of the Vulgate.

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There is a difference Natural Divine Electromagnetic energy like with the Sun in harmony of 13 6 (protons) 6 (Electrons) & 1 (neutron) with Metatron’s cube.  Or synthetic-Electromagnetic dis-harmony energy with Saturn Hexcube and Carbon-12: accounting for 98.89% of carbon; it contains 6 protons, 6 neutrons and 6 electrons. Its abundance is due to the triple-alpha process by which it is created in stars. The triple alpha process is highly dependent on carbon-12 and beryllium-8 having resonances with the same energy as helium-4.  It's difference between natural Union and synthetic Union, also its kind a of like natural AC current which run between planets, pyramids and us Naturally versus DC synthetic current which kills living beings with curtain amount of power. This would be like the light (Sun) anti-light (Saturn). 

***Theory are saying there is a (synthetic-consciousness / dark consciousness) one, being created or in Saturn, and it is this synthetic-consciousness that is controlling us now and 'they' will try to bring forth make manifest with CERN.  By affecting the information coming from "source" in dream brain wave state via soon new to be 8th charka in the back of the brain the "well of dreams"*** 

 The Sun/Light came first then the planets, why most to every symbol created originally by the Light then the anti-light copies & flips meaning prime example of the swastika originally Buddhist symbol for strength and unity for peace not war, now all people know is  Hitler just like that same group well over a thousand years after so also the same group of people copied the 88 for its duality not unity. They had plenty of time to copy, twist any info from the Hellenist's wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls, the original Bible; thus the origins of Christianity were associated with library of Alexandria; this is why the shadow Gov and Rome at the time burnt library to hid the truth, for the same reason why in the 1200's AD the Catholic Church made it illegal to own and read the bible...

 It's just a theory but its an arp request between servers same as in the quantum universe between source and us. Were made for electrical energy, which exactly like to computers, and we comuncate with source like a client server relationship. Maybe combine with a connection to maybe Sirius B, a radioactive isotopic core, encased in a “hybrid-metal” silver-alloy compound organic to Earth? Or Krystal that Golden thread that connects each state of matter with light particles as its own unique electromagnetic frequency signature; that each signature it's consciousness? 
Surat Al-Ĥijr 15:26-27 “Indeed We created man from dried clay of black smooth mud.  And We created the Jinn before that from the smokeless flame of fire”

Book Of Osiris CHAPTER LXXX: CHANGING INTO THE GOD WHO GIVETH LIGHT IN THE DARKNESS, Saith Osiris, the scribe Ani, triumphant: I am the girdle of the robe of the god Nu, which shineth and sheddeth light, which abideth in his presence and sendeth forth light into the darkness, which knitteth together the two fighters who live in my body through the mighty spell of the words of my mouth, which raiseth up him that hath fallen--for he who was with him in the valley of Abtu hath fallen--and I rest. I have remembered him. I have carried away the god Hu from my city wherein I found him, and I have led away the darkness captive by my might. I have upheld the Eye [of the Sun] when its power waned at the coming of the festival of the, fifteenth day, and I have weighed Sut in the heavenly mansions beside the Aged one who is with him. I have endowed Thoth in the House of the Moon-god with all that is needful for the coming of the festival of the fifteenth day. I have carried off the ureret crown; right and truth are in my body. The months are of emerald and crystal. My homestead is among the sapphire furrows. I am the lady who sheddeth light in darkness. I have come to give forth light in darkness, and lo! it is lightened and made bright. I have illumined the blackness and I have overthrown the destroyers. I have made obeisance unto those who are in darkness, and I have raised up those who wept and who had bidden their faces and had sunk down. Then did they look upon me. I am the Lady, and I will not let you hear concerning me." Plate XXVIII. (

Emerald Tablets: The Seven Lords "Now to thee gave I warning: Let not the thought turn away. Know that the brightness flows through thy body for aye. Turn not to the DARK-BROTHERS that come from the BROTHERS OF BLACK. But keep thine eyes ever lifted, thy soul in tune with the Light."

Hermes was an Elf in Alfheim then betrayed the Light and gave secrets to the Trolls thus why the Dark elfs are near where the Trolls are located. The Trolls In Norse Nidavelir; Galaxy Messier 110, is a dwarf elliptical galaxy is where the Nano-tech & Synth humans come from in the Cosmos. It's behind Andromeda Galaxy (where the dark elves are) the connection between the Dark elves and dwarfs/trolls is best seen in the Movie the Labyrinth 1986. The movie He-man who is Apollo, Hera is Sorceress, Athena is Teela is Athena, Hermes is Man-At-Arms, Eris Evil-Lyn, Skeletor is Ares and Hephaestus as Gwildor. THE GOLDEN IDOL in the Oscars for stealing Gold from people for Lying or twisting the Word of spiritual teachings... think of it being inverted... Ptah staff for metal works equal to Hephaestus metal work with hammer...

Our Sun's and Solar system heliosphere flies through space in the shape of a speeding bullet, at approx. 62,000 miles (100,000 kilometers) an hour; Our Galaxy is also Flying through space like our solar system however unknown speeds at this time. The heliosphere edge collides with the Milky Way galaxy’s magnetic field at a distance some 200 times farther from the sun than Earth is. Just outside the solar system, this interstellar magnetic field is inclined at a 60-degree angle relative to the plane of the Milky Way. The solar system takes on its streamlined shape as it strikes the magnetic field at this angle. The ‘bullet’ shape of the solar system is shaped by what lies ahead, the interstellar magnetic field. Radio data from the Voyager spacecraft which only recently reached the solar system’s edge enabled the find.

Sagittarius is named the "Gate of God" (which could be interpreted as the place of Death, the spirit world) and Gemini is the "Gate of Man" (which corresponds to ‘the place of Life’).  There is evidence that the Sun orbits the Galactic center (Sagittarius A) once in about 200 million years, the Galactic center being situated in a direction opposite from the Pleiades in the direction of the Sagittarius and Scorpio constellations. Sirius, A trinary (trinity) star group, it is known in Earth mythology as the Dog Star. Sirius was one of the first areas to be colonized by beings from the Lyran star group. Sirius embodied the energy of the triadic template and perpetuated the drive toward integration. Three bright stars in line in the middle of a bright rectangle decorate Orion's belt, which points northward to the clusters of the Hyades and Pleiades of Taurus, and southward to the Dog Star (Dog is God backwards) Sirius; and below the belt, we also find two immense stars, Rigel and Betelgeuse. The Great Carina Nebula, also known as NGC 3372, spans over 300 light-years, one of our galaxy's largest star forming regions.  Coming into the Milky way Galaxy is Sagittarius Galaxy with the Great Orion Nebula, the Carina Nebula is home to young, extremely massive stars, including the still enigmatic variable Eta Carinae, a star with well over 100 times the mass of the Sun. Eta Carinae is the brightest star at the left, near the dusty Keyhole Nebula (NGC 3324). While Eta Carinae itself maybe on the verge of a supernova explosion, X-ray images indicate that the Great Carina Nebula has been a veritable supernova factory.

The Orion Arm is a minor spiral arm of the Milky Way galaxy some 3,500 light-years (1,100 parsecs) across and approximately 10,000 light-years (3,100 parsecs) in length. Our Solar System including the Earth lies within the Orion Arm. It is also referred to by its full name, the Orion–Cygnus Arm, as well as Local Arm, Orion Bridge, Local Spur and Orion Spur. The Orion Arm is located between the Carina–Sagittarius Arm (toward the Galactic Center) and the Perseus Arm (toward the outside Universe), the latter one of the two major arms of the Milky Way. Long thought to be a minor structure, a "spur" between the two longer adjacent arms Perseus and Carina-Sagittarius, a branch of the Perseus Arm, or possibly an independent arm segment itself. Within the Orion Arm, the Solar System, including Earth, is located close to the inner rim in the Local Bubble, about halfway along the Orion Arm's length, approximately 8,000 parsecs (26,000 light-years) from the Galactic Center.


*** Positive usage for Quantum Solar Energy - Since people only follow whats on TV news media for vaccine information... ***Nikola Tesla, quantum energy, and NO Vaccinations*** For more information got to my page “Quantum Zero Point”

