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MY Space Journey
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Thursday, August 18, 2016

The Holy Grail with Alchemical Stellar Bioharmonics (08/18/2016, UPDATED 9/30/2024)

The pictures supporting my text are below all information below are in reference to the "Holy Grail" Beyond the Scripture I will give the other proof is from The Lost Pyramids Hidden Ancient Artifacts by Klaus Dona at 33:30 is the "Holy Grail"  with also a cup right after all having star constellations on artifacts all over the world of the same star constellations Thousands of years apart across the whole world. The cup breaks known physics by have opposite magnetic polarity within & outside the cup. This is the closest thing to the real physical cup.

A cross reference cheat sheet for people of all the different cultures I cover on my blog-site page. The Easiest why to know it's true is to know the Stars... each god or goddess is connected to a single or small grouping of star constellations. to why the same role type goes to the same star group from each culture. Then the source of the stars in all aspects. How everything is ONE & not the same.

My star list with Colors based of energy flow for creating, hosting, giving or taking life. The Colors are Gold for Creator, Cyan (for Sliver), Purple for both Red and Blue; blue is for water Giving Life and Red is for blood taking life. Black for Death.

Light consciousness within, your mind has a cup, goes back all the way to the Emerald Tablets some where between 36,000 to 40,000 Standard Earth years ago and beyond if you compare in energetic terms to other sources. The writings of the Tablets of Emerald Green formed from a substance created through alchemical transmutation. They are imperishable, resistant to all elements, corrosion and acids. In effect, the atomic and cellular structure is fixed, and no change can take place, thus violating the material law of ionization. Upon them are engraved characters in the ancient Atlantean language: characters which respond to attuned thought waves, releasing the associated mental vibration in the mind of the reader.

Genesis 1:16 (KJV) And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.


A reminder: 2 Corinthians 3:6 He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant-not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life. <> meaning don’t read like a history book.

Ishtar ie Sirius as the Title of The Light Bringer for the Goddess of the Dawn with the Zenith Point "B" the Source of All Light. The trick is thinking the light "source" is in the center' the Zenith point is the Right hand of RA. In old Greek teachings Venus is the Morning star for Venus being the Brightest object before the dawn. However, with Modern Astronomy using telescopes Sirius is the actual Brightest Star before Dawn; why Sirius like Isis is known as the Goddess of the Dawn.

 ***The Greater Light (Triacontagon) to rule the day & the Lesser Light (Dodecagon) to rule the night***

Start Simple: to create life in TIME you have to take the Together Triangle pointing up is Male & Triangle point down is Female - up triangle and down triangle to gather forms the Jewish hexagram Star. Source God 32 sided Triacontadigon . 

Union ✡️ 32 sided Tricontadigon.

Then, Female The Higher 20 sided Isosagon forms a Triangle point down. First, giving space to host energy. 

Then, Male The Lower 12 sided Dodecagon form a Triangle pointing up. Second, energy spent. 


Why is Jesus called the Bridegroom? : 

The Common non-esoteric answer: This grace of Christian marriage is a fruit of Christ's cross, the source of all Christian life” (CCC, 1615). The Catechism of the Catholic Church also reiterates Christ's identity as the bridegroom, connecting the way Christ gave himself on the cross and the way a husband and wife give themselves to one another.  

The esoteric answer: for being a Triacontadigon (32 sided) which is a Icosagon (20 sided) + Dodecagon (12 sided) in Union which is the same "Likeness" as the Creator/Source. Icosagon (20 sided) was First before Dodecagon (12 sided), you need to "HOST" or give space to Host energy. The Zenith point for the 'B' sound is the Source of Light thus Creation only Icosagon (20 sided) and above Triacontadigon (32 sided) & Hexacontatetragon (64 sided). 

 Greek Ares who is Roman Mars, Norse Loki Egyptian Seth and Hindu Shiva ie Christian Satan only a male a Decagon (12 sided). Which is not the same "likeness" as the Creator/Source; the Geometric difference of Krishna is 32 and Shiva is 12. Also reminder Rome was built by the Sons of Mars and for thousands of years used war like behaviors to control people by force. In short Greek Ares who is Egyptian Seth is the (Anti-Light by Alcyon Pleiades 73 (37 backwards, 37 degrees of saturn's rings)) Anti-Christ for NOT being connected to Zenith point, for being a male only. Triacontadigon is the union of Female and male. The Satanic forces play mental psi-op on people who don't study the connection of the Bridegroom with a Triacontadigon. By having males who are Decagons dress in female clothes to make them appear like a female to make fun at the Bridegroom be a Triacontadigon. You cannot simple go from being a Decagon to a Triacontadigon with clothes is bio-electrical state of being; most don't know or understand... via Rome. 


Following the Law of Harmonics the Zenith point (The THRONE OF LIGHT) is "B" sound only the Female Isoagon and Source Triacontadigon touches the B sound. the lower The lower 12 sided dodecagon male doesn't touch it. TO WHY SATAN HATES FEMALES...  

The Omega Particle = Hexacontatetragon = 5D Hex Molecule 


1) The star systems on the cup specifically connects with scripture:

Amos 5:8 "He who made the seven stars and Orion And changes deep darkness into morning, Who also darkens day into night, Who calls for the waters of the sea And pours them out on the surface of the earth, The LORD is His name."

Job 9:9 KLV "He made the Bear, Orion, and the Pleiades, And the chambers of the south;" The Bear should be Sirius to match the pyramids of Giza in Egypt; Sirius Orion Pleiades. Also the chamber of the south is Polaris. 

Job 38:31 "Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades? or loose the bands of Orion?"


In alchemy the names given to the three essentials are Body, Soul, and Spirit, or respectively, Salt, Sulfur, and Mercury. The star systems are in a triangle like used in Alchemy and in representation of energy, thought connected to "as above, so below" ideology; supported by crop circle.

 I have learned so much wisdom from Zeus, Hera, Apollo, and Athena with reason, intelligent activity, arts and literature. To make point Athena is the ONLY daughter of Zeus and was allowed to use his weapons including his thunderbolt. The lessons from Procyon are those dealing with compassion, higher wisdom and vision, and Earth consciousness. Athena was either an owl herself or a bird goddess in general: In the third Book of the Odyssey, she takes the form of a sea-eagle. MY failure is I thought Athena and Hermes for both being elves they were on the same side apparently they are on opposite sides, forgive me I really start learning after my light bolt Kundalini experience in June 2013 updated this on 10/31/2020.

My Tapestry of ALL my Research

Rick and Morty S6E4 - Demons or Daimon equals 'day'mons; in short Rome's Enemy.  The Saying "Rome was not built in a day".. it was built at night* --- In Scripture and in Catholic theology this word has come to mean much the same as devil and denotes one of the evil spirits. Lamia (/ˈleɪmiə/; Greek: Λάμια), in ancient Greek mythology, was a child-eating monster and, in later tradition, was regarded as a type of night-haunting spirit. Also became a type of phantom, synonymous with the empusai who seduced young men to satisfy their sexual appetite and fed on their flesh afterward. 

We have a curious instance of the confusion caused by the ambiguity and variations in the meaning of the word, in the case of the celebrated "Daemon" of Socrates. This has been understood in a bad sense by some Christian writers who have made it a matter of reproach that the great Greek philosopher was accompanied and prompted by a demon. But, as Cardinal Manning clearly shows in his paper on the subject, the word here has a very different meaning. He points to the fact that both Plato and Xenophon use the form daimonion, which Cicero rightly renders as divinum aliguid, "something divine". And after a close examination of the account of the matter given by Socrates himself in the reports transmitted by his disciples, he concludes that the promptings of the "Daemon" were the dictates of conscience, which is the voice of God.

Daimon or Daemon (Ancient Greek: δαίμων, "god", "godlike", "power", "fate")[1][2] originally referred to a lesser deity or guiding spirit such as the daimons of ancient Greek religion and mythology and of later Hellenistic religion and philosophy.[3] The word is derived from Proto-Indo-European daimon "provider, divider (of fortunes or destinies)," from the root *da- "to divide".[4] Daimons were possibly seen as the souls of men of the golden age acting as tutelary deities, according to entry δαίμων at Liddell & Scott.[5] The Hellenistic Greeks divided daemons into good and evil categories: agathodaímōn (ἀγαθοδαίμων, "noble spirit"), from agathós (ἀγαθός, "good, brave, noble, moral, lucky, useful"), and kakodaímōn (κακοδαίμων, "malevolent spirit"), from kakós (κακός, "bad, evil"). They resemble the Arabic jinni (or genie), and in their humble efforts to help mediate the good and ill fortunes of human life, they resemble the Christian guardian angel and adversarial demon, respectively. Eudaimonia (εὐδαιμονία) came to mean "well-being" or "happiness". The comparable Roman concept is the genius who accompanies and protects a person or presides over a place (see genius loci).

Alcyon ie the dark elves did not left Set's mask I DID

Who controls Satanic Hollywood?

Satanic Hollywood reverses roles and makes Ares as the protagonist & Zeus as the antagonist

The Freemasons all but gave it away with Battlestar Galactica, naming A Cyclone (the cl is a P)  = Procyon and one named Athena, plus in the show the little girl cow-eyed or Ox-eyed Hera is Goddess Isis the Queen with the cow reference but more so the element cosmic electromagnetic energy.  Greek Athena Roman Minerva, also Egyptian Ma'at is the goddess of truth, justice, divine order, cosmic order and balance. She is depicted with wings of a vulture, her special animal, and the feather of truth in her headdress. She is the daughter of Ra, sometimes even referred to as the "eye of Ra."  Procyon Athena is the protagonist and Hermes Alcyon the antagonist.  Athena was the Goddess of War, the female counterpart of Ares & Hermes.  ne of many things that I do is I match different cultures together

Athena is a Bright Elf from the Pegasus galaxy

Hermes is a Dark Elf from Andromeda galaxy 

Egyptian: "The hymns to Rā which are found in the Book of the Dead and in other funeral works of the ancient Egyptians state that the deities Thoth and Maāt stand one on each side of the great god in his boat, and it is clear that they were believed to take some important part in directing its course ; and as they were with Rā when he sprang up from the abyss of Nu their existence must have been coeval with his own. The conceptions which the Egyptians formed about Thoth and Maāt were both material and spiritual, and it is impossible to arrive at any conclusion concerning the functions of these deities without enumerating the facts about them which may be derived from the texts; speaking generally, Maāt may be considered the female counterpart of Thoth." ~ by E. A. Wallis Budge | 1904 @

Athena is the goddess of wisdom and war she would be under the law of education. The 42 laws of Maat for the scales your weight against the feather truth.Athena doesn’t put up with that tricking and being decietful - It’s unfortunate because they would make a powerhouse together of extreme Superior intelligence

Hermes is the god of messaging, Related to being a trickster and thief. He is also Thoth how many relate to the mystic arts of alchemy. Does require intelligence in order to be able to do alchemy. 

Hermes tried many times to be romantic with Athena. Athena “never” reciprocated his advances... Athena gets her rocks off in fighting Ares (satan - loki, seth, shiva) Hermes loves Eris so one could say owned by Ares. The dark elfs assisted or still do Loki in raping Idun for HER Golden Apples. Its Metaphoric for kundalini but still wickedness... It's Selfish of the Dark Elfs becuase they want the Enertal Night ie Stan ruling forever.


Alcyon the antagonist wants the world Set in Fire because they Serve Shiva\Set\Loki\Satan; Alcyon's Queen is Hel\Eris\Nepthys\Lilith Polaris the Chaos Star who is behind Epstein’s island; proof is at the bootom of my page "In the East of the Rising Sun, before the flip East to West"  <^> out of 200 videos made by Alcyon the 2 mins for Hermes to take to say Eris. the Law of Action of non action Aclyon avoid saying that they are in support of what happens to there. Eris is the wife of Ares and Ares with Hermes are both from Arcadia like brothers. OR how HOLLYWOOD is on the FIRE realm location that everything is infulanced in favor of Ares (Shiave, Loki set).  Christen Satan's Element of Fire which destroys life like war and his Father The 5th Element of Pure Light did not choose him to create Life. Why Alcyon of the Pleiades stays with Hinduism instead of connecting all cultures example Greek with Shiva being Ares also Alcyon is  Hermes why Hermes is against Zeus and his Sons like Dionysus. and Apollo. For In Greek mythology, Lycaon (/laɪˈkeɪɒn/; Attic Greek: Λυκᾱ́ων, Attic Greek[ly.kǎː.ɔːn]) was a king of Arcadia who, in the most popular version of the myth, tested Zeus' omniscience by serving him the roasted flesh of Lycaon's own son Nyctimus, in order to see whether Zeus was truly all-knowing. In return for these gruesome deeds, Zeus transformed Lycaon into a wolf and killed his offspring; Nyctimus was restored to life. Sons of Lycaon Acacus (Ancient Greek: Ἄκακος means "harmless"), in Greek mythology, was a king of Acacesium (Ἀκακήσιον) in Arcadia, the son of Lycaon, and the foster-father of the infant Hermes. Hermes whats Ares to be the new Zeus like how Hermes wants Shiva to be the new Brahma. OR Seth to be the new Amon-Ra, and Loki to be the NEW Odin like in the Marvel Movie "Thor: Ragnarok". ALWAY the Hollywood thus Ares with Hermes with Eris; while Queen Isis is made weak when she is the most powerful Goddess next to the creator of ALL


Hermes made the cattle walk backward so their tracks would lead Apollo the wrong way. Hermes soon killed the cows and made the strings out of their guts. The Greek Titians are the Christen/Catholic Nephilims BOTH were\are Giants. IF Elfs are Angels, Dark Elfs [black eyes] would be 'Fallen' Angels. That there is a Ream that belongs to just them Norse Jotunheim. THAT maybe Loki is from Jotunheim however though his action of Raping Idun (Virgo) * murdering Innocents etc Loki (Ares) Belongs In Muspelheim in the realm of Fire. It was with the Aid of the Golden Spear Loki took the Golden Apples. The Golden Spear Loki he got from the Dark Elfs (Hermes). The Dark Elfs want the enteral Night thus Midgard Earth-Humans never see the light of Day; of the Greater Light the King... Zeus/Odin.


Themyscira (movie: wonder woman's island) is Norse Alfhiem with Athena = Ma'at = Gabriel etc. The Island Themyscira Made from Zeus is on the same Higher Level plain of the Galaxy. 

Athena's equivalent and is the Egyptian Thoth is the ancient Egyptian Neter equal to Hermes god or known as Hermes Trismegistus Alcyon "The Thrice Greatest." Norse Heimdallr and Judeo-Christen Arch Angel Michael (<<< read Enoch) who is Roman Mercury, Mayan Kukulkan, and to the Aztecs Quetzalcoatl.  I am Sorry for Trusting Alcyon they are very good at linguistic & using sound harmonics for Job's who can loosen the bonds of the Orion and the sweet influence of the Pleiadians... That's why Satan is the Father of Lies & Why it's Very Important to spend your life studying everything with an open Mind & Heart ~ Shiva's Alcyon (Ares is the Master of Hermes or Set {Set is the Arcturus identified by as the anti-light by Alcyon) is Thoth Mster) Star Group will never tell the full truth and are leading people to the throne of Death for the "current" North Star the Chaos Star. Until The Earth Flips from East to West then The Queen Mother Star aka Virgin Mary or Mother Mary will be the New North Star. The Story of the Star constellations will change; they are painted to help you see the real truth. Either way if you go down or up ~ Just more lower you go the less likely you will be able to see the stars thus get yourself out of them..
Hermes functioned as the emissary and messenger of the gods, and was often presented as the son of Zeus and Maia, the Pleiades. He is regarded as "the divine trickster," for which Homer offers He would Leads Humans to the Underworld (hell) and NOT the Elysian Fields (heaven) . He has the ability to charm through music *** Job 38:31 "Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades? or loose the bands of Orion?" (using sound Harmonics to simulate section of the brain for trusting and Love) ***


Quetzalcoatl (fallen angel \ dark elf) was considered the inventor of books, the calendars, and sometimes the symbol of death. He was also related to the gods of the wind, the dawn, of merchants, arts, and crafts. He was the patron god of the Aztec priesthood, of learning and knowledge. From Mercury we get "commerce " (with Mercury), and from Hermes we get "hermetic," meaning magical or alchemical.  In some views, sulfur and salt are the parents of Mercury, called quicksilver by the ancients was used to make red mercuric oxide by heating the element in a solution of nitric acid. The reaction of quicksilver in nitric acid is striking as a thick red vapor hovers over the surface and bright red crystals precipitate to the bottom. Alchemists were convinced that mercury transcended both the solid and liquid states, both earth and heaven, both life and death. Mercury is one of the seven metals of alchemy (gold, silver, mercury, copper, lead, iron & tin). The symbol for mercury could also be used to represent the planet of the same name in astrology. The metal is often also represented by a serpent or snake. Also with the Snake The iconic Mayan archaeological site of Chichen Itza is the only place in the ... Simulating a snake-like effect fits.  In Collectanea Chemica Eirenaeus Philalethes says "The Philosophers frequently describe this matter. Sendivogius calls it heavenly water, not vulgar, but almost like rain water. When Hermes calls it a bird without wings, figuring thereby its vaporous nature, it is well described. When he calls the sun its father and the moon its mother, he signifies that it is produced by the action of heat upon moisture. When he says the wind carries it in its belly, he only means that the air is its receptacle. When he affirms that which is inferior is like that which is superior, he teaches that the same vapor on the surface of the earth furnishes the matter of rain and dew, wherewith all things are nourished in the vegetable, animal and mineral kingdoms. This now is what the Philosophers call their Mercury and affirm it to be found in all things, as it is in fact." By John Reid @

All Spiritual Stories of all cultures are based in Alchemy and Astronomy. Krishna was born more than three thousand years before Jesus. The Greek and Christen Last supper Cup is Crater constellation & Bread is with Spica in Virgo. The Artwork "the feast of the gods" Dionysus = Ophiuchus. Virgin Mary & Hera = Virgo and Baby Apollo is Baby Christ = Auriga. Greek Ares = Arcturus. 

Ali ibn Abi Talib was the cousin and son-in-law of the Islamic prophet Muhammad, Story Ali Died in 661 ACE. 661 is code for 6 electrons 6 protons and 1 neutrons = Metatron's cube = Carbon 7. Links Ali to Jesus Based on the dogmatic stories in reflection of the stars.  

The Dogmatic Stories Islam & Christen 

Ali knew who his killer would be = Jesus saying who puts his hand in the bowl will kill me. 

Ali knew his death was coming = Jesus the Gethsemane Prayer

Ali Last Meal = Jesus Last Supper

Ali Judged the Arrested Assassin <> Jesus was Arrested, Judged and Assassinated 

Ali writes a will a personal message to his children with Advise = Jesus writes a personal message to King Abgar with Advise 

Ali's legacy a Spiritual guide teaches God-Consciousness = Jesus's legacy a Spiritual guide teaches God-Consciousness 

Ezekiel is Ophiuchus (Greek Dionysus), The Seraphim {Satan} is Arcturus (Greek Ares), the Ophanim {Christ} is Auriga (Greek Apollo) and Elohim = Lord God is Eta Carina (Greek Zeus).  

Life is a cycle of a math grid of ups and downs like alternating current the choices we make or don't make either rising or falling will affect the next stage or step in the journey.

>The law of cause and effect states that every cause has an effect and every effect becomes the cause of something else. This law suggests that the universe is always in motion and progressed from a chain of events.

>Sine Wave is determined by: y = amplitude × sin (frequency × time + phase) + bias

"The Maya equivalent of "chi" (China) is referred to as coyopa or "lightning in the blood," which enables one to perceive within the body messages from the external worlds - both natural and supernatural...There is no one word for this in English, but it means something like, "vital force spirit." The Hidden Maya, Martin Brennan @

"The Thirteen Moon calendar is an evolutionary tool to assist humanity in the unprecedented act of uniting itself on one issue central to its complete well-being: time. The harmonic convergence of humanity on this one issue, combined with the inescapable order, perfection and simplicity of following the 13 Moon calendar will lift the species as a simultaneous whole into the galactic timing frequency of 13:20." ~ José Argüelles/Valum Votan, The Call of Pacal Votan


The 13 Moon 28-day synchronometer is a harmonic time space matrix. It takes the moon 28 days to orbit the Earth; it makes this orbit 13 times each year. The standard of measure is the 28-day cycle, called a moon, because it is the median between the 29.5-day synodic cycle of the moon (new moon to new moon) and the 27.1-day sidereal cycle of the moon. Hence, it is a measure of Earth’s solar orbit using the 28-day lunar standard. This creates a perfect orbital measure of 13 moons of 28 days, totaling 364 days, or 52 perfect weeks of 7 days each. Because the 365th day is no day of the moon or week at all, it is known as the “day out of time” - a day to celebrate peace through culture and time is art! via the Law of Time @

Hermes / alcyon star group put Hindu shiva (Egyptian Set) next to Egyptian Osiris (not Hindu Vishnu) to try and trick Humans to think they are they same. Alcyon never lifted Sets mask to reveal the face Rome has used as Jesus is really Ares\set the anti-light.