What is a Multi Wave Oscillator:
The Multi Wave Oscillator (MWO) is a tuned resonant system which is a multi-frequency generator. The basic idea for the original MWO came from the Russian scientist and bio-energetic pioneer, George Lakhovsky. He was inspired by the theories of Nikola Tesla, the inventor of high frequency / voltage technique. George Lakhovsky has elaborated these ideas with the help of Nikola Tesla. The result of his research is described in his book The Secret of live, electricity, radiation and your body. According to Lakhovsky the genes and chromosomes in all living cells are constantly in motion and function as small transmitters and receivers. Also, they have a resonant frequency that is due to size, shape and capacity. MWO is based on bio-resonance whereby natural frequencies of cells, tissues, organs and the body are harmonized. MWO stimulates the self-healing ability of the body. When cells are exposed to a wide range of electromagnetic waves, they absorb the energy that matches their own resonance frequency. In case of damage, complaints or illness there is always a disturbance or disruption in the vibration of the cells. MWO works quickly and directly on disturbed or disordered vibrations. Cells, tissues and organs are harmonized under the influence of electromagnetic fields and active in their own right frequency. This eliminates distortions and restores the natural balance in the body. MWO is widely deployed and further comments are unnecessary, the interview speaks for itself.
Deep relaxation through sound:
MWO Bodil56 slideIn recent years, treatment with sound is upcoming. There has been much research done and the results are often remarkable. A simple device that generates music frequencies, has no equal and is almost silently used for everything for many years, is the Multi Wave Oscillator. Research and experience show that deep relaxation is the most effective way to get back into balance. This technique is used throughout the world, and not just by professionals. The operation of the Multi Wave oscillator is based on the principle of sympathetic resonance, wherein a cell recognizes its own frequency and is able to absorb them. In music, the term sympathetic resonance is used when a string responds to an external vibration with a harmonious likeness. Sympathetic resonance or vibrating is a phenomenon in which the vibrating body reacts to external vibrations with which it has a harmonious agreement. The body has its own unique energy system. When this energy system is out of balance and it's tone changes, the mutual sounds do not match. You can compare the body with an orchestra. If the mutual systems are not aligned, the music sounds off-key. The balance in this system is determined by various internal and external influences. By internal influences you can think of psychological and emotional processes. External interference can be caused by electrical exposure including television, microwave, computer, Wi-Fi, iPad, Dect phone, smartphone, cell tower, smart meters etc. Other external factors are bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. The cells of pathogenic organisms from an infected person vibrate at a different, often lower, frequency than natural to the cel, which reduces the life strength. It takes a lot of energy for the cells to resist this abnormal unnatural frequency. Research shows that every organism has an electromagnetic field (EM field). This field is inextricably linked to various physiological and biochemical processes. All the cells in your body vibrate at different frequencies. These tiny electrical impulses are of vital importance to the intracellular exchange. Through these electric magnetic force your body works like a tuning fork. When the natural frequency of the cells is disturbed and begins to vibrate at a different frequency (oscillation), the oscillation pattern gets off balance. Due to changes in the electromagnetic field mutations or modifications may occur in the genetic properties (DNA or RNA) of a cell. The changing vibrations activate DNA codes and complaints and diseases may occur. Someone who had good understanding of this proces was the respected scientist George Lakhovsky. He discovered that all living cells in living organisms (people, plants, animals, bacteria, parasites, etc.) act as oscillating circuits. These vibration systems send and receive (absorb) waves from external sources, each at a different wavelength or frequency. An oscillation circuit can be compared to the movements of a swing or a pendulum in a clock. With this in mind George Lakovsky designed the Multi Wave Oscillator.
Scientists and developers:
>George Lakhovsky- The Multiple Wave Oscillator (MWO) was invented by Georges Lakhovsky with the assistance of Nikola Tesla for his expertise in engineering of radio technology. They were used historically in French cancer clinics in the 1920s and 1930s. We are proud to bring available the most accurately replicated Multiple Wave Oscillators since Lakhovsky's original. On the next page: This picture is made from a painting of George Lakhovsky in the labore/office of Serge Lakhovsky in Paris. Dated 1992 I was there for an intervieuw with Serge. Tom Brown of Borderlands Sience asked me to do this interview. Picture made by Hessel Hoornveld.
>Ralph Bergstresser - who gave the blueprints of the MWO. The house of Ralph in Sedona, Peter and Ralph standing on the terras. Sedona is an amazing place. On the internet you can find a lot about Sedona. The energy there is so high, a good place for spiritual experiences. This picture is made in Sedona, the mountain is called Cathedral Rock. It has a special place in my office. Every moment of the day I can look at it. This gives me always a very special warm feeling.
>Serge Lakhovsky between an original setup of the MWO, son of the great George Lakhovsky. Lakhovsky;s office in Paris it's the original MWO front with antennas. The MWO is with an trembler system sparkgap. Principle is like the old fashioned doorbell. It was overheated through the high power in 10 minutes. In basic it's a bipolar system. It has a little time difference between the left and right antenna.
>Prof. Jorge Céspedes-Curé was born in Valparaiso, Chile, on February 6, 1931. At the age of 44 he became Venezuelan. At the age of 63 he became a citizen of the United States of America. At the age of twelve he had the good-fortune to be a disciple of Prof. Heinrich Hauser, a retired German professor, who taught him Geometry, Algebra, Chemistry and Physics. Prof. Curé is a true Natural Philosopher who has produced in his book, Einstein on Trial, an extraordinary fusion of physics, philosophy and theology.