Alchemical Symbol for TIN (Zeus) with Solar & Luna together as ONE . Like the Star of Orion with 6 points to triangles up and down together. I updated the picture, Many don't study and it took myself a while of studying to realize that we were lied to by the alcyon star group. They claim to be are guides but LIE about the KING where the Teachings of the Light come from which the source of the information is not from the messenger but the Pure Light. IF you look at Andromeda star constellation of a women in chains. It makes to why they lied being dark elves ie fallen angels. SHIVA next to Osiris in Alcyone's picture should be VISHNU alcyon star group should know better... It was done on purpose as Hermes is known for stealing from the god and tricking humans.

 The external Fire (the divine Mind or Will) drives the reaction, whilst the spiritualised Air carries the Word (Thought) of God that acts upon the chaotic Waters (the One Thing) to create Earth, which is the precipitated matter that suddenly appears out of nowhere. Mercury has the power to participate in all states. The planet Mercury with its mercurial behavior, sometimes seeming to reverse direction in retrograde motions, is seen to be the disseminator of the divine Word carrying and scattering it throughout the universe. Holding transmutative powers, operating the Above and Below, reflecting the fluidity of the spoken word, the mercury archetype is seen to possess the characteristic of participating in all realms, acting as transformative agent between them." @

Mayan: The name "Xbalanque" has been variously translated as 'Jaguar Sun' (x-balam-que), 'Hidden Sun' (x-balan-que). “Passing The Darkness House, Shivering (Cold) House, Jaguar House, Bat House, Blade (Razor) House and Fire House that no average person could enter without dying. (see Glyphs in the left). Failing any of the tests results in death. They do fail and are sacrificed in the morning - at "The Place of the Ball Game Sacrifice." Hun Hunahpu's head is placed on a tree, which later bears fruit with the shape of human heads, but the Lords of Xibalbá forbid anyone to eat that fruit. Ixquic (Blood Gatherer), though, went and the head of Hun Hunahpú spit her hand and impregnated her. Later she had twins - the children of One Hunahpú, named Hunahpú and Xbalenqué, who later become the Sun and Moon. Life in Xibalbá was similar to life on earth. Like humans, the death gods had wives and children, they feasted, played ball and conducted business. In their council house, One Death and Seven Death presided over a host of death gods whose names reflected the manner in which they killed people. Adjacent to the council house were a number of buildings known  the afore mentioned six houses, as a good portion of the Popol Vuh story involves the subordination of the Underworld lords by the hero twins, and this epic battle was a paradigm for territorial warfare. God K or Och Chan is the bearded dragon of Xibalbá; he is the essence of the sacred dance that empowers the Maize God to dance out of Xibalbá. In Classic paints the "The Water Lilly" and "Watery Jaguar", are often depicted in Xibalbá scenes.” By Authentic Maya

^>The part of one death & seven death is the Alchemical cycle like example from the picture Paul Laffoley, “Alchemy: The Telenomic Process of the Universe” (detail) (1973)

^^>> the part Hun Hunahpu's head is placed on a tree, which later bears fruit with the shape of human heads, but the Lords of Xibalbá forbid anyone to eat that fruit is connected to Garden & forbidden fruit  Genesis 3:3 “but from the fruit of the tree which is in the middle of the garden, God has said, 'You shall not eat from it or touch it, or you will die.'"

^^^>>> “Like humans, the death gods had wives and children, they feasted, played ball and conducted business.” Connected to Genesis 1:26 (KJV) “ And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.”

“The Quiche called their underworld `Metnal’ while the Yucatec referred to the same place as `Xibalba’. Though the names were different, the characteristics of the dark `land of fright’, through which a soul had to travel after death, were the same. Another instance of this can be seen in the creation myths where, for the Quiche, thirteen gods were involved in creating human beings from maize while, to the Yucatec, it was only two. Still, the message of the myths is the same: the gods struggled to create human beings just as humans struggle with their own attempts at creation and survival and, also, that life comes from the earth (here, in the form of corn, the staple of the Mayan diet) and so the earth must be honored and respected.” By Joshua J. Mark

^> thirteen gods were involved in creating human beings from maize in connect with all the 13 crystal skulls references below in section 5.

You have look at the constellations like they’re telling a story. Written by the King ie Greek Zeus. Who is same as Norse Odin, Hindu Vishnu, Egyptian Osiris and also know as Christian Adam (Atom); but that’s a long different story. It’s like a treasure map leading to the same spot. On 12-14-23 the Sun covers the Dark Rift the thigh of Ophiuchus. Mayan believed it was very holy when the sun lined up with the Dark Rift along the Milky Way. With everything facing towards the winter  hexagon stars Rigel, Aldebaran, Capella, Pollux, Procyon, and Sirius. is the space - between Orion & Auriga." To include The plasma field in the Ecliptic plane, which is spherical like a tube ie doughnut 🍩 as above so below. With a form of the Tibetan Buddhist Wheel of Life with parts of all 9 Norse Realms together. With the Cosmic Song using harmonics with their locations... Also for where the "Door" is located and who is behind the door. The 9 pointed lotus is the KEY how to open it. If Dionysus saves Hera (from Andromeda ) is black pawn while Perseus would be the white pawn with Medusa's head (from Andromeda ). Andromeda in chains like Hera was in chains and like Andromeda chained near a cave and Medusa was hiding in cave. In my 1st picture if you center the zenith point Perseus is coming from Andromeda with a Head, often times myths and stories would use the same constellations by different names. So the difference with Dionysus the black pawn who save the Queen Mother and thus saves Life itself; and the Perseus the white pawn who kills the Queen Mother and thus kills Life itself. 

B) The King the Orion constellation in the keyhole Nebula, and the source of all Sun in Milky way galaxy from Eta Carina. For more info please watch Bill Donahue "Osiris Eye" @  <^> Example Eta Carina light rays musical notes the sulfur cosmos maybe symbol for the alchemical element Sulfur, (Brimstone) which is spiritually analogous to the human soul alchemically --- for related info the ultraviolet unseen energy like of Eta Carina from Bill Donahue compare prospective Gregg Braden the dark field ultraviolet unseen energy... Music in the Rays of Light, Life is playing off of Music just cannot hear it the whole mediate in Silence to the hear the Golden sound comes into play... Carina (/kəˈrnə/) is a constellation in the southern sky. Its name is Latin for the keel of a ship, and it was formerly part of the larger constellation of Argo Navis (the ship Argo) In Greek mythology, Argo was the ship on which Jason and the Argonauts sailed from Iolcos to Colchis to retrieve the Golden Fleece. Until that constellation was divided into three pieces, the other two being Puppis (the poop deck), and Vela (the sails of the ship). Eden is a metaphor the closest thing to being physical is the super nova in galaxy to where the sun came into being...  Eta Carinae. Our Sun SOL came from the the supernova Eta Carinae which is a dying star from the Sagittarius galaxy. “What is most surprising is that this factory of rich molecules is usually found in conditions where stars are born. The deaths of may therefore lead to the birth of a new generation.'” ~ Dr. Matsuura  @ 

May 2nd 2021 time 12:33:37 from Pyramid of Giza

 Sol our Sun is the 3rd eye of Horus the Auriga Constellation with the Sirius's 9 pointed Lotus Star

May 2nd 2021 time 12:33:37 from Jantar Mantar at Jaipur

BG 5.10: Those who dedicate their actions to God, abandoning all attachment, remain untouched by sin, just as a lotus leaf is untouched by water.

May 2nd 2021 time 12:33:37 from El Tajin, Mexico

"...The gods heard his cries and sent the Lord of the Waters and the Lord of the Birds. The Lord of the Waters entered the depths of the cenote and changed Nicté-Há’s inert body into a beautiful lotus. Meanwhile, the Lord of the Birds stood over the prince’s heart, and changed him into a beautiful nightingale, forever full of love. Ever since then, at daybreak, the red bird goes to the water’s edge of the sacred cenote to trill his song of love over the open calyxes of the lotus flowers." Contribution: Yurina Fernández Noa @

Ra was thought to travel on the Atet, two solar barques called the Mandjet (the Boat of Millions of Years) or morning boat and the Mesektet or evening boat. These boats took him on his journey through the sky and the Duat, the literal underworld of Egypt. While Ra was on the Mesektet, he was in his ram-headed form." Hart, George (1986). A Dictionary of Egyptian Gods and Goddesses. London, England: Routledge & Kegan Paul Inc. pp. 179–182. ISBN 978-0-415-05909-1. The Hydra constellation Isis's snake Mahan (not sure on spelling) and The Hydrus constellation (?) and last whis is most likley Apophis the Endanus constellation.  King Osiris/Horus the Protagonist Fighting off the. Since Endanus is  while most likley Arcturus is connected with Set (next too his wife and symbol of Fire) the antagonist who is not fighting Apophis the Endanus constellation. Carina constellation the same as the Flying Dutchman myth is Amon-Ra's great barge which sailed through the sky from dawn to dusk and then descended into the underworld; towards the DARK RIFT. Birth Canal and Gateway to the underworld depending on your point of view could be one in the same.

“Basil Valentine writes: "This water has been extracted from the elementary earth by the stars and the fire which is contained in the air. Through coagulation it has then become a tangible essence. This tangible essence encloses a large quantity of predominating sulphur." & “Sulfur represents the universal Mercury in its male aspect. It is expansive and penetrating. It is the seed that is implanted into the womb to fertilize the ovum. Sulfur is looked on as representing soul, consciousness, and illumination. It is through the action of Sulfur that all the terrestrial identifiers are given birth. Things like a substance's virtues, colors, smells, and taste are made by the action of Sulfur. But where are we to find this solar Sulfur?” By John Reid (we find solar sulfur with the Sun where is the Sun is from Eta Carinae, our solar system is one cell and the galaxy is another cell as above, so below)

From my Picture the (electromagnetic frequency pulses or binary signals or music note's) like an algorithm coming from the light rays of Eta Carinae proven by NASA even for how far you can trust them.  Sagittarius is named the "Gate of God" (which could be interpreted as the place of Death, the spirit world) and Gemini is the "Gate of Man" (which corresponds to ‘the place of Life’).  There is evidence that the Sun orbits the Galactic center (Sagittarius A) once in about 200 million years, the Galactic center being situated in a direction opposite from the Pleiades in the direction of the Sagittarius and Scorpio constellations. Sirius, A trinary (trinity) star group, it is known in Earth mythology as the Dog Star. Sirius was one of the first areas to be colonized by beings from the Lyran star group. Sirius embodied the energy of the triadic template and perpetuated the drive toward integration. Three bright stars in line in the middle of a bright rectangle decorate Orion's belt, which points northward to the clusters of the Hyades and Pleiades of Taurus, and southward to the Dog Star Sirius; and below the belt, we also find two immense stars, Rigel and Betelgeuse. The Great Carina Nebula, also known as NGC 3372, spans over 300 light-years, one of our galaxy's largest star forming regions.  Coming into the Milky Way Galaxy is Sagittarius Galaxy with the Great Orion Nebula, the Carina Nebula is home to young, extremely massive stars, including the still enigmatic variable Eta Carinae, a star with well over 100 times the mass of the Sun. Eta Carinae is the brightest star at the left, near the dusty Keyhole Nebula (NGC 3324). While Eta Carinae itself maybe on the verge of a supernova explosion, X-ray images indicate that the Great Carina Nebula has been a veritable supernova factory. There is music in the light rays coming from Eta Carinae music is played in the form or musical letters as notes. DNA and the cross is not only in the stars but DNA is assembled with letters like musical notes. In the bible in Ezekiel the 4555 to where they came from is also in reference to music frequency like the Harp or Flute for high pitch like high frequency. Like Krishna playing the flute. If concealed by the shells of the three material bodies, the inner light is hidden and the body is dark. When the spiritual light is fully revealed all seven energy centers (chakras) along the spine are enlightened and the body becomes full of light.  The Seven Churches, Seven Candlesticks and Seven Stars are The Lamps Within the body referred to as the 7 Chakras of the body or Knowledge Centers, or Lotuses. To awaken these lamps within is the ancient science practiced by all the sages of all ages practicing on concentration on head and spine (also the Bow=head and spine and arrow=straight line symbol of infinity in the symbol of Sagittarius) the 7 churches are the 7 points of awakening.

From the Recent Netflix KAOS I tried to fit as many Greek culture spiritual manipulation points as possible in one picture. I did not have room for the "coins" for the Charon the boat man is of gold consciousness. Like with all things you cannot take physical coins with you when you die only your consciousness. So each person or soul is responsible  for their own coins ie your loved one(s) cannot do it for you. ALSO in Greek Zeus (Zenith of all of us or the Highest) Is the Judge while Hades is like a warden at a prison.  Dionysus is the only being who freed a soul from Hades. Hermes is know for stealing from the other gods.  Ares lies and pretends to be Zeus like Loki being Odin in Marvel's Thor movie. 

The tongues being removed is Eris (discord) worship not Hera on the tongues itself there are two talons like the iconic Lilith (Eris) picture. Also Eris is known as the lady of two tongues. 

The circle of water is equal to the Plasma loop of in my Harmonic grid. If you remove one of the Realms that circle the center the plasma loop loses its structure. It goes to Hera/Persephone being trapped on the throne in the underworld. By freeing Hera/Persephone Restores the Circle; It's the same from Bill and Ted "Face the Music" by the song that would unite (restore) all of space and time.

The sections I did cover: 

In Greek Prometheus stole fire from the gods 

In Greek Dionysus freed Hera from Hephaestus 

Ophiuchus constellation is both Dionysus & Prometheus it depends on your viewpoint 

Virgo constellation & Andromeda constellation are both Hera. 

Virgo is Hera as Queen and alive. Andromeda is Hera on the Hephaestus throne

The Greek Abyss is where Synthetic life comes from the Dark Elves (Pleiadians) from Svartalfheim (Andromeda galaxy) with Dwarves from Nidavellir (M110 Galaxy) 

Hephaestus the Blacksmith is with Dwarves who are Blacksmiths from Nidavellir (M110 Galaxy behind Andromeda galaxy) 

Dionysus Freeing Persephone

Dionysus Freeing Hera

Greek Persephone is to Demeter 

Like Egyptian Isis is to Nut 

Greek Hera is equal to Egyptian Isis



The Rig-Veda Book X HYMN V. Agni. @

1. HE only is the Sea, holder of treasures: born many a time he views the hearts within us. He hides him in the secret couple's bosom. The Bird dwells in the middle of the fountain.
2 Inhabiting one dwelling-place in common, strong Stallions and the Mares have come together. The sages guard the seat of Holy Order, and keep the highest names concealed within them.
3 The Holy Pair, of wondrous power, have coupled: they formed the Infant, they who bred produced him. The central point of all that moves and moves not, the while they wove the Sage's thread with insight.
4 For tracks of Order and refreshing viands attend from ancient times the goodly Infant. Wearing him as a mantle, Earth and Heaven grow strong by food of pleasant drink and fatness.
5 He, calling loudly to the Seven red Sisters, hath, skilled in sweet drink, brought them to be looked on. He, born of old, in middle air hath halted, and sought and found the covering robe of Pusan.
6 Seven are the pathways which the wise have fashioned; to one of these may come the troubled mortal. He standeth in the dwelling of the Highest, a Pillar, on sure ground where paths are parted.
7 Not Being, Being in the highest heaven, in Aditi's bosom and in Daksa's birthplace, Is Agni, our first-born of Holy Order, the Milch-cow and the Bull in life's beginning.

^> line 5 “He, calling loudly to the Seven red Sisters, hath, skilled in sweet drink…” is equal to christen Job 38:31 "Canst thou bind the sweete influences of Pleiades?...”

^^>> line 7 “Not Being, Being in the highest heaven, in Aditi's bosom and in Daksa's birthplace, Is Agni, our first-born of Holy Order, the Milch-cow and the Bull in life's beginning.” To quote Ralph T. H. Griffith “Not Being, being: non-existent, existent. asachcha sachcha, both unevolved and evolved, identifying Agni with the first cause and first effect, with a reference to such texts as Asad evam agra asit the nonexistent existent  (or unevolved) was verily before this (creation). Wilson, from Sayana. Aditi = Suvauis, Daksha = evepyeia. Here Agni is represented as Prajapati who as a yet undeveloped embryo is at the same time both male and female.-Ludwig. Or Daksha may be the sun and Aditi the Earth. In fact Agni is identified with all things. These latter hyms are unusual, or are unusually applied; and the construction is singularly elliptical and loose.-Wilson.” <^>  make something complex simple  Daksha may be the sun and Aditi the Earth so Daksa's birthplace would be Eta Carina the Garden.


BG 8.9–8.10: God is omniscient, the most ancient one, the controller, subtler than the subtlest, the support of all, and the possessor of an inconceivable divine form; he is brighter than the sun, and beyond all darkness of ignorance. One who at the time of death, with unmoving mind attained by the practice of Yog, who fixes the prāṇ (life airs) between the eyebrows, and steadily remembers the Divine Lord with great devotion, certainly attains him. (of Brhama equivalent to Amun-Ra) 


The sound of Kṛṣṇa’s flute spreads in the four directions. Even though Kṛṣṇa vibrates His flute within this universe, its sound pierces the universal covering and goes to the spiritual sky. Thus the vibration enters the ears of all inhabitants. It especially enters Goloka Vṛndāvana-dhāma and attracts the minds of the young damsels of Vrajabhūmi, bringing them forcibly to where Kṛṣṇa is present. (CC Madhya 21.141)

“The vibration of Kṛṣṇa’s flute is very aggressive, and it breaks the vows of all chaste women. Indeed, its vibration takes them forcibly from the laps of their husbands. The vibration of His flute attracts even the goddesses of fortune in the Vaikuṇṭha planets, to say nothing of the poor damsels of Vṛndāvana. (CC Madhya 21.142) 

“The vibration of His flute is just like a bird that creates a nest within the ears of the gopīs and always remains prominent there, not allowing any other sound to enter their ears. Indeed, the gopīs cannot hear anything else, nor are they able to concentrate on anything else, not even to give a suitable reply. Such are the effects of the vibration of Lord Krishna’s flute.” (CC Madhya 21.142)

Krishna is known as the Beautiful Lord for being a Triacontadigon which is a Dodecagon + Isogon in Union which is the same "Likeness" as the Creator/Source. the Geometric difference of Krishna and Shiva is Shiva is ONLY a Decagon. The Zenith point for the 'B' sound is the Source of Light thus Creation only Isogon (20 sided) and above Triacontadigon

The day of Apollo's birth was believed to have been the seventh of the month, whence he is called έβδομαγενής (ebdomagenēs).10 According to some traditions, he was a seven months' child έπταμηναῖος (eptamēnaios). The number seven was sacred to the god; on the seventh of every month sacrifices were offered to him,11 and his festivals usually fell on the seventh of a month. Immediately after his birth, Apollo was fed with ambrosia and nectar by Themis, and no sooner had he tasted the divine food, than he sprang up and demanded a lyre and a bow, and declared, that henceforth he would declare to men the will of Zeus. Delos exulted with joy, and covered herself with golden flowers.12

10) Plutarch. Symposiacs, 8.

11) hebdomagetes, Aeschylus. Seven Against Thebes, 802; comp. Callimachus. Hymn to Delos, 250 ff.

12) Comp. Theognis, 5 ff.; Euripides. Hecuba, 457 ff.


Cleanthes (c.330-c.230) was a Greek Stoic philosopher and followed of Zeno, the founder of the school of Stoicism. We have only fragments of the fifty works ascribed to Cleanthes, the largest fragment being the Hymn to Zeus.

Most glorious of immortals, Zeus 
The many named, almighty evermore,
Nature's great Sovereign, ruling all by law
Hail to thee! On thee 'tis meet and right

That mortals everywhere should call.
From thee was our begetting; ours alone
Of all that live and move upon the earth
The lot to bear God's likeness.
Thee will I ever chant, thy power praise!

For thee this whole vast cosmos, wheeling round
The earth, obeys, and where thou leadest
It follows, ruled willingly by thee.
In thy unconquerable hands thou holdest fast,
Ready prepared, that two-timed flaming blast,
The ever-living thunderbolt:
Nature's own stroke brings all things to their end.
By it thou guidest aright the sense instinct
Which spreads through all things, mingled even
With stars in heaven, the great and small --
Thou who art King supreme for evermore!

Naught upon earth is wrought in thy despite, O God.
Nor in the ethereal sphere aloft which ever winds
About its pole, nor in the sea -- save only what
The wicked work, in their strange madness,
Yet even so, thou knowest to make the crooked straight.
Prune all excess, give order to the orderless,
For unto thee the unloved still is lovely--
And thus in one all things are harmonized,
The evil with the good, that so one Word
Should be in all things everlastingly.