1. Akaimine, T. Report of the Japan Committee of Electrical Enhancement of Bone Healing. Abstract 1981. Report showing that pulsed electromagnetic fields produce an increase in the growth of cancer cells.
2. American Physiological Society Neurophysiology Vol. I of The Handbook of Physiology. 1959, Chapter 1, “The Historical Development of Neurophysiology,” by Mary A. Brazier, is one of the best and most literate accounts of this subject. This work may be found in most medical school libraries.
3. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Vol. 174, October 30, 1970.
4. Arno, Peter and Feiden, Karyn, Against the Odds, Harper Collins, 1992, p. 204. Reported by Associated Press and published in the Los Angeles Times, March 15, 1993.
5. Ausubel, Ken, “The Silent Treatments”, New Age Journal, (September/October 1989, p. 117.
6. Bailer, J. C., and Smith, E. M. “Progress against Cancer?” New England Journal of Medicine 314(1986):1226. 
7. Baker, R. R. “Human Magneto reception for Navigation” In Electromagnetic Fields and
Neurobehavioral Function, edited by M. E. O'Connor and R H. Lovely. New York: Nan R. Liss, 1988.
8. Bassett, C. A. L., and Becker, MD, R. O Science 137(1962):1063. Report that bone has a piezoelectric effect.
9. Bassett, C. A. L., Pawluk, R., and Becker, MD, R. O. Nature 204(1964):652. Report that DC electrical current stimulates bone growth.
10. Beale, Morris, Super Drug Story. Columbia Pub., Washington, D.C., 1949.
11. Beck, Melinda, “The Politics of Breast Cancer” Newsweek December 10. 1990.
12. “Bone Marrow Swap in Breast Cancer Still in Question”, The London Free Press, April
19, 1999, from Associated Press and The Toronto Sun.
13. Becker, MD, R. O. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Electronics 7(1960):202. A
description of the integrated system of direct currents in the salamander.
14. Becker, MD, R. O., Bassett, C. A. L., and Bachman, C. H., in Bone Biodynamics, edited by
H. Frost. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1964. Theory relating piezoelectric effect in bone to its stress-related growth.
15. Becker, MD, R. O., and Belden, Gary, “The Body Electric, Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life” Science 134(1961):101. Proof that the direct electrical currents in the salamander are semiconducting in nature.
16. Becker, MD, R. O., and Murray. D. G. Clinical Orthopedics and Related Research
73(1970):169. Complete description of the fracture-healing electrical control system.
17. Becker, MD, R. O., et al. Clinical Orthopedics and Related Research 124(1977):75. Report
that very-low-strength negative electrical currents could cause bone growth and healing.
18. Becker, MD, R. O., and Esper, C. Clinical Orthopedics and Related Research 161 (1981):336. Report that low-strength electrical currents stimulate the growth of cancer cells.
19. Becker, MD, R. O., Calcified Tissue Research 26(1978):93.
20. Becker, MD, R. O., and Marino, Andrew A. Electromagnetism and Life (Albany, N.Y: State University of New York Press, 1984, and in Modern Bioelectricity, edited by A. A. Marino (New York: Marcel Dekker, 1988).
21. Benveniste, Jackques, “What is Digital Biology?” Benveniste is a French scientist who proved homeopathy’s truth in experiments in the late 1980’s, which brought a vehement reaction From traditional scientists and questionable invasions of his laboratory from unqualified debunkers’. At the time of this writing (2004), he is the head of the Digital Biology Laboratory in Clamant, France.
22. Bernstein, Sharon “Drug Makers Face Evolving Markets” Los Angeles Times, January 31,1999.
23. Bezell, Robert, “Bone Marrow Transplants May Not Work For Breast Cancer” MSNBCweb site, March 9, 1999.
24. “Breast Cancer Quackery”, New York Post, April 20, 1999.
25. Bird, Christopher “What Has Become of the Rife Microscope?" New Age Journal. Boston, March 1976.
26. Biser, Loren, The Layman's Course on Killing Cancer.
27. Blakemore, R. Science 190(1975):377. The first paper describing the magnetic organ in bacteria.
28. Blood, Alan, Rife Ray Cancer Treatment and Mycoplasmas in cancer and AIDS P.O. Box 128, Nathan 4111, Brisbane, Australia.
29. Breder, C. O. Science 240(1988):321. Aspects of psychoneuroimmunology.
30. Broad, William and Wade, Nicholas Betrayers of the Truth: Fraud and Deceit in the Halls of Science.
31. Bross, Irwin, “Mathematical Models vs. Animal Models” Perspective on Animal Research, Vol. 1, 1988. Medical Research Modernization Committee, P. O. Box 6036, Grand Central Station. New York. NY. Dr. Bross also authored Crimes of Official Science, Biomedical Metatechnology Press, Buffalo, NY, 1988.
32. Brotherstone, Gordon, Image of the New World, London: Thames & Hudson, 1979. A collection of actual writings of Amerindians describing aspects of their culture, including their medical and healing concepts.
33. Brown, Frank. Many papers on biological cycles, published in the 1960’s and 1970’s. Best summary is in American Scientist 60(1972):756.
34. Browne, Malcolm, “Unlikely Results of Experiment Published in Scientific Journal” The New York Times, June 30, 1988.
35. Brown, H. D., and Chattopadhyay, S. K. Cancer Biochemistry and Biophysics 9(1988):295. Review of all available scientific literature on electromagnetic fields and cancer.
36. Brown, Raymond K. AIDS, Cancer and the Medical Establishment. Aries Rising Press, Los Angeles, 1986.
37. Cairns, John “The Treatment of Diseases and the War Against Cancer” Scientific American, November 1985.
38. “Cancer Clinics,” The Houston Post, May 9, 1990.
39. Cantwell, Alan, Jr. AIDS: The Mystery and the Solution. Aries Rising Press, Los Angeles, 1983.
40. Cartmell, John W., “Cancer A Paradigm and Protocol”, Frontier Perspectives, Spring/Summer 1997; reprinted in Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients, Feb/Mar 1996 and Again in SunCoast EGO Report, Aug/Sep 1998, P.O. Box 35500, SunCoast, FL 34278.
41. Corner, George History of Rockefeller Institute 1901-1953. Rockefeller Institute Press, New York, 1964.
42. Coulter, Harris L., The Controlled Clinical Trial, Washington, D.C.: Center for Empirical Medicine, 1991.
43. Crane, John, A Study of Electron Therapy John F. Crane Corp., San Diego, 1978.
44. Cullen, Ben, transcript of interview, October 15, 1959. Cohen, D. Science 175(1972):664. First report of the magnetic encephalogram (magnetic field given off by the brain).
45. Clendening, Logan, Source Book of Medical History, New York: Dover Publications, 1942.
46. Clinical Orthopedics and Related Research 141(1979):266. Two papers that summarized the DC control system for human bone growth and the possible side effects of electrical and electromagnetic treatments.
47. Clinical Orthopedics and Related Research 73 (1970): 169. The complete electrical control system for the healing of bone fractures.
48. Cohnheim, J. F. Vodesungen caber allgemeine Pathologie. Berlin: A. Hirschwald, 1877.
49. Collier, Michael, Introduction to Grand Canyon Geology Grand Canyon, AZ: Grand Canyon Natural History Association, 1980. This has little to do with medicine perse, but it is an excellent, poetically written history of geology and evolution that relates to scientific attitudes.
50. Corner, History of the Rockefeller Institute, chapter 20; S. Benison, Tom Rivers: Reflection on a Life in Medicine and Science, An Oral Memoir (Cambridge: M.I.T. Press, 1967).
51. Coyle, Michael, Advanced Microscopy for Nutritional Evaluation and Correction 1997, pp. 13, 27, 241, 246, 252, 253. Christine Baillie, A New Microscope Company/ANMC,82 Proctor Road, Chelmsford, MA 01824.
52. Cruzan v. Director, Missouri Dept of Health, Supreme Court decision, June 25, 1990.
53. DeMeo, James, “More FDA ‘Ban and Burn’ Actions”, September 26, 1998. Postal mailing address: Orgone Biophysical Research Laboratory, Inc., Greensprings Center. P.O. Box 1148, Ashland, OR 97520.
54. Dibner, Bern. Luigi Galvani. Norwalk, CT: Burndy Library, 1971. A brief biography and discussion of Galvani's observations with several illustrations by Galvani that were not previously published.
55. Dominique, Gerald J.: Cell-Wall Deficient Bacteria. Addison Wesley, Reading, Ma, 1982.
56. Dusseau. J. Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 30(1987):345.
57. Eddy, David M. and Henderson, Craig, “Bone Marrow Transplants: No Breast Cancer
Miracle Cure” The Sacramento Bee, California, April 20, 1999.
58. Eden, James, Energetic Healing, Plenum Press, 1993.
59. “Filterable Bodies Seen With The Rife Microscope”, Science Supplement, Science,
December 11, 1931.
60. Fishbein, Morris Fads and Quackery in Healing, pp. 299-300.
61. Fitzgerald, Ben, Special Counsel to the Senate Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Congressional Record Appendix, (August 3, 1953). Fitzgerald was a highly trained attorney brought to the Senate for the investigation from the U.S. Justice Department; the report concluded "the AMA, in direct collaboration with the National Cancer Institute and the Federal Drug Administration, entered into a conspiracy to suppress alternative, effective cancer treatments."
62. Friedenberg, Z. B., and Brighton, C. T. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 48A(1966):915 Report that human fractures, like the salamander's regenerating limb, are electrically negative.
63. Friedenberg, Z. B., et al. Trauma 11(1971):883. First report of the use of negative electrical current to heal a human bone nonunion.
64. Fontana, A. Journal of Immunology 129(1982):2413. Psychoneuroimmunology.
65. Friedman, H., Becker, R. O, and Bachman, C. H. Archives of General Psychiatry 7(1962):193. DC electrical potentials influenced under hypnosis.
66. Friedman, H. et al. Nature 200(1963):626. Report on admissions to psychiatric hospitals related to magnetic storms.
67. Fukada, E., and Yasuda, I. Journal of Physiology Society Japan 12(1957):1158. First report of piezoelectric effect in bone.
68. Fukata, H. Report of the Japan Committee of Electrical Enhancement of Bone Healing. Abstract 1981. Report that DC electrical current increases DNA synthesis in cancer cells.
69. Green, E., and Green, A. Beyond Biofeedback. San Francisco: Delacorte Press, 1977. The best book on biofeedback, plus much discussion of other phenomena by the authorities.
70. “Giant Microscope May Yield Secrets of Bacteria World”, Los Angeles Times, June 26,
71. Glaser, Alan L., Alternative Healing and the Law.
72. Greenberg, Daniel S. “Medical Research's Star System”, Los Angeles Times, December
14, 1998.
73. Groner, O. C. Study of Blood in Cancer. Renouf, Montreal, 1942.
74. Grossinger, Richard, Planet Medicine, Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 1987. An encyclopedic review of medicine from prehistoric shamanism to current medical practice.
75. Hams, Paul D., “Energetic Medicine” Townsend Letter for Doctors, August/September
1991, p. 633.
76. Hasson, J. Cancer Research 18(1958):262. Report of increased growth of cancer in deenervated portions of the body.
77. “Here Is Most Powerful Microscope,” Los Angeles Times, November 27, 1931.
78. Hess, David J., Evaluating Alternative Cancer Therapies: A Guide to the Science and
Politics of an Emerging Medical Field, Piscataway, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1999, pp. 28,
79. Horrobin, David F. “The Philosophical Basis of Peer Review and the Suppression of
Innovation”, JAMA, March 9, 1990.
80. Horton, Richard, The Lancet, March 6, 1933. 78. Bernard Cohen, “Revolution in Science”.
81. Hoyland vs. Beam Ray Corp., June 12, 1939, Judge Edward Kelly presiding, transcript,
San Diego, CA.
82. Hume, E. Douglas, Bechamp or Pasteur, C. W. Daniel Co., Ltd., Essex, 1947.
83. Jones, Newell, “Dread Disease Germs Destroyed by Rays Claim of S. D. Scientist”, San
Diego Tribune, May 6, 1938.
84. Jones, Newell, “Rife Bares Startling New Conceptions of Disease Germs”, San Diego
Tribune, May 11, 1938.
85. Keller, Evelyn F., A Feeling For The Organism, W H. Freeman & Co., San Francisco,
86. Kendall, Arthur & Rife, Royal, “Observations on Bacillus Typhoeus in its Filtrable State”,
California and Western Medicine, December 1931.
87. Kendall, Arthur, “The Filtration of Bacteria”, Science, March 18, 1932.
88. Ladas, Harold S. PhD., “The War On Cancer” Holistic Medicine, Vol. 3 London. 1986.
89. Layne, M., The Koch Remedy for Cancer David Wolper TV documentary interview of
Senator Paul Douglas.
90. Livingston-Wheeler, Virginia and Addeo, Edmund G., The Conquest of Canccer: Vaccines
and Diet Franklin Watts, 1984.
91. “Local Man Bares Wonders of Germ Life”, San Diego Union. November 3, 1929.Holden,
C. Science 200(1978):1316. An excellent review of the mind/cancer relationship: gives an
indication of how little has been done since then.
92. Illingworth, C. M. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 9(1974):853. Report on regeneration of
fingertips in children.
93. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Electronics 24(1977):402. Acupuncture meridians have
transmission line characteristics.
94. Israelachvili, J., and McGuiggan, P. Science 241(1988) 995. Report of strong forces at
very close distances in liquids.
95. Jonas, Wayne “Alterative Medicine and the Conventional Practitioners”, JAM A, March 4,
1998, v. 279, n9, p.708.
96. Journal of Bioelectricity 1 (1982):239. This is a review of Robert Becker, MD's work on
electrical controls of regeneration.
97. Journal of Bioelectricity (1984):105. An attempt to “put it all together.”
98. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 43-A(1961):643. Original paper on the electrical factors in regenerating limbs of salamanders.
99. Krippner, S., ed. Advances in Parapsychological Research, Vol. 1, Psychokinesis (1977); Vol. 2, Extrasensory Perception (1978); Vols. 3 (1982) and 4 (1984), untitled, New York and London: McFarland, Jefferson. All volumes are of great value in that they collect the best available scientific evidence for all aspects of parapsychology.
100. Lakhovsky, Georges, PhD, The Secret of Life.
101. Lanzerotti, L. J. “The Earth's Magnetic Environment”, Sky and Telescope, October 1988.
Popular version of present knowledge of Earth's magnetic field complexities.
102. Lasalandra, Michael, “Breast Cancer Studies Extend Treatment Debate” Boston Herald,
Massachusetts, April 16. 1999.
103. Laurence, William “Trite Advances Life Ray Theory as Medical Basis” New York Times,
October 9, 1933.
104. Lerner, E. J. “The Big Bang Never Happened”, Discover, June 1968. The concept of
magnetic rather than gravitational forces as involved in the formation of the universe.
105. Liberman, Jacob Light: Medicine of the Future.
106. Libet, B. The Sciences (New York Academy of Science), March-April 1989:32.
107. Locke, David Viruses: The Smallest Enemy. Crown Pub. New York, 1974.
108. Lynes, Barry, The Cancer Cure That Worked, Fifty Years of Suppression. 1987.
109. Maddox, J., Randi. J., and Stewart, W., “High dilution" experiments a delusion” Nature
334(1988):287. Report by the investigative team on Benveniste's experiments, labeling them
110. Marchione, Marilyn, “What's Next for Treatment?”, The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel,
Wisconsin, April 18. 1999.
111. Martin, Wayne, from an interview in The Layman's Course on Killing Cancer by Biser,
Loren, Section 33, pp. 4-5.
112. Mattman, Linda H. Cell Wall Deficient Forms. CRC Press. Cleveland, Ohio, 1974.
113. Medical Trial Technique Quarterly, Winter, 1994. 75. Tune v. Walter Reed Hospital,
602 Federal Supplement, 1935, p. 1455.
114. Meyer, Herbert A History of Electricity and Magnetism Norwalk, CT: Burndy Library,
115. Microwave News: Newsletter that is the only up-to-date review of all actions in the
entire bioeffects area of the whole electromagnetic spectrum. Published ten times per year;
available by subscription (Box 1799, Grand Central Station, New York, NY 10163).
116. Miller, S. L. Science 117(1953);528. Experiment producing amino acids and peptides
from simple compounds; possible chemical origin of life.
117. Miner, Scott E. “Pioneering Physicians Hindered”, Well Being Journal, (May/June 1996),
(P.O. Box 1542, North Bend, WA 98045).
118. Moertel, Charles New England Journal of Medicine, 299, 1978, pp. 1049-52.
119. Monmaney, Terence, “Nobel Prize for Medicine Goes to UC Scientist” Los Angeles Times,
October 7, 1997.
120. Morton, W. E., and Phillips. D. S., Radio Emission Density and Cancer Epidemiology in
the Portland Metro Area (Grant #R-805832, EPA). Triangle Park, N.C.: Health Effects
Research Laboratory. Report on relationship between level of FM radiation and leukemia.
121. Moss, Ralph, The Cancer Syndrome. Grove Press. New York, 1980.
122. Moss, Ralph W., The Cancer Industry: The Classic Expose on the Cancer Establishment, 1989.
123. Moss, Ralph W., The Cancer Chronicles, Autumn 1998 .
124. Moss, Ralph W., The Cancer Chronicles #14, February 1993.
125. Moss, Ralph W., The Cancer Chronicles #30, December 1995.
126. Natenberg, Maurice, The Cancer Blackout: Amended: A History of Denied and
Suppressed Remedies, 1762-1976. Regent House, Chicago, 1959.
127. Nature 205(1965):1050. Report of significant relationship between cosmic-ray counts and
patient behavior in psychiatric hospitals.
128. Neergaard, Lauren, Associated Press, “Costly New Breast Cancer Treatment May Not
Work,” The Detroit News, Michigan, April 15, 1999.
129. Nelson, K., and Holmes, L., New England Journal of Medicine 320(1989):19.
130. New York State Journal of Medicine 62(1962):1168. First paper proposing the primitive
DC control system.
131. Nicholas, Robin and Nicholas, David Virology, An Information Profile. Mansell Pub.
London, 1983.
132. Nixon, PhD., Alan C., Past President, American Chemistry Society, quoted in
Questioning Chemotherapy: A Critique of the Use of Toxic Drugs in the Treatment of Cancer by
Moss, Ralph.
133. Nordenson, I., et al., Radiation and Environmental Biophysics 23(1984)191.
Chromosomal abnormalities in lymphocytes of humans exposed to power-frequency fields.
134. Nordstrom, S., et al. Bioelectromagnetics 4(1983):91. Genetic defects in offspring of
power-frequency workers.
135. Norris, P., and Porter, G. I Choose Life. Walpole, N.H.: Stillpoint Publishing, 1987. Report
of a dramatic outcome to visualization therapy.
136. Nuremberg quote from World Medical Association, Ethics and Regulations of Clinical
Research, A. J. Levine: Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1981.
137. “Observations on Filter-Passing Forms of Streptococcus from Poliomelitis”, Proceedings
of the Staff Meetings of the Mayo Clinic, 13 July 1932.
138. “Observations with the Rife Microscope of Filter-Passing Forms of Microorganisms”
Science. August 26, 1932.
139. Office of Technology Assessment, Congress of the United States, Unconventional Cancer
Treatments – Summary and Options – Part I, Washington, D.C., 1990.
140. Osborne, S. L., and Frederick. J. N. Journal of The American Medical Association
137(1948):1038. First report of experiments to determine whether microwaves below heating
effect could produce cataracts; none were found.
141. “Outside the Beltway” Orange County Register, January 17, 1999.
142. Pawlowski, A., and Weddell, G., Nature, March 25, 1967:1234. Increased growth of
cancer in de-enervated portions of the body.
143. Pedersin-Bjergaard. J. et al. New England Journal of Medicine 318(1988):1028. A medical paper indicating significant cancer-producing risks of treatment with cancerchemotherapeutic agents.
144. Phillips, J. B. Science 233(1986):765. Two magnetic receptors in the salamander.
145. Phillips, J., Winters, W. D., and Rutledge, J. International Journal of Radiation Biology
49(1986):463. Report that exposure to 60-Hz electromagnetic and magnetic fields increases rate of growth of human cancer cells.
146. Phillips, J. Immunology Letters 13(1986):295. Report that human cancer cells exposed
to 60-Hz fields resist destruction by body's killer-type cells.
147. Phillips, J., et al., Cancer Research 46(1986):239. Report that exposure to 6o-Hz fields
markedly increases the surface-binding sites of human cancer cells.
148. Phillips, Richard. Letter to Lawrence W. Herbert, February 1988.
149. Proceedings of the Ad Hoc Committee for the Review of Biomedical and Ecological
Effects of ELF Radiation (SANGUINE Report). Washington, D.C.: Department of the Navy,
Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, December 6-7, 1973.
150. Preslock, J. P. Endocrine Reviews 5 (1984):282. Review of functions and mechanisms of
pineal gland.
151. Ransome, “What's New In Science-The Wonderwork of 1931”, Los Angeles Times
Sunday Magazine, December 27, 1931.
152. Rauscher, E., and Van Elise, W. Personal communication, 1987.
153. Reichmanis, M., et al. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Electronics 22(1975):533. Our original publication showing a direct relationship between electrical measurements and acupuncture points. American Journal of Chinese Medicine 4(1976):69. Acupuncture points show increased DC electrical conductivity.
154. Reilly, D. T., et al., “Is Homeopathy a Placebo Response?” in Lancet, October 1986. This is the latest and most convincing report of the ethical effectiveness of homeopathic preparations. It includes a good bibliography as well.
155. Relman, Arnold S. “What Market Values Are Doing To Medicine”, The Atlantic Monthly, March 1992.
156. Reichmanis, M., et al., Physiological Chemistry and Physics 11(1979):395.
157.Report done with Dr. F. S. Perry in England on the relationship between suicide and exposure to power-line fieldsRichards, Evelleen "The Politics of Therapeutic Evaluation”, Social Studies of Science (SAGE, London, Newbury Park, and New Delhi), Vol. 18 (1988).
158. Richardson, A. W., et al. Archives of Physical Medicine 29(1948):365. First report that microwaves could produce cataracts without heating.
159. Rife Microscope or Facts and their Fate. Reprint #47, The Lee Foundation for
Nutritional Research, Milwaukee, WI.
160. Rife, Royal R. History of the Development of a Successful Treatment for Cancer and Other Virus, Bacteria and Fungi. Rife Virus Microscope Institute, San Diego, CA, 1953. Documents and Correspondence, 1920-71.
161. Rife, Royal R., paper dated June 1958.
162. Rife, Royal R., paper dated 1933.
163. Riley, V. Science 212 (1981). Major paper reporting many mind/hormone relationships.
164. Roan, Shari “Two Pros Duke It Out Over Alternative Medicine”, Los Angeles Times, December 14, 1998.
165. Robbins, John Reclaiming Our Health: Exploding the Medical Myth and Embracing the Sources of True Healing, Tiburon, CA: H. J. Kramer, 1996, p. 268.
166. Rose, S. M, and Wallingford, H. M. Science 107(1948):457. Disappearance of cancer in regenerating limb of salamander.
167. Rosenberg, Stephen A., Barry, John M., and John Barry The Transformed Cell: Unlocking the Mysteries of Cancer, p. 41, 62.
168. Rosenow, E. C., “Observations on Filter Passing Forms of Streptococcus from Poliomyelitis” Proceedings of the Staff Meetings of the Mayo Clinic, July 13, 1932.
169. Rosenow, E. C., “Observations with the Rife Microscope of Filter-Passing Forms of
Microorganisms” Science, August 26, 1932.
170. Rosenow, E. C., “Transmutations Within the Streptococcus Pneumococcus Group”,
Journal of Infectious Diseases, Vol. 14, 1914.
171. Royal Raymond Rife: His Incredible Cancer Cure and the Successful Campaign to Suppress His Work!, Health Research Books : Publishing Rare and Unusual Books since 1952 : Alternative Medicine, Natural Cures, Esoterica
172. Sander, Christine “The Unifying Principle: Magnetic Fields and Life”. Master's thesis
(anthropology), University of California. Santa Barbara. 1984. An excellent review of data
available at the time, particularly magnetic reversals and species extinctions.
173. Schloendorff v. Society of New York Hospital, 1914. 69. The Globe and Mail, Toronto,
Canada, June 11. 1988, p. D4 California law 17011.1 Cancer.
174. Schoen, A. M., et al. Seminars in Veterinary Medicine and Surgery (Small Animals) 1
(1986):224. A good review of veterinary acupuncture and its clinical utility.
175. “Science's Latest Strides in War on Ills Disclosed, Development by San Diegan Hailed as
Boon to Medical Research” Los Angeles Times, November 22, 1931.
176. Seibert, Florence B. Pebbles on the Hill of a Scientist. St. Petersburg, FL, 1968.
177. Seidel, R. E. and Winter, M. Elizabeth “The New Microscopes”, Journal of the Franklin
Institute, Philadelphia, PA, February 1944, pp. 117-118. Reprinted in The Smithsonian
Institute's Annual Report, 1944.
178. Semm, P. Nature 228(1980) 206. First description of magnetic sensitivity of pineal
179. Shell, as per note 10. Elizabeth Robinson, “Essiac: Nature's Cure For Cancer, An
Interview with Dr, Gary L. Glum,” Wildfire, Vol. 6, No. 1, p. 48.
180. Shultz, Marjorie Maguire, “From Informed Consent to Patient Choice: A New Protected
Interest” The Yale Law Journal, Vol. 95, No. 2, December 1985, pp. 293, 299.
181. Sonea, Sorin & Panisset, Maurice A New Bacteriology. Jones & Bartlett, Boston, 1983.
182. Spector, Harlan and Solov, Diane, “Breast Cancer Patients Still Face Choice, Transplant
Offers No Clear Benefit, Five Studies Show”, The Plain Dealer, Cleveland, Ohio, April 16,
183. Stafford, Robert, Video interview of, October 3, 1998 in Dayton, Ohio describing his memories in the 1950’s concerning the use of an original Rife instrument on cancer patients, research with rats, and a federal agency's attempt to take the instrument and study the research documents.
184. Starr, Paul The Social Transformation of American Medicine, Basic Books, New York,
185. Strauss, Stephen, “New Discovery May Explain Basis for Homeopathy” The Globe and
Mail, Toronto, June 30, 1988.
186. Szent-Gyorgyi, A. Introduction to Submolecular Biology. New York and London:
Academic Press, 1960. The classic in the field. Also see Szent-Gyorgyi’s seminal paper “A
Study of Energy Levels in Biochemistry.” Nature 14 (1941):157.
187. “Tamoxifen: Cancer Causing Drug Approved for Healthy Women”, Life Extension,
May. 1999, p. 15, 16, 19.
188. Thiemann, W., and Jarzak. U. Origins of Life 1(1981):85. Paper detailing method of
producing single form of organic chemical by magnetic field.
189. “Things that Make You Go Hmm”, Well Being Journal, January/February 1999, P.O.
Box 1542, North Bend, WA 98045-1542, pp. 19, 25.
190. Thomas, T. L., et al. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 79 (1987):233. Epidemiological study of electromagnetic occupational exposure and brain cancers; significant relationships found.
191. Tromp, S. W. Psychical Physics: A Scientific Analysis of Dowsing, Radiesthesia, and Kindred Divining Phenomena. New York, Amsterdam, London, and Brussels: Elsevier Publishing Co., 1949. A major and fascinating, book that covers all areas of the relationship between physics and living organisms. Although the book was written some time ago, most of the material is still pertinent.
192. Ullman, D. Discovering Homeopathy: Medicine for the 21st Century. Berkeley, Calif.:
North Atlantic Books, 1988. The latest book on the subject, quite complete and written for the
general reader.
193. Upledger, J. E., and Vredevoogd, J. D. Craniosacral Therapy. Seattle: Eastland Press,
1983. Excellent account of manipulation therapy. Additional information may be obtained from
the Homeopathic Education Service, 2124 Kittredge St., Berkeley, CA 94704.
194. Visintainer, M. A., et al., Science 216(1982):437. Report on how electrical stimulation of
the brain increases the growth of cancers.
195. Walcott, C. Science 205(1979):1027. First identification of a magnetic organ in the
homing pigeon. Science 205(1979):1077.
196. Walker, M. Science 224(1984):751. Associating magnetic organ with function.
197. Wertheimer, N., and Leeper, E. American Journal of Epidemiology 109(1979):273. First report of relationship between exposure to 6o-Hz magnetic fields from electric lines and childhood cancer.
198. Weschler, Lawrence, Solidarity, Poland in the Season of Its Passion.
199. Wever, R. E L F and VLF Electromagnetic Field Effects, edited by M. A. Persinger.
New York: Plenum Press, 1974.
200. Whitaker, Julian Health & Healing: Tomorrow’s Medicine Today, November 1998, Vol.
8, No. 11, pp. 3-4. Phillips Publishing, 7811 Montrose Road, Potomac, MD 20854-3394. The
NEJM editorial to which the quotation refers is: Angell, M. & Kessler, P. “Alternative Medicine
the Risks of Untested and Unregulated Remedies” New England Journal of Medicine, September 17,
1998; 339(12): 839-841.
201. White, M.D., Lawrence W. “The Nazi Doctor and the Medical Community”, Journal of
Medical Humanities, Vol. 17, No. 2, 1996, p. 122.
202. Wolinsky and Brune, as per note 10, pages xii and xiv. 21. Shari Roan and Terence
Monmaney, “Boom in Alternative Medicine Is Found,” Los Angeles Times, November 11, 1998.
203. Wolsky, A., Growth 42(1978): 425. Paper on regeneration and cancer.
204. “Virus Found 15 Years Ago-San Diegan's Cancer Cure Work May Make Cure Possible”,
San Diego Union, July 31, 1949.
205. Wuerthele-Caspe, Virginia and Allen, Roy, New York Microscopical Society Bulletin,
August 1948.
206. Wuerthele-Caspe, Virginia, American Journal of Medical Sciences, December 1950.
207. Wuerthele-Caspe-Livingston. Virginia Cancer, A New Breakthrough. Nash Pub., Los
Angeles, 1972.
208. Yale, Arthur W., “Cancer” Pacific Coast Journal of Homeopathy, July 1940.