One Word--which evermore the wicked flee!
Ill-fated, hungering to possess the good
They have no vision of God's universal law,
Nor will they hear, though if obedient in mind
They might obtain a noble life, true wealth.
Instead they rush unthinking after ill:
Some with a shameless zeal for fame,
Others pursuing gain, disorderly;
Still others folly, or pleasures of the flesh.
[But evils are their lot] and other times
Bring other harvests, all unsought--
For all their great desire, its opposite!

But, Zeus, thou giver of every gift,
Who dwellest within the dark clouds, wielding still
The flashing stroke of lightning, save, we pray,
Thy children from this boundless misery.
Scatter, O Father, the darkness from their souls,
Grant them to find true understanding
On which relying thou justly rulest all---
While we, thus honoured, in turn will honour thee,
Hymning thy works forever, as is meet
For mortals while no greater right
Belongs even to the gods than evermore
Justly to praise the universal law!


Norse: (Odin) Óðins Rune Song, Rúnatáls-þáttr-Óðins (stanzas 139–146) is a section of the Hávamál where Odin reveals the origins of the runes. In stanzas 139 and 140, Odin describes his sacrifice of himself to himself:

I know that I hung on a windy tree

nine long nights,

wounded with a spear, dedicated to Odin,

myself to myself,

on that tree of which no man knows from where its roots run.

No bread did they give me nor a drink from a horn,

downwards I peered;

I took up the runes,

screaming I took them,

then I fell back from there.[10]



“One of the generally-accepted theories of modern Egyptology has been that the ancient Egyptians identified their god Osiris with the constellation of Orion.” “…that Osiris is associated with the star known as “hr rmn s3hu”, meaning the star 'under the arm of Orion', while other stars of Orion were known as Children-of Horus and Eye-of-Horus.” ~ By John A R Legon (Orion with Eta Carina)

The Winter Hexagon or Winter Circle/Oval is an asterism appearing to be in the form of a hexagon with vertices at Rigel, Aldebaran, Capella, Pollux, Procyon, and Sirius. It is mostly upon the Northern Hemisphere's celestial sphere.

Hymn to Osiris: "Homage to thee, Osiris, Lord of eternity, King of the Gods, whose names are manifold, whose forms are holy, thou being of hidden form in the temples, whose Ka is holy. Thou art the governor of Tattu (Busiris), and also the mighty one in Sekhem (Letopolis). Thou art the Lord to whom praises are ascribed in the nome of Ati, thou art the Prince of divine food in Anu. Thou art the Lord who is commemorated in Maati, the Hidden Soul, the Lord of Qerrt (Elephantine), the Ruler supreme in White Wall (Memphis). Thou art the Soul of Ra, his own body, and hast thy place of rest in Henensu (Herakleopolis). Thou art the beneficent one, and art praised in Nart. Thou makest thy soul to be raised up. Thou art the Lord of the Great House in Khemenu (Hermopolis). Thou art the mighty one of victories in Shas-hetep, the Lord of eternity, the Governor of Abydos. The path of his throne is in Ta-tcheser (a part of Abydos). Thy name is established in the mouths of men. Thou art the substance of Two Lands (Egypt). Thou art Tem, the feeder of Kau (Doubles), the Governor of the Companies of the gods. Thou art the beneficent Spirit among the spirits. The god of the Celestial Ocean (Nu) draweth from thee his waters. Thou sendest forth the north wind at eventide, and breath from thy nostrils to the satisfaction of thy heart. Thy heart reneweth its youth, thou producest the.... The stars in the celestial heights are obedient unto thee, and the great doors of the sky open themselves before thee. Thou art he to whom praises are ascribed in the southern heaven, and thanks are given for thee in the northern heaven. The imperishable stars are under thy supervision, and the stars which never set are thy thrones. Offerings appear before thee at the decree of Keb. The Companies of the Gods praise thee, and the gods of the Tuat (Other World) smell the earth in paying homage to thee. The uttermost parts of the earth bow before thee, and the limits of the skies entreat thee with supplications when they see thee. The holy ones are overcome before thee, and all Egypt offereth thanksgiving unto thee when it meeteth Thy Majesty. Thou art a shining Spirit-Body, the governor of Spirit-Bodies; permanent is thy rank, established is thy rule. Thou art the well-doing Sekhem (Power) of the Company of the Gods, gracious is thy face, and beloved by him that seeth it. Thy fear is set in all the lands by reason of thy perfect love, and they cry out to thy name making it the first of names, and all people make offerings to thee. Thou art the lord who art commemorated in heaven and upon earth. Many are the cries which are made to thee at the Uak festival, and with one heart and voice Egypt raiseth cries of joy to thee.”

Osiris's Tet or Djed Pillar is the oldest symbol of Osiris and was of great religious significance to the ancient Egyptians. The Djed symbol is one of the more ancient and commonly found symbols in Egyptian mythology. It is a pillar-like symbol in hieroglyphics representing stability. It is associated with Osiris, the Egyptian god of the afterlife, the underworld, and the dead. It is commonly understood to represent his spine. In the myth of Osiris and Isis, Osiris was killed by Set by being tricked into a coffin made to fit Osiris exactly. Set then had the coffin with the now deceased Osiris flung into the Nile. The coffin was carried by the Nile to the ocean and on to the city of Byblos in Syria. It ran aground and a sacred tree took root and rapidly grew around the coffin, enclosing the coffin within its trunk. The king of the land, intrigued by the tree's quick growth, ordered the tree cut down and installed as a pillar in his palace, unaware that the tree contained Osiris's body. Meanwhile, Isis searched for Osiris aided by Anubis, and came to know of Osiris's location in Byblos. Isis gained the favor of the king and queen there and was granted a boon. She asked for the pillar in the palace hall, and upon being granted it, extracted the coffin from the pillar. She then consecrated the pillar, anointing it with myrrh and wrapping it in linen. This pillar came to be known as the pillar of djed. <>

"Byblos was the ancient Phoenician port city of Gebal (called Byblos by the Greeks) on the coast of the Mediterranean sea in what is, today, Lebanon. According to the historian Durant, “Byblos thought itself the oldest of all cities; the god El had founded it at the beginning of time, and to the end of its history it remained the religious capital of Phoenicia." Because papyrus was one of the principal articles in its trade, the Greeks took the name of the city as their word for book - biblos – and from their word for books named our Bible - ta biblia - which means 'the books’. Byblos is among the cities listed as candidates for the distinction of `oldest city in the world’ as it has been continuously inhabited for over 7,000 years." ... "Byblos was also the first city to perfect ship-building and it is largely due to the craftsmanship of the shipwrights of Byblos that Phoenicians acquired their fame as sailors and "princes of the sea" (as they are referred to in the biblical book of Ezekiel)." @ <<< *the secret to Osiris's Djed Pillar is hidden in sacerd texts to morden day the Bible*

*The Death of 'Man'*


In this next passage the false sun is Saturn with my supporting research is a synthetic sun via the ship(s) making the rings point out by "the Ring Makers of Saturn" astrophysics book. Besides the False Sun, Seven-Macaw is a demon bird so dragon?

"For the Maya, both ancient and modern, the Milky Way plays a central role in a re-enactment of creation that is cyclically displayed in the night sky. Primarily, it is associated with the World Tree that reaches from Earth into the heavens. The great false Sun, Seven-Macaw, sat in this tree in the third creation. On the dates August 13 and February 5, dates especially associated with creation, the night sky goes through a cycle from dusk to dawn that recounts the story of the transition from the third creation into the present one. During those evenings, when the Milky Way runs along a North-South Axis it is the World Tree. A constellation identified as the great bird, Seven-Macaw, is positioned falling out of the top of the Tree in north. As it tilts towards the horizon, the Milky Way becomes the Crocodile Tree. When it reaches the east-west axis it switches into the canoe carrying the Maize God to the Place of creation (Freidel et al. 1993:93-99)." @

Judeo-Catholicism based Christianity:

Like Satanism (from Christianity has root) followers today… Mayan Satan Seven Macaw had built up a following of worshipers among some of the inhabitants of the Earth, making false claims to be either the sun or the moon. Seven Macaw was also extremely vain, adorning himself with metal ornaments in his wings and a set of false teeth made of gemstones (gemstones like Ezekiel 28). Hunahpú and Xbalenqué, who later become the Sun and Moon defeated Seven Macaw by binding him and cast him into a hole in the earth, burying him forever (like Revelation 20:3 And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season.”)

Think of Chess ♟there is a King and Queen on Both sides. 

Sirius/Orion are Queen & King in black for they ‘create’ the board ie order - Pegasus galaxy bright Elf's bishop - Auriga & Aquarius would be the black knight. Elements water and air are the rooks, and the normal people are the black pawns 

Polaris/Arcturus are in white for the change the order of the board ie white - Lepus White bishop - the dark elf’s Andromeda & Arcturus are the white Knight. elements fire and earth are the rooks with the government leaders & agents (including member of secret societies) are the white pawns 

“Just as God used parallels to guide us to the truth, Satan uses reverse parallels to tell lies.  The devil's parallels are false counterfeits.  Satan's lies are like the opposite images in a mirror.  Satan is the father of lies and everything he does is opposite to God.

Nepthys\(Eris)\Kali\Lilith = Isaiah 14:13-15 (NKJV)

For you have said in your heart:
‘I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation On the farthest sides of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High.’

"the Fallacious Flawed Sea of Stars" @ <^> is spinning backwards

Etruscan Vatika queen of the underworld
Norse Hel queen of the underworld
Greek Eris queen of the underworld
Eyptian Nephthys queen of the underworld
Hindu Kali queen of the underworld
Christen Lilith queen of the underworld

The Polaris Star is Nepthys\Lilith moving outward like Fission moving the Adam\atom outward for the negative ION

Nephthys was the goddess who guarded the lungs in their canopic jar on the north cardinal point.

Nephthys is the wife of Seth (Egyptian Satan)

Lilith is connected romantically to Satan

The chaos chamber connected to the Polaris star (the chaos star). Also outside the center like the Quantum magnetic flow of the atom for the direction outside for centrifugal in red; low frequency. Like going towards the center towards Sirius the Queens star to why the Virgin Mary is in blue robes. Which would be Quantum magnetic flow of the atom for the direction  inward for centripetal in blue; high frequency.