DNA altered Artificially 

The FLNA gene provides instructions for producing the protein filamin A, which helps build cells' extensive internal network of protein filaments called the cytoskeleton. The cytoskeleton gives structure to cells and allows them the flexibility to change shape. Filamin A primarily attaches (binds) to another protein called actin and helps it form the branching network of filaments that make up the cytoskeleton. Filamin A can also bind to many other proteins in the cell to carry out various functions, including the attachment of cells to one another (cell adhesion), cell movement (migration), determination of cell shape, and cell survival. These numerous functions involving filamin A have been found to play roles in regulating skeletal and brain development, the formation of heart tissue and blood vessels, and blood clotting. Filamin A is also involved in the organization of the extracellular matrix, which is the lattice of proteins and other molecules outside the cell. Filamin A binds to proteins called integrins, which span the cell membrane and anchor cells to the extracellular matrix. Through this binding, cells are correctly positioned and signals can be exchanged between the cell and the extracellular matrix.

1. Frontometaphyseal dysplasia
2. Intestinal pseudo-obstruction
3. Melnick-Needles syndrome
4. Otopalatodigital syndrome type 1 & 2
5. Periventricular heterotopia
6. X-linked cardiac valvular dysplasia
7. FG syndrome

8. Other Mutations in the FLNA gene are a rare cause of a large group of conditions that affect children's lungs called childhood interstitial lung disease (chILD). The signs and symptoms of chILD can include shortness of breath (dyspnea), rapid breathing (tachypnea), frequent coughing or wheezing, frequent bouts of pneumonia or other lung infections, and slow growth. The signs and symptoms of chILD caused by FLNA gene mutations can be life-threatening. Individuals with chILD typically experience complication that include overinflation of the lungs due to air being trapped and not exhaled (hyperinflation), narrowing of the blood vessels in the lungs (pulmonary vascular attenuation), and high blood pressure in the vessels that carry blood from the heart to the lungs (pulmonary hypertension).The role of the filamin A protein in the lungs is unclear, but it is thought to be involved in the development of small air sacs (alveoli) in the lungs before birth. Changes in the FLNA gene that cause chILD are "loss-of-function" mutations; they reduce levels of the filamin A protein or impair its function. A shortage of functioning filamin A likely prevents the normal development of the lungs, leading to the signs and symptoms of chILD in affected individuals.


Missing Gold Theories:

1) Gold can reflect light and a select electromagnetic frequency, most likely to reflect whats need for our humans cells from the sun, to which is being spread in Chemtrials.
2) Gold can Enhance Light for example make light brighter, example to enhance CERN light particles for more power.

3) Gold can renew cells after being positioned by GMO-foods, chemtrials, toxic waters (chemical and radiation). To even say satanic ism is poisoning to fire, example the evil twin of captain planet is being divine is holy elements of life; with all the elements poisoned does that destroy sprint?

Since our Sun is moving faster and more active since 1940 then in the last 1125 year prior; causing ever increasing Photonic Light in our solar system, Neutrinos do not carry any electric charge, which means that they are not affected by the electromagnetic force that acts on charged particles, such as electrons and protons. Neutrinos are affected only by the weak subatomic force, which is of much shorter range than electromagnetism, and gravity, which is relatively weak on the subatomic scale. Therefore, a neutrino typically passes through normal matter unimpeded.

** … Also other reports from NASA "recently linked the attenuation of ice caps on Mars to fluctuations in the sun's output.".... beyond all of the other crazy space weather material**

Hawaii gov’s “broadband strategic plan” outlines smart city, and smart grid. Also, Hawaii gov is also going for digital ID of vaccinations.


Prometheus CERN on Mars stealing Fire from mount Olympus. Hermes is the Fallen Angel of the Pit.