Mayan: Xtabay is a female demon originating from a Mayan legend who has ill intentions towards men.[1] She dwells in the forest to lure men to their deaths and, according to those that have escaped her, she possesses incomparable beauty and evil.[2]

Greek (Harmonia\Eris\Enyo): {1}  Harmonia and the serpent <wrapped around her on the outside>  {2} The dwarf planet Eris is named after the goddess.  Homer equated her with the war-goddess Enyo, whose Roman counterpart is Bellona.  {3} Enyo was a goddess of war in Classical Greek mythology. She frequently is associated with the war god Ares, as a companion, sister, wife, or perhaps, mother. Just like Nephthys is the wife of Seth (Egyptian Satan) & Lilith is connected romantically to Satan.


Ezekiel 28:12-19 (NKJV)

12 “Son of man, take up a lamentation for the king of Tyre, and say to him, ‘Thus says the Lord God:
“You were the seal of perfection,
Full of wisdom and perfect in beauty.
13 You were in Eden, the garden of God;
Every precious stone was your covering:
The sardius, topaz, and diamond,
Beryl, onyx, and jasper,
Sapphire, turquoise, and emerald with gold.
The workmanship of your timbrels and pipes
Was prepared for you on the day you were created.
14 “You were the anointed cherub who covers;
I established you;
You were on the holy mountain of God;
You walked back and forth in the midst of fiery stones.
15 You were perfect in your ways from the day you were created,
Till iniquity was found in you.
16 “By the abundance of your trading
You became filled with violence within,
And you sinned;
Therefore I cast you as a profane thing
Out of the mountain of God;
And I destroyed you, O covering cherub,
From the midst of the fiery stones.
17 “Your heart was lifted up because of your beauty;
You corrupted your wisdom for the sake of your splendor;
I cast you to the ground,
I laid you before kings,
That they might gaze at you.
18 “You defiled your sanctuaries
By the multitude of your iniquities,
By the iniquity of your trading;
Therefore I brought fire from your midst;
It devoured you,
And I turned you to ashes upon the earth
In the sight of all who saw you.
19 All who knew you among the peoples are astonished at you;
You have become a horror,
And shall be no more forever.”’”

If that was when pride first tempted him, maybe his mirror really cracked (figuratively speaking) when he learned that he would have to serve Adam's descendants...that someday he would even be judged by a descendant of Adam.” ~ Bruce Baber  (fiery stones walked among the stars? In the garden the birth place of stars Eta Carinae?)

My work: MVego v6.4 @ <^> The red dwarf star with it's own planets aka Saturn's moons. Even the Freemason UK tv show red dwarf star show icon is Saturn = Saturn = Satan but it's not the planet itself more ET's controlling Saturn. 666 being number of the beast is in reference to Carbon-12 6 protons 6 electrons and 6 neutrons which makes up 95% of most carbon; as in humans animals and nature/earth itself etc. All Stars in the cosmos produces Carbon-12. The closest thing for 666 to be "EVIL" is Saturn produces Carbon-12 synthetically via the Rings. You have to take astrophysics there is a book "Eta Carinae and the Supernova imposters" & another book called "Ring makers of Saturn". Basically to make it short The rings of Saturn are synthetic they were artificially made after the planet was created; through the artificial rings there is x-ray light coming from that and Saturn produces twice the amount of heat that it takes in because of machines on the planet Saturn to turn into a synthetic star. Yes the Astrophysical proof is in on page 77 in eta carinae book I'm the section "consequences of binarity" it explains about an invisible star with x-ray light. This is the hidden esoteric meaning Cronus (Saturn\Satan) the original Santa Claus. If you rearrange the letters Santa Claus you get Satan Lucas; In Latin the meaning of the name Lucas is: Form of Luke 'light; illumination. So Santa Claus is Satan bringer of light. The picture is from the book "Ringmakers of Saturn" proving The rings are artificial. If you read the Sumerian tablets says Aunnuaki the reptilians and grays.

ONLY the Sun can do Gamma Light the highest form of Light, because the Sun came from Eta Carinae, like all the other suns in our galaxy comes from. 2 Corinthians 11:14 (KJV)  And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.

From the book
Ringmakers of Saturn
Book by Norman R. Bergrun

 Babylon 5 "Racing Mars" to start at time marker 2:28 Marcus says "Seven Sisters, Saturn, Side of the Ship and Stars" Hint the Pleiadian Ship(s) are behind making Saturn's artificial rings into a synthetic star.  

A theory like from the movie the Matrix the ship Nebuchadnezzar broadcasting the pirate signal. 2 Kings 24:13 (NIV) As the LORD had declared, Nebuchadnezzar removed the treasures from the temple of the LORD and from the royal palace, and cut up the gold articles that Solomon king of Israel had made for the temple of the LORD.

Since the Gnostic meaning Israel refers to the union of mind & spirit or quantum electromagnetic photonic Union of a living being. That the ‘gold’ is all relating to consciousness. So the treasures that was removed were the higher gifts of consciousness and connection to the higher levels/frequencies of the universe. It’s the pirate signal is being generated from Nebuchadnezzar the ship(s) that are making the rings of Saturn. Also the same signal trapping people stealing their higher consciousness their gold.

Saturn's rings are made of ICE crystals

There is a pattern for everything... it’s called “predictive programming”. To also include other TV, Movies and sports by title "Teen Titans", "remember the Titans", sports team "Tennessee Titans" and trucks called "Titans"... To even Battlestar Galactica quote season 4 "He that Believeth in Me" Starbuck "I was orbiting this planet it's yellow moon and star..." (Time marker 18:33) the yellow moon is obviously Titan "it's star" could be the sun since it was referencing Saturn's moon Titan it's most likely the "it's star" part is reference Saturn. Also Simpson season 3 episode 7 (37) covers reptilians enslaving earth; For the 37 is the angel of Saturn's rings and one of them Kodos which with a play of pronunciation Kodos is Cronus aka Saturn. In Avengers Infinity wars Thanos home planet is called Titan. the TV Supergirl S03E21  Kara/super-girl is standing on krypton aka Titian notice the Sun giving light but gas giant with rings (Saturn) in the back ground. Also hinting life is on some if not all the 53 moons of Saturn.  Even the TV show expanse for The Battle of Titan (Season 3, Episode 9)  was a major battle of the Interplanetary War, taking place above Titan during the Consolidated Fleet Offensive. The battle was between flotillas from the Consolidated Fleet and the Free Navy's Saturnian Fleet.

Three Movies in which humans are traveling to Saturn’s moon Titan:

(1) Gattaca (1997) Genetically altered humans train and travel to Saturn's moon Titan

(2) Oblivion (2013) Most humans dead are being hunted, Tom cruise with thousands of Genetically altered versions of him. start the story off with everyone had to abandon earth for most of the natural resources gone so everyone moved to Saturn's moon Titan.

(3) Titan (2018) Story is a military experiment that will create a human being capable of surviving the harsh environments of Saturn's moon, TITAN; via Genetically altering DNA.

The dark forces want to move humanity to Titan (666) the yellow moon because of our DNA will evolve past their ability to control. Saturn synthetically produces X-ray light, I knew this before physics article below:

"Scientists watch a molecule protect itself from radiation damage" on April 7, 2017 by Amanda Solliday @  <^> "When the molecules that carry the genetic code in our cells are exposed to harm, they have defenses against potential breakage and mutations. For instance, when DNA is hit with ultraviolet light, it can lose excess energy from radiation by ejecting the core of a hydrogen atom — a single proton — to keep other chemical bonds in the system from breaking. To gain insight into this process, researchers used X-ray laser pulses from the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) at the Department of Energy’s SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory to investigate how energy from light transforms a relatively simple molecule, 2-thiopyridone. This molecule undergoes a chemical transformation that also occurs in the building blocks of DNA. The scientists looked at this process by probing the nitrogen atom in the molecule with X-ray pulses that lasted just femtoseconds, or quadrillionths of a second. The results, published in Angewandte Chemie, are a step toward better understanding what’s called “excited state proton transfers” in DNA and other molecules. “Right now, we want to keep it simple,” says lead author Sebastian Eckert, a doctoral student at the University of Potsdam and Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin. “It’s easier to look at the effects of photoexcitation in 2-thiopyridone because this molecule is small enough to understand and has only one nitrogen atom. We are among the first at LCLS to look at nitrogen at this energy, so it’s somewhat of a pilot experiment.” This is also the first time the method, known as resonant inelastic X-ray scattering or RIXS, has been used to look at molecular changes involving nitrogen that happen in femtoseconds. This short timescale is important because that’s how fast protons are kicked away from molecules exposed to light, and it requires brilliant X-rays to see these ultrafast changes. “LCLS is the only X-ray light source that can provide enough photons – particles of light,” says co-author Munira Khalil, a professor at the University of Washington. “Our detection mechanism is ‘photon-hungry’ and requires intense pulses of light to capture the effect we want to see.” In the study, the researchers used an optical laser to initiate changes in the molecule, followed by an LCLS X-ray probe that allowed them to see movements in the bonds."

To gain insight into this process, researchers used X-ray laser pulses from the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) at the Department of Energy's SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory to investigate how energy from light transforms a relatively simple molecule, 2-thiopyridone. This molecule undergoes a chemical transformation that also occurs in the building blocks of DNA. The scientists looked at this process by probing the nitrogen atom in the molecule with X-ray pulses that lasted just femtoseconds, or quadrillionths of a second. Read more at:

To gain insight into this process, researchers used X-ray laser pulses from the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) at the Department of Energy's SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory to investigate how energy from light transforms a relatively simple molecule, 2-thiopyridone. This molecule undergoes a chemical transformation that also occurs in the building blocks of DNA. The scientists looked at this process by probing the in the molecule with X-ray pulses that lasted just femtoseconds, or quadrillionths of a second.

Read more at:
To gain insight into this process, researchers used X-ray laser pulses from the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) at the Department of Energy's SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory to investigate how energy from light transforms a relatively simple molecule, 2-thiopyridone. This molecule undergoes a chemical transformation that also occurs in the building blocks of DNA. The scientists looked at this process by probing the in the molecule with X-ray pulses that lasted just femtoseconds, or quadrillionths of a second.

Read more at:
Also even with unlimited power sources we have already created, to get off types of energy sources that are destroying the planet nuclear and fossil fuels. Example Nikola Tesla patent's #447,921 & #555190 in the US patent office of Zero point energy.  One of the exsues to go to Titian is for Oil and yes the moon has water. According to Cassini data from 2008, Titan has hundreds of times more liquid hydrocarbons than all the known oil and natural gas reserves on Earth. Also "A watery ocean may lie beneath the surface of Saturn's largest moon, Titan, scientists believe. Gravity measurements reveal deformations in Titan's interior that suggest a layer of liquid ‘sloshing around’. The ocean is thought to be made of water with a depth of a couple of hundred kilometres. It appears to cover the entire moon beneath 100 kilometres of ice." @


“Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem," means “Visit the interior of the earth, and by rectifying (correcting or purifying) what you find there, you will discover the hidden stone”


C) Last Purity Sirius, electromagnetic scalar-standing-wave form. They are presented to the races of our 15 dimensional Time Matrix by the Density-5 (Dimensions 13-15) Elohei-Elohim-Emerald Order, Seraphei-Seraphin-Gold Order and Braha-Rama-Amethyst Order Melchizedek Cloister Breneau. (The 3 primary Founders Races in our Time Matrix). The Oral Translations emerged from division of the CDT-Plate/Maharata Texts teachings into 12 Corresponding Aspects, or “Legions”; each “Legion” represented an Oral Translation of one of the 12 CDT-Plate Silver Discs. The collective body of the 12 Oral CDT-Plate Legions, was known as the “12 Legions of the KRYSTHL-A”; the word “KRYSTHL-A” was derived from the “7 Sacred Sounds” that represent the “1st Audible Core-Creation Sound-Tones” in our 15-Dimensional Universe. The “7 Sacred Core-Creation Sound-Tones” are Ka, Ra, Ya, Sa, Ta, Ha, La”; the pre-ancient word “Krys-thl’-a” was used in reference to the collective body of the “12 CDT-Plate Oral Legions.” by Emerald Guardians

"With the Peacock stage, the alchemist has entered into the inner experience of the astral world, which initially appears as ever shifting patterns of colour. This experience is often symbolised in alchemy by the appropriate image of the peacock's tail with its splendid iridescence of colour. In terms of this series of five stages, the turning point is reached with the Peacock. Up until this point the alchemist has experienced aspects of his being which he was formerly unconscious of - the etheric forces and the astral body. Essentially these experiences have happened to him, although he had to make himself open to the experiences through entering into the initial Black Crow state, however, in order to progress he must begin to work upon his inner being."@

Above: Goddess following a star, which seems to align with the Great Giza Pyramid & Sphinx - Orion-Sirius, Osiris-Isis @ 

They were manufactured from a form of striated-selenite-quartz crystal organic to the Density-2 planet Sirius B, surrounding a radioactive isotopic core, encased in a “hybrid-metal” silver-alloy compound organic to Earth. The star Sopdet (Sirius) is associated with Isis, which is where we are going as a solar system. Isis's headdress was replaced with that of Hathor: the horns of a cow on her head, with the solar disk between them, and often with her original throne symbol atop the solar disk. She is often depicted with her young child, Horus (the pharaoh), with a crown, and a vulture. Occasionally she is represented as a kite flying above the body of Osiris or with the dead Osiris she works her magic to bring him back to life. Most often Isis is seen holding an ankh (the sign for "life") and a simple lotus staff, but in late images she is sometimes seen with the sacred sistrum rattle and the fertility-bearing meant necklace, items usually associated with Hathor. In The Book of Coming Forth By Day Isis is depicted standing on the prow of the Solar Barque with her arms outstretched. “[The god Sin] was known as the father, or source, of the Goddess. Sin…as father of both the Sun (Utu or Shamash) and of Inanna (Ishtar) the Queen of Heaven was the central astral deity. Cleopatra Selene was patriotic of her Egyptian and Greek heritage Luke’s allegorical clues summarized:

1) Song of Solomon provides a physical description of the Queen of Sheba:

2) Song of Solomon 1:5: “I am black and beautiful, O daughters of Jerusalem, like the tents of Kedar, like the curtains of Solomon.”

3) Song of Solomon 1:6: “Do not gaze at me because I am dark, because the sun has scorched me.”

4) Luke 7:36 and 38 tell of Jesus reclining at table, anointed = Song of Solomon and a dark-skinned Queen of Sheba.

5) Luke 7:37 described the Anointing Woman as a "Sinner."
6) Luke 11:30-31 named Nineveh, Queen of the South, and Wisdom of Solomon.

7) Luke 24:10 described Mary Magdalene as Io Anna.

8) Acts 18:24-25: “Now a Jew named Apollos, a native of Alexandria, came to Ephesus. He was an eloquent man, well versed in the scriptures. He had been instructed in The Way of the Lord; and being fervent in spirit, he spoke and taught accurately the things concerning Jesus, though he knew only the baptism of John.”

9) Luke 11:30-31: Jesus said: “For as Jonah became a sign to the men of Nineveh, so will the Son of man be to this generation. The Queen of the South will rise at the judgment with the people of this generation and judge them…”

An Ancient Artifact labeled to be found in the caves of Illinois in lost tomb of Alexander the Great:
Examination (1) A female body (2) The star of David the union El of male Ra up triangle & female Isis down triangle (3) The Crescent moon (4) the Single EYE for Isis (EYE-is) (5) the left hand out with the Fibonacci sequence 
inward for the positive ION is dogmatically Eve (6) the water for the lady of the lake... that's about Isis (Sirius) The unvarying lunar cycle gave Sin a special connection with order and wisdom and with immortality.

"Theories long held regarding female sexuality have been the Eve-out-of-Adam's Rib theory and Freud's well-known clitoral-vaginal transfer theory. Because all embryos, male and female, start life by developing a combined clitoral-penile tubercle, it seemed that all fetuses started as male and by the 3rd month the females gave up trying to grow a penis, the clitoris being the remains. Geneticists have discovered that all human embryos start life as females, as do all embryos of mammals. About the 2nd month the fetal tests elaborate enough androgens to offset the maternal estrogens and maleness develops. The discussion of clitoral vs. vaginal orgasm is meaningless because orgasm is the result of muscular stretching and fluid produced by the veins filling the fatty tissues. The process is exactly the same in males and females. From a scientific viewpoint there is only 1 kind of orgasm, the ''myovascular orgasm.'' ~ Sherfey MJ.

“The symbol of Salt is the cosmic egg showing the completed act of creation. Here the spiritual is made manifest by being given a physical garment. Here, finally, we can see the outcome of the circulatory action of "as above, so below." In this substance we find a separation of the waters of the firmament and their fixation. The Philosophers speak of two waters that are the primary cause of creation. Both of these waters are said to be produced or issue forth from the chaos of the sun. Or as Hermes has taught, the water is produced by the action of heat upon moisture. Both of these waters can be termed Mercury, though one of them is generally called Sulfur to denote its masculine qualities and the atmospheric conditions necessary for its proper collection. We have already seen that one of these waters is indeed the condensed starlight of the heavens that contains the sulfurous fire. The other water then must be the universal substance in its feminine aspect.

The symbol of salt is generally thought of as being neutral, neither positive nor negative. Yet when dealing with universal qualities one will find that polarities and the meaning of substance's are changed around. It's sort of like the difference between quantum mechanics and mundane physics. The laws of what is termed the macrocosmic world do not apply to the particles of energy dealt with in quantum mechanics. Anyone who is familiar with the Qabalah will realize that this assignation of neutrality and polarity fits perfectly with the supernal triangle.Again we will let nature be our guide in our quest for understanding the One that is many. We have continued with our visits to the lake unbroken for the last few days. Today when looking up into the sky we see a familiar appearance in a whole new light. The soft white clouds we see suspended in the air are indeed beautiful. Slowly we begin to realize that these clouds were born by the interaction of the solar Sulfur and the earth's atmosphere. Here for the first time the intangible, unseen energy of the sun is clothed in a material albeit diaphanous garment. As more and more clouds appear we realize that the nature of the fire has changed. It can no longer be considered an expansive radiant force caught up in those clouds. Instead we feel the confinement and constriction of the solar Sulfur as the clouds fill the sky.

We can well imagine that in the days preceding this one a very subtle type of alchemical circulation was going on. The sun's rays enter the earth's atmosphere and react with it. Heat begins to build up causing the condensed water on the planet's surface to be evaporated. More water vapor rises into the sky to intermingle with cosmic rays. As the cooling effect of night comes, the most subtle and ethereal parts of this vapor remain airborne and its denser parts are drawn into the earth to later be exhaled as dew. If the temperature conditions stay just right the firmament becomes saturated with this impregnated vapor and thick rain clouds fill the sky. It is at this point that we are reminded of the symbol of the universal Salt. Here we find the invisible fire of the sun clothed in ethereal garments. As we stand on the dry land at the foot of a terrestrial sea, we realize that there is another more subtle ocean above our heads. The water that falls during a thunderstorm is much more feminine in quality than the fiery water collected by the condensation of starlight. This water also carries within it a flame or spark of life just as the ovum in a woman does. Because this water needs no magnet to draw it from the sky it is not determined to any of the kingdoms of nature. For this reason it is best looked at as a feminine entity. It determination is dependent on which one of the three kingdoms it comes into contact with first. In practical laboratory plant alchemy we do not want this water to be determined by the whims of nature. Like its counterpart it must be collected without its coming into contact with the ground. In fact it is best collected in glass or plastic containers thereby insuring it retains its fertility. Also, this water must be collected so that it falls from the sky directly into the container. Run off from plants, rocks, etc. is undesirable. Our woman must stay fertile and a virgin.” By John Reid

The human body is one of the most beautiful mysteries we may ever come to know, a microcosm of the universe. It is the anchor for our soul and spirit, the temple in which they reside. Millions of chemical reactions occurring each second, most of which we know nothing about. Calcite crystals are trigonal-rhombohedral, though actual calcite rhombohedra are rare as natural crystals. However, they show a remarkable variety of habits including acute to obtuse rhombohedra, tabular forms, prisms, or various scalenohedra. Calcite is a common constituent of sedimentary rocks, limestone in particular, much of which is formed from the shells of dead marine organisms. Approximately 10% of sedimentary rock is limestone. Which is what the Pyramids are made out of and Coral Reefs.

Also to add what I have been saying about the attack on the divine Mother "elite created the terrorist group and called it IsIs to cause a negative feeling when we furring to the Isis again the Goddess mother of children in Egyptian; why also women and children are being targeted over actual military combatants. Also if you wanted to train ignorant masses to hate and attack "God" how would you do that? Like so many other things from the Buddhist symbol of unity to the Nazi swastika darkness always twists the light and that all every ever knows. So what is the twist what are they making people hate so much the WORD of GOD. Everyone hates the EYE because they think is evil but it's in all of us but how you pronounce the goddess mothers name is EYE-is; so why is there is such an intense effort by politicians celebrities and social media to put so much negativity to a word? Reverse psychology..."