Atlantis fell because of the race of beings that came from Mars, on Mars there was life and proof they created a CERN type of machine as seen in the face of mars. two points of proof 1) the Eltro Magnetic shield is destroyed & 2) the Epic Scar on the surface of mars was caused by electrical damage. The life on Mars influenced by the Annunaki Negal reptilian Nibru anti-light group which is the same group with the Illuminati group. The pictures of Mars attached to the post is the pyramids on Mars to prove they had advance technology on Mars a very long time ago. Those pictures to Go with the picture of the (Sumerian tablets / Mayan Tablet and CERN image the 8 pointed star is not Evil and/or means only Saturn it is a simple to represent electromagnetic energy in ancient times, it’s how it’s used that makes all the difference) picture, one *KEY* Note! the "Electro “magnetic" energy is the unseen non-corporal Divine Mother Spirit" is not Evil but there is the ability in the Universe to control Electromagnetic energy on a cosmic scale with advance technology. This is like how there is a natural flow of electric current Nickola tesla proved, also with the same energy for the pyramids of Egypt this is best known as AC electric power. With technology you can produces DC electric current power it works but is synthetic and not natural which can kill people if strong enough. SO to say with synthetic-Magnetic energy you can have like I said above altered state of reality, like what the people of Mars did. If you create an Electro “magnetic shield 100,000 plus times of the Earth and the Earth natural magnetic shield is destroyed, plus 19.5 angles between the pyramids is Mars math.

Atlantis fell not only because of people of Mars tried to use CERN to brake space-time to be more powerful then they were. Screwed up there planet and came here. All of that I knew like many others... NOW I come to see the real truth that part is true about the former martians and Atlantis  BUT so is Hermes who lead to destroying Atlantis... Atlantis is water based and the Water element is With Hera the element of Life; Sirius star of the river of the Nile and Hera the Goddess of Child Births... 


Hermes (alcyon pleiades) calls Eris the queen of Heaven and Eris is behind Epstein's Island with the raping of Children. If Hera (9 pointed star{what the creator choose}) is the goddess of child births then Eris (10 pointed star) would be the opposite with cloning not with births... Like Jurassic Park the Red hair woman with cloning dinosaurs... and people with built in nano-tech to start life with being controlled like a puppet. IF alcyon tells you then they can avoid karma. Think of it as Hermes is Supporting Ares, Eirs (polaris)  and Strife against Zeus, Hera, Apollo, Dionysus and Athena etc.  I am unsure of Aphrodite but I leave that to Hera; I do know Aphrodite was abused too but Ares... 10-26-2014 Bear Mountain , Arizona I saw Aphrodite & Ares... long story I can only say Fate... 


1) Holes in gold enhance molecular sensing @ <^> "When light is incident on nanostructures of noble metals such as gold, the electrons oscillate collectively – a so-called plasmon – and this greatly enhances the electromagnetic field close by. According to Babinet's principle in optics, the inverse structure – a mesoporous film – should lead to similar local electromagnetic field enhancements, but as Yamauchi and his colleagues point out in their report, controlling gold crystal growth well enough to produce mesoporous films has so far been difficult.


2) A POSSIBLE SYNCHROTRON LIGHT BEAM PROFILE MONITOR IN RHIC @ <^> "This report examines the possibility of observing transverse beam profiles by using synchrotron light emission from the 100 GeV/nucleon heavy-ion gold beam in the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). Synchrotron radiation experiences a shift towards higher photon energy when the magnetic field at the end of a dipole varies rapidly over a short distance. Synchrotron light signals from high energy (larger than 400 GeV) proton beams have already been routinely used to observe the transverse beam profiles at the SPS in CERN and at the TEVATRON at Fermilab. Be-cause of the modest relativistic factor of the fully stripped stored gold ions in RHIC this “push” towards higher critical energy is not large enough to place the synchrotron light within the visible region of the spectrum.

It took me awhile to find some sort of logic proof of this here is an lecture about particle physics from a scientist at CERN he talks about Electromagnetic in representing the alpha math variable when describing the electrical charge of a photon, which sounds normal or ok. However if you view all four video parts and "understand" the intent of the particle math issue is to create a separate energy source to do the same thing i.e replace. Which again might sound normal or ok, but remember the amount of Electromagnetic energy is 100,000 times strong then normal Mother Earth field, that again sound like replacing. <^> it's equal both (female + male ) thats why it's called union and takes both to create Life. Father Photon Light Particle the Mother Electromagnetic energy (the matrix of all matter), together... Why they have a Shiva Hindu statute is because esoterically "She" (not He its a separate agenda the dark ones trying to replace/destroy the sacred feminine) represents Electromagnetic energy (the matrix of all matter)

In cryptography and computer security, a man-in-the-middle attack its an attack where the attacker (saturn) secretly or not, relays and possibly alters the communication between two parties who believe they are directly communicating with each other. with the rumors that Saturn's Cern synthetic dream consciousness machine, could do a "Man in the middle" hack attack method to poison and interrupt the art request signal between source the server and us the client that's creating a separate universe/simulation within universe/simulation.  Of course if it is a man in the middle attack 1) where/who/what is the source server the orinal singal is coming from? (Eta Carinae via the Sun like a relay system?) & 2)  what/how is the machisem/tool used for the hacked singal, if also its source (Saturn).

Revelation 20:3-4 "and he threw him into the abyss, and shut it and sealed it over him, so that he would not deceive the nations any longer, until the thousand years were completed; after these things he must be released for a short time. Then I saw thrones, and they sat on them, and judgment was given to them. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony of Jesus and because of the word of God, and those who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not received the mark on their forehead and on their hand; and they came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years."


According to Craig Hogan, the newly appointed Director at the Fermilab’s Center for Particle Astrophysics in Batavia, Illinois, GEO600 may have stumbled upon the fundamental limit of space-time—the point where space-time stops behaving like the smooth continuum Einstein described and instead dissolves into “grains,” just as a newspaper photograph dis-solves into dots as you zoom in. “It looks like GEO600 is being buffeted by the microscopic quantum convulsions of space-time. If the GEO600 result is what I suspect it is, then we are all living in a giant cosmic hologram.”1 Gravitational wave detectors like GEO600 are essentially fantastically sensitive rulers. The idea is that if a gravitational wave passes through GEO600, it will alternately stretch space in one direction and squeeze it in another. To measure this, the GEO600 team fires a single laser through a *half-silvered* mirror called a beam splitter. This divides the light into two beams, which pass down the instrument’s 600-meter perpendicular arms and bounce back again. The returning light beams merge together at the beam splitter and create an interference pattern of light and dark regions where the light waves either cancel out or reinforce each other. Craig's prediction to the GEO600 team. “In-credibly, I discovered that the experiment was picking up un-expected noise,” says Hogan. GEO600’s principal investigator Karsten Danzmann of the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics in Potsdam, Germany, and also the University of Hanover, admits that the excess noise, with frequencies of between 300 and 1500 hertz, had been bothering the team for a long time.


Let’s look at some definitions of Electromagnetic *uses*:

>1st - "The Hegelian dialectical formula: A (thesis) versus B (anti-thesis) equals C (synthesis). For example: If (A) my idea of freedom conflicts with (B) your idea of freedom then (C) neither of us can be free until everyone agrees to be a slave." @

>2nd - (A) "Brain zap saps destructive urges" @ A characteristic electrical-activity pattern in a key brain region predicts impulsive actions just before they occur. A brief electrical pulse at just the right time can prevent them, Stanford scientists have found. ... "“Impulses are normal and absolutely necessary for survival,” Halpern said. “They convert our feelings about what’s rewarding into concrete action to obtain food, sex, sleep and defenses against rivals or predators.” 

(B) "Brain chips that allow you to delete memories and fight disease will create a new breed of SUPERHUMANS in 15 years" @ <^> Bryan Johnson's firm, Kernel, is working on a microchip to be implanted in brain

He says the chips will allow people to buy and delete memories as "they" (or anyone else) wish. Rather than being reserved for the rich, Mr Johnson says the chips will be 'democratised, like smartphones'

>3rd - In case people are interested in some heavy reading... (A) Proof of brain chips US Patent 6,205,361 “Implantable expandable multicontact electrodes” Inventors: Mann/Advanced Bionics. Funny how her health issues became mainstream when evidence start coming up of her being either cloned and/or chipped.

@ <^> Neil says “machines under the hood” meaning his hood for his process. Freemason Stagecraft with Saturn in the male side/right side..

(B) Since everything is energy (electromagnetic photonic) if you send enough energy in selected frengecuy over a population or at a person it can alter their mental status. From "HAARP AND NEW TECHNOLOGIES THAT AFFECT HUMAN BEHAVIOUR" by: Begich, Nick, MD @ <^> "There are a number of applications tied to brain biofeedback or neurobiofeedback. In brain biofeedback, you look at a computer monitor. Depending on the system, you might use 4, 8 or 16 channels or more, and they place electrodes on the head. You look at the screen, see what your brain activity is doing in real time, and you can then drive the activity of the brain artificially. You can also learn how to do it yourself without the equipment. Brain biofeedback has become very effective for stroke victims who are trying to reclaim part of their mental capacity and children with Attention Deficit Disorders. Within 30 to 45 sessions, hyperactive children with ADD learned how to modulate their brain activity, focus their attention and learn without Ritalin or other drugs that are being introduced on a mass scale around the world."

(C) The ovious use of United States Patents (just 3 examples out 1000's):

i. With TV's or comptuers >>> "Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors" US Patent #6506148 “SUMMARY: "Physiological effects have been observed in a human subject in response to stimulation of the skin with weak electromagnetic fields that are pulsed with certain frequencies near 1/2 Hz or 2.4 Hz, such as to excite a sensory resonance. Many computer monitors and TV tubes, when displaying pulsed images, emit pulsed electromagnetic fields of sufficient amplitudes to cause such excitation. It is therefore possible to manipulate the nervous system of a subject by pulsing images displayed on a nearby computer monitor or TV set. For the latter, the image pulsing may be imbedded in the program material, or it may be overlaid by modulating a video stream, either as an RF signal or as a video signal. The image displayed on a computer monitor may be pulsed effectively by a simple computer program. For certain monitors, pulsed electromagnetic fields capable of exciting sensory resonances in nearby subjects may be generated even as the displayed images are pulsed with subliminal intensity. ” @

ii. “Silent subliminal presentation system” US Patent #5159703 “A silent communications system in which nonaural carriers, in the very low or very high audio frequency range or in the adjacent ultrasonic frequency spectrum, are amplitude or frequency modulated with the desired intelligence and propagated acoustically or vibrationally, for inducement into the brain, typically through the use of loudspeakers, earphones or piezoelectric transducers. The modulated carriers may be transmitted directly in real time or may be conveniently recorded and stored on mechanical, magnetic or optical media for delayed or repeated transmission to the listener. Subliminal learning enjoys wide use today and subliminal tapes are being manufactured by a number of companies in the United States alone. Several decades of scientific study indicate that subliminal messages can influence a human's attitudes and behavior. Subliminal, in these discussions, can be defined as "below the threshold of audibility to the conscious mind." To be effective however, the subliminally transmitted information (called affirmations by those in the profession) must be presented to the listener's ear in such a fashion that they can be perceived and "decoded" by the listener's subconscious mind. We are referring to audio information in this discussion, however, information could be inputted into the subject's subconscious mind through any of the body's sensors, such as touch, smell, sight or hearing. As an example, early development work in the subliminal field utilized motion pictures and slide projections as the medium. Early research into visual and auditory subliminal stimulation effects is exemplified by U.S. Pat. Nos. 3,060,795 of Corrigan, et al. and 3,278,676 of Becker. U.S. Pat. No. 4,395,600 of Lundy and Tyler is representative of later developments in today's subliminal message techniques. @

iii. "Remote magnetic manipulation of nervous systems" US Patent #5935054 Filing date Jun 7, 1995 (there are some going back to 1967) @ >>> SUMMARY: Oscillatory magnetic fields induce electric fields in exposed biological tissue and can therefore act on nerves. Considerable tissue electric fields are needed to cause firing of otherwise quiescent nerves, but very much smaller fields suffice for modulation of spontaneous nerve spiking. Still weaker fields can be used for exciting resonances in certain neural circuits through evoked signals from afferent so ma to sensory nerves which carry the modulated spiking patterns to the brain. It has been found that, in this manner, weak oscillatory magnetic fields with an amplitude between 5 femtotesla and 50 nanotesla can be used for manipulating the human nervous system, when the fields are tuned to certain frequencies near 1/2 Hz that cause excitation of sensory resonances. Observable physiological consequences of the resonance include ptosis of the eyelids, relaxation, sleepiness, and sexual excitement, depending on the precise frequency used, and on the location and duration of the magnetic field application. Both topical and systemic field administration have been found effective. For the latter case the field can be produced over a considerable distance by a rotating permanent magnet that has a large magnetic moment. This makes it possible to manipulate a subject's nervous system over a range of several hundred meters, such as to cause relaxation and drowsiness. The method can be used in law enforcement for standoff situations (aka torture). ......... Systemic application of an approximately uniform rotating magnetic field at a frequency of 0.55 Hz and an amplitude of 2.3 nanotesla results in wooziness after about two hours of exposure; sexual excitement sets in about one hour later.

^^^>>> what is important is part is "sexual excitement, depending on the precise frequency used, and on the location and duration of the magnetic field application." Because unlike the Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors" US Patent #6,506,148 doesn't need a computer or TV screen to alter people. They could use small devices and or HARRP in order to send of the signal to wide are and it could be used to trigger aggregation to the point of full rage anger.


The entities running governments, ROME, and Hollywood worship the destructive force which is (Seth\Ares\Loki\Shiva) aka Satan. It is Greek teachings that Athena beat Ares so bad Ares cried to Zeus. So the entities ruling use psychological warfare (Art of War) to trick people and manipulate them. I Love Athena very much she is also (Alcyon/Maat/Gná/Allat/Minerva/Arch-Angel Gabriel). So the Ruling entities called their public facing laser system Athena to get people to hate her. When their space or most powerful laser system is called 'Shiva Nova'.

Fox News Admits Government Using Lasers - Directed Energy Weapons @


Laser and electromagnetic weapons: (A) "Directed Energy Weapons Project Shiva Nova" Creating a Miniature Star on Earth @ <^> the goal of the National Ignition Facility (NIF), the world's largest laser. When completed in 2009, NIF will focus the intense energy of 192 giant laser beams on a BB-sized target filled with hydrogen fuel – fusing, or igniting, the hydrogen atoms' nuclei. This is the same fusion energy process that makes the stars shine and provides the life-giving energy of the sun. NIF is a program of the U.S. Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration.

(B) "U.S. military sees more use of laser, microwave weapons" by Andrea Shalal @ <^> The military has been working on such weapons for decades, but says many technology challenges have finally been addressed. Etter and other officials said such weapons could lower the cost of current weapons, speed up responses to enemy attacks and cut deaths of civilians in the battlefield. Defense Undersecretary Frank Kendall, the top U.S. arms buyer, said Pentagon funding for directed energy programs would remain steady at about $300 million a year for now, with larger-scale demonstrations to start in about five years. Kendall said directed energy offered a less expensive way to counter ballistic and cruise missile threats than the expensive interceptors used now, and urged industry to focus development efforts on those threats. Navy Secretary Ray Mabus told the conference the Navy was encouraged by testing of a laser deployed on the USS Ponce in the Gulf, which can destroy small boats and unmanned aerial vehicles, and can also be used as a telescope. Mabus said the Navy was extending deployment of the laser on the Ponce, and using lessons learned to help produce a 100-150 kilowatt laser prototype for testing at sea in 2018 or sooner. He said a powerful new railgun that could hit targets 100 miles away would also be tested at sea next year. A railgun is an electrically powered electromagnetic projectile launcher. He said the Navy would release a comprehensive road map for these sort of weapons this fall and could initiate a full-scale acquisition program in fiscal 2018.



Bell's Theorem was devised by Irish physicist John Stewart Bell (1928-1990) as a means of testing whether or not particles connected through quantum entanglement communicate information faster than the speed of light. Specifically, the theorem says that no theory of local hidden variables can account for all of the predictions of quantum mechanics. Bell proves this theorem through the creation of Bell inequalities, which are shown by experiment to be violated in quantum physics systems, thus proving that some idea at the heart of local hidden variables theories has to be false. The property which usually takes the fall is locality - the idea that no physical effects not move faster than the speed of light. In a situation where you have two particles, A and B, which are connected through quantum entanglement, then the properties of A and B are correlated. For example, the spin of A may be 1/2 and the spin of B may be -1/2, or vice versa. Quantum physics tells us that until a measurement is made, these particles are in a superposition of possible states. The spin of A is both 1/2 and -1/2. (See our article on the Schroedinger's Cat thought experiment for more on this idea. This particular example with particles A and B is a variant of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox, often called the EPR Paradox.) If particle B is affected immediately by the measurement of particle A, then this means that the assumption of locality is violated. In other words, somehow a "message" got from particle A to particle B instantaneously, even though they can be separated by a great distance. This would mean that quantum mechanics displays the property of non-locality. If this instantaneous "message" (i.e., non-locality) doesn't take place, then the only other option is that particle B is still in a superposition of states. The measurement of particle B's spin should therefore be completely independent of the measurement of particle A, and the Bell inequalities represent the percent of the time when the spins of  A and B should be correlated in this situation.

RFID tags are available as strips, chips, swallowable capsules, and even embedded in hardware like screws for attachment to nearly any object. (Source: Alien Technology.) Conventional passive RFID tags contain no internal power source, but instead harvest power from the RF signal transmitted by the RFID reader system. For these tags, the reader and tag antennas are inductively coupled, forming a transformer with the reader as primary and tag as secondary, separated by a sizeable air gap. RFID readers provide sufficient power in the transmitted RF carrier signal to energize the tag circuitry through the coupled tag antenna. In addition, some RFID systems use the carrier to provide a clock source to tags, which divide the carrier frequency down to the clock frequency required for tag circuitry. Because communications, power, communications, and synchronization flow through the antenna, antenna design is critical for successful RFID applications.


Good positive Light Magnetic uses with the Galactic Federation of Light: Electromagnetic Containment of a Plasma Field

Plasma can be created by heating a gas or subjecting it to a strong electromagnetic field applied with a laser or microwave generator. This decreases or increases the number of electrons, creating positive or negative charged particles called ions, and is accompanied by the dissociation of molecular bonds, if present. **As the Two Plasma Mother ships "The outermost ring of our vast fleet is, by far, the largest. It contains millions of immensely varied ships, ranging from Mother ships the size of large ocean liners to those nearly the size of Neptune or Uranus. These Mother ships are simply our final back up, serving as components that will enter the second ring only when necessary. They proclaim to all potential adversaries that Mother Earth and your solar system are clearly experiencing a transformation that no being, corporeal or non-corporeal in form, can prevent."**

crystal/Krystal Light connected to Eltro-"Magnetic" Photonic Energy and the Divine Mother, sorry it will be long.... *Everything is connected* first some definitions:

1) Calcite *crystals* are trigonal-rhombohedral, though actual calcite rhombohedra are rare as natural crystals. However, they show a remarkable variety of habits including acute to obtuse rhombohedra, tabular forms, prisms, or various scalenohedra. Calcite is a common constituent of sedimentary rocks, limestone in particular, much of which is formed from the shells of dead marine organisms. Approximately 10% of sedimentary rock is limestone. Which is what the Pyramids are made out of Coral Reefs.

2) Magnetic groups and time reversal- In addition to crystallographic space groups there are also magnetic space groups (also called two-color (black and white which is the hidden meaning behind the Free-masons, not to say Good and Evil but charges of Magnetic current) crystallographic groups). These symmetries contain an element known as time reversal. They treat time as an additional dimension, and the group elements can include time reversal as reflection in it. They are of importance in magnetic structures that contain ordered unpaired spins, i.e. ferro-, ferri- or antiferromagnetic structures as studied by neutron diffraction. The time reversal element flips a magnetic spin while leaving all other structure the same and it can be combined with a number of other symmetry elements. Including time reversal there are 1651 magnetic space groups in 3D (Kim 1999, p.428).

3)  From my Dissertation: "12 Legions of the KRYSTHL-A”; the word “KRYSTHL-A” was derived from the “7 Sacred Sounds” that represent the “1st Audible Core-Creation Sound-Tones” in our 15-Dimensional Universe. The “7 Sacred Core-Creation Sound-Tones” are Ka, Ra, Ya, Sa, Ta, Ha, La”; the pre-ancient word “Krys-thl’-a” was used in reference to the collective body of the “12 CDT-Plate Oral Legions.” If you think of Christ meaning Light and Allah meaning yourself, and if you combine the two “Light (of/within) Yourself” to being “Christ (of/within) Allah” then with the of (only for grammar of the concept) then the combine pronunciation is Christ-Allah into KRYSTHL-A or Krys-thl’-a. (Enoch, 71: 7-13) these four stand near the crystal throne of God."


Freemason Movie unseen influences  and references: like released 3/6/2015 5:00am a Simpsons version of Akria with their plans with CERN

Let’s examine the movie War Games in 1983:

1) WW3 USA vs Russia (which is what we are facing today)

2) The movie son's name who died is 'Joshua' and in Hebrew to English J's and Y's are inner-changed so the dead sons name is Yoshua or spelled Yeshua for Hebrew But also in Greek IHSOUS before Latin Jesus because it was to Egyptian Horus. They 'All' refer to the 'Son/Sun' dogma (traditional Christianity) says Son and Esoteric (Gnostics Christianity) says Sun when reviewing the same material. 

3) In the movie "the Father" who "created" the computer game his name Falken is of German origin, it generally means Falconer (like a Falcon); Name Falken is a Masculine name. Falconer comes from "The Falconer's Hut" belongs to Rashi Dhan (Sagittarius) with dominant planet Jupiter (Guru).

4) The movie was based of fear of war and nuclear Holocaust (which is what we are facing today) the only way to win is not to play; meaning to surrender (which is what we are facing today) with mediating and promoting peace and love unconditionally. Also "What would happen if an immovable object were confronted with an unstoppable force." they surrender and there would be an endless transfer of energy.

5) The computer in the movie favorite game is Chess which is White vs Black or Light vs Dark masonic and of course, it's the constant conflict that defines them and what they want to define us, or we can choose a different 3rd path then what 'They' offer. 

Satanic Hollywood Masters


To explain the reson why the Anti-Light Saturn whats everyone to be chipped, will be added at the bottom of my report for the movie section.

He first created a game called Society, which is basically a Sims game but instead of controlling a fake character, the players control a real person and can make them do whatever they want. You can pay to control someone else, or you can get paid to be controlled. Society quickly became extremely popular and profitable, making Castle the richest person in the universe. Everyone in Slayers and Society has had nano-cells implanted into their brains, which makes it possible for them to be controlled by someone else. They can only be controlled in the perimeter of the game (meaning after the game is over, they get their control back).

Ken Castle: I'm wired too. I replaced 98% of my own noodle with nano-tissue years ago. But mine's different. It's built to send, to transmit, whereas every other nano-cell that I've put out there, including the ones in your head Kable, are designed to receive. I think it, you do it. We're talking every Slayer, everyone in Society city. I believe your better half would fall under that category, provided they were within range of my transmitters.

Cable/Kable: Very nice, Castle. So you got an army of psychotics and deviants to dance around for you?

Ken Castle: You're thinking small, Kable. But not as small as me.

Ken Castle: See, nano-cells are real small. A thousand times smaller than these dust particulates. You inhale it, they go to work: replicating, spreading like a virus, multiplying in exponentials. Six months time, I can have a hundred million people converted. Ditch diggers, porn stars, and presidents. Not one would be the wiser. A hundred million people who buy what I want them to buy, vote how I want them to vote, do pretty much damn well anything I figure they ought to do. For instance...


Knowledge is POWER 

Knowing is Half the Battle: The Other Half is Understanding...

  If the electromagnetic shield of Mars is not as it should be and there is a CERN device on Mars... THEN on EARTH they have a Hindu god Shiva who is Greek Ares ie Mars outside of CERN... I WONDER if there is a connection???



Taylor Sift is said to be transported in a crate between events... ie Android 

Lithium, cobalt other heavy metals are need for batteries. They say the batteries out for electronic devices, such as smart phones, computers, etc.. one device that most people aren’t thinking of is human androids. Rumors have it that off the coast of Maui lithium and also near volcanoes lithium with heavy metals are found. A conspiracy theory would conclude that the landgrab is more about mining for materials and it is about building more residences homes. Then you have nuclear waste ; from my other research nuclear reactors are no different from a nuclear bombs 💣 you still need a reaction in order to produce energy. Either of us for reactor are bomb. just a reactor keeps it from fully exploding.

On TuesdayAlbemarle unveiled its site plan for the nearly 1,200-acre Kings Mountain lithium mine in Cleveland County, about 30 miles west of Charlotte. The company has not said how much the massive project will cost, but projects like this can cost hundreds of millions of dollarsJonathan Bolt, who lives less than a mile from where Albemarle plans to reopen a dormant lithium mine, wanted to know the impact on the community along with the timeline of the company’s plan.

“I just want to understand what they’re doing and how they’re doing it,” Bolt said during a community meeting Tuesday night in Kings Mountain. “They’ve bought up property we all grew up with — the furniture store, the church and now the drive-in. They’re taking over the town. How do we benefit?” This was the first of five open houses planned this month by the world’s largest lithium mining company, which is based in Charlotte. The sessions also include a presentation and information stations where residents can ask questions of geologists, mining engineers, environmentalists and biologists.
About the lithium mine

In April, the state Department of Environmental Quality’s Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources approved Piedmont Lithium’s mining permit for a new lithium mine in Gaston County. Lithium is used in batteries to power electric vehicles, bikes and personal electronic devices. North Carolina has been focused on the emerging clean energy economy and attracting businesses like lithium battery parts manufacturer Green New Energy Materials Inc. It’s part of a strategy to reduce state greenhouse gas emissions and deal with the impacts of climate change.

“Lithium is a crucial building block in the energy transition to clean energy and sustainable transportation,” said Eric Norris, president of energy storage for Albemarle. “I’m certain all of you literally have your hand around some form of lithium, whether it’s a steering wheel, a cell phone, a power tool every day of the week.”

Only A Possibility 

I changed the cosmos side picture for different times of the year as what it would look like at the time in the Cosmos. In Alchemy the end of cancer (Dissolution) is like saying the end of the illusion or whenever the truth is revealed; meaning any date. In Astronomy on Thursday 8-8 or Friday 8-9 2024 is the end of Cancer my Nostradamus Lost Book page. Nostradamus said, "the beginning of the end will begin at the end of Cancer". a possible Solar Flare?!?! For Great Reset… To add The movie “ the boy and his dog” movie poster with 2024 4 times on it. 1975 “the boy and his dog” is a movie about post WW4, its super masonic movie. In the intro it talks about World War III that lasted 33 years. And world war for that lasted five days. Five days it was all it took to launch every missile silo in the world… For life to go forward, a male has to free of princess and impregnate her. Which is similar to Egyptian Isis’s story.

Rome 2000 years ago took the Teachings of Apollo God of light and the face of Ares the Greek god of war. Put it together and called Ares their Lord and Savior. Of course, the Greeks fought back for Apollo for over 300 years but the ignorance of the people of Rome was greater unfortunately by numbers. One would say numbers purely by breeding and raping in connection with Aphrodite Not Hera…

Reminder - NBC Miami report of a missing nuclear material It’s a psi-op - the cover story is either missing nuclear ☢️ material or some other country blows up. When based on my research 🧐the only way it could be possible to have a nuclear explosion would be a reactor blowing up. Side note 📝 if you google “are nuke missiles real?”  You will see a lot people saying nuke missiles are fake. But not to alert 🚨 the people that rectors are the bombs 💣 not the missiles 🚀. People might start to wonder 💭 1) using free energy, or in part non-nuclear energy. & 2) start to wonder the whole time all the lies about missiles for go to war etc and the people helped build the bombs themselves to their own end…. Which would EPIC bad for "them"…There was a Simpsons pictue in 2022 that went a little Veirl about a Nuke on May 5th 2022. However this year 2024 May 5th, the Sun is in Aires the Lamb 🐑 on May 5th 2024. Greek god Ares is Arcturus not Aries ♈️ the lamb.

I started thinking about the eclipse on October 14, 23 and April 8, 24 and I saw a map outlining both of the eclipses. They make an X with the two eclipses and at the center is Odessa Texas. I was thinking it wasn’t there a TV show called heroes, and they had an eclipse in season Odessa Texas. Also in the show, they had a second eclipse in season three. Pretty much the whole show is centered around Odessa Texas and then they venture to New York in other places. —- things that make you go, huh

That blue looks like the color UN troops use, in *theory* it's almost like they don't want to hit their own people or vehicles. I was thinking what if project blue-beam is the laser tech from drones posing as UFOs. Or real man-mad antigravity (magnetic) vehicles bur drones would be easier. Yes spraying a smoke screen in the sky that the holograms can use that holograms have a blue tint to the light.  One color primary used by the UN is blue but what if it's blue because of the laser tech doesn't affect the blue spectrum. Instead of "they" programmed the laser to miss blue but that the laser tech itself misses blue. That is why Blue is a primary color for the UN. 


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