It was my theory originally by simple deduction  Like the psychical cup from the top of the page "Holy Grail" with Sirius being on top with three stars.  However Sirius is a twin star system what "IF" our star is the 3rd star? The interesting bit when the "east-west axis it switches" meaning the Sun or Suns will rise in the west, still looking for the triple part but it was known by the ancient Mayans and it's still true today when the earth flips. Then I saw these pictures from Alcyone video 4 had a picture saying what I had in my memory, maybe I saw this then forget until when I originally posted .


3) Everything everything everything physical or manifested has a quantum connection/reference all the different mothers are different electromagnetic frequencies like emotions or states of consciousness; why mothers is is because electromagnetic energy is feminine. Like from the Roman Aurora or Germanic Ostara/Easter to the Middle Eastern Ishtar/Asherah/Astarte/ associated with love, sex, beauty, fertility and the sun. Planet Venus Symbol Gate guarded by lions, eight pointed star, Symbolic staff.

1st  Egyptian Ma'at kneeling with Golden wings to Queen Isis (sitting on a wood throne)  <^> from Tomb of Nefertari

2nd Hera, Athena and Iris in the Trojan War, painting by Jacques Réattu, 18th century; same "wood" Hera uses as a chariot, same "wood" Isis uses a throne. same wood the Virgin Mary uses as a Podium.  

Orpic Hymm: "O Royal Juno [Hera] of majestic mien, aerial-form'd, divine, Jove's [Zeus'] blessed queen, Thron'd in the bosom of cærulean air, the race of mortals is thy constant care. The cooling gales thy pow'r alone inspires, which nourish life, which ev'ry life desires. Mother of clouds and winds, from thee alone producing all things, mortal life is known: All natures share thy temp'rament divine, and universal sway alone is thine. With founding blasts of wind, the swelling sea and rolling rivers roar, when shook by thee. Come, blessed Goddess, fam'd almighty queen, with aspect kind, rejoicing and serene." (To give connection of Greek and Roman)

3rd titled "Prayer To Archangel St. Gabriel For Assistance" to Queen Mary (Wood Podium) <^> unsure the artist but found on page The link to Gabriel  Gabriel is known as the “angel of communication”, mostly known for delivering the message regarding the birth of Christ. In Greek mythology, Pheme (/ˈfm/ FAY-may; Greek: Φήμη, Roman equivalent: Fama), , was described as "she who initiates and furthers communication" and had an altar at Athens. The Greek word pheme is related to ϕάναι "to speak" and can mean "fame", "report", or "rumor". The Latin word fama, with the same range of meanings, is related to the Latin fari ("to speak"), and is, through French, the etymon of the English "fame". (Link to picture @

Queen Frigg sits enthroned (Wood throne, equal to Isis Wood throne) and facing the spear-wielding goddess Gná (Athena/Gabriel) Gná is a goddess who runs errands in other worlds for the goddess Frigg and rides the flying, sea-treading horse. To compare in the third Book of the Odyssey, she takes the form of a sea-eagle. Also Athena goddess of reason, intelligent activity, arts and literature. Also both Gná and Athena covered in battle armor. 

Frigg: Queen of Asgard, Beloved Norse Goddess, Mother

Queen Isis/Ishtar

"Our Lady" Queen of Heaven

Danu, also spelled Anu, or Dana, in Celtic religion, the earth-mother goddess or female principle, who was honoured under various names from eastern Europe to Ireland. In Irish mythology, she is mother of the earth, the gods, fertility, wisdom, wind and of all the Celtic people. The story of Danu lingers with her offspring, Tuatha De Danann, or people of the goddess Danu, who in Irish folklore are known as the fairy people who are skilled in magic.


 The Masonic women in red dress is to symbolize the whore of Babylon aka Hathor & Nepthys\Lilith. It’s the action of non-action to say not what "they" present it’s what they don't present. It's about energy & electromagnetic frequency high or low for the directional flow of the Atom (human soul). Blue is high frequency/vibration and inward flow known as "Centripetal" force with Fusion. Red is low frequency/vibration and outward flow known as "Centrifugal" force with fission. What the Satanic Freemason's do is present in good light a pale skinned red hair female in blue the red hair pale skin even element of fire all Lilith; that's why they present her in blue. Or "they" will present a blonde (most of the time fake blonde) in red and most will have instant first thought it’s the whore of Babylon simply because of a dress. It's about energy of the heart and soul also ask to the action of non-action the one image they will never show is close to the truth. How about black female hero or an intelligent lovely blonde or brunette in blue in a good positive light and not be crazy, wicked, or over-barring like in Park and Recreation, Frozen, Netflix electricity movie etc., because TV is programming and they are programming you to hate the Queen Mother Isis (EYE-is)/EVE/Ishtar(Easter) Element electricity or electromagnetic (Sometimes water). The Satanic force (Hollywood & Vatican) mix-and-match facts like what the image would look like with the name or the elements or the position as queen mother they flip flop to mismatch people's sub consciousness. It's part of the whole conditioning of humanity for their dark purposes.  

White & Gray Tantra >>> Queen Hera = Isis = Frigg = Lakshmi & Virgin Mary Blonde in Blue

White Tantra >>> Athena = Gna = Ma'At = Ninshubur = Gabriel 

Gray & Black Tantra >>> Freja  = Hathor/Sekhmet = Rahda= Aphrodite = Mary Magdalene blonde in red

Black Tantra >>> Eris = Nepthys = Hel = Kali = Lilith

 my Greek Four Pillars Goddess Hera, Athena, Aphrodite, Eris. Which is Equal to the BIBLE 4 Pillars of the Gospel. {[Since the Romans stole Greek teachings then killed them for over 300 hundreds right before Rome went Catholic. The Greek god of war Ares because Rome's savior]} Is also Equal to Native Four Pillars The Meaning of the Four Directions in Native American Culture  <^> Remember with and in "everything" “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” ~ Nikola Tesla  <<<>>> AS ABOVE SO BELOW <<<>>> a.k.a Quadrupole Magnetic Field Effects @

The energy of a photon (father) depends on electromagnetic frequency; there are photons of all energies from high-energy gamma- and X-rays, through visible light, to low-energy infrared and radio waves. All photons travel at the speed of light. Considered among the subatomic particles, bosons are photons that have no electric charge or mass; In speculative theories of quantum gravity, the graviton is a hypothetical elementary particle that mediates the force of gravitation in the framework of quantum field theory (QFT). In QFT, the fundamental forces are mediated by the exchange of particles, and if such a particle exists for gravity, QFT would describe all of the known forces. Electro “magnetic" (Mother) energy is the unseen non-corporal Divine Mother Spirit: even Matrix is Latin for a Woman's Womb, of course this is also linked the blood of Christ is also from a women Womb naturally instead of killing a male to do it... in energy terms semen are particles of light and Electromagnetic field is the Womb/Matrix why also born in Sin really means born in Time... notice below womb and matrix:

Exodus 34:19: (NASB) "The first offspring from every "womb" belongs to Me, and all your male livestock, the first offspring from cattle and sheep.

Exodus 34:19: (KJV) All that openeth the "matrix" is mine; and every firstling among thy cattle, whether ox or sheep, that is male.

1 John 1:5: "God is Light” (In Quantum Physics Light is Photons, the Universe is made of Photons and Photons gives everything Life, you are Photons so you are Light, so you are the Universe)

If the Higgs field did not exist, particles would not have the mass required to attract one another, and would float around freely at light speed.

My Theory: Hathor, & Nepthys\Lilith would be the negative Ion and Ma'at, & Isis(EYE-is)/EVE/Ishtar(Easter) would be the positive Ion Christen Gnostics with Quantum physics. Blue is high frequency/vibration and inward flow known as "Centripetal" force with Fusion. Red is low frequency/vibration and outward flow known as "Centrifugal" force with fission.

To make it easy for people, everything in existence is within a Torus field. From the cell to living being to the planet to the Solar system to the galaxy to the cluster of galaxies to the universe itself. So the Big Bang is the center of the Torus field.

It’s astro & quantum physics; “When we keep expanding our perception and conception to the scales of solar systems, galaxies, galactic clusters and universes, the pattern is still toroidal. Solar System Torus Solar System Spirals Galaxy Torus” ~ By Foster Gamble

“The self, in a toroidal universe, can be both separate and connected with the rest of the universe.” - Arthur Young

Remember with and in "everything" “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” ~ Nikola Tesla

Magnetic fields are produced by electric currents, which can be macroscopic currents in wires, or microscopic currents associated with electrons in atomic orbits. The magnetic field B is defined in terms of force on moving charge in the Lorentz force law.

The Torus field - The magnetic flow of the Atom - Hellenistic Christian Gnostics with Quantum physics: "God takes a rib out of Adam and Makes Eve, the “Rib” is part of Adam like an Electron a part of the Atom If we take an electron from Atom we cause a new action of creation, the dogma story is saying that all life began with the splitting of the Atom/Adam. The part of Adam and Eve is known as Ionic boning, the scientific process is called Ionic Bonding. Atoms that have gained or lost electrons are called ions. Because each electron has a negative charge, the gain of electrons creates a negative ion and the loss of electrons creates a positive ion. In short if you take and electron out of (or from) an Atom it creates a positive Ion; If you add (or increase) an electron into an Atom it creates a negative Ion. The attraction between negative and positive ions results in strong bonds called ionic bonds that hold the ions together; the key pattern is “positive & negative”, “light & dark”, and “female & male”. To form sodium chloride an electron from a sodium atom is transferred to a chlorine atom; thus something new is formed." ~ From Bill Donahue

Red or Fission moving the Adam\atom outward for the negative ION is dogmatically called Lilith

Blue or Fusion moving the Adam/Atom inward for the positive ION is dogmatically Eve


Like the spiral galaxy and the billions of suns flow around the core or center; inward towards the center which is high frequency - As Above

Is like the spiraling electrons, protons and neutrons of the atom just depends on the amount of electrons, protons and neutrons the movement direction for the energy type or element type - So Below


John 14:20 “At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you.”

1 John 1:5: "God is Light” (In Quantum Physics Light is Photons, the Universe is made of Photons and Photons gives everything Life, you are Photons so you are Light, so you are the Universe)

Matthew 5:14: ((yešua/Yeshua)) I am the Light of the world

Matthew 5:14: You are the Light of the world

4) A thought on comparing cosmic solar mechanics with that of a cell, I found many surprising things, like I'm not the only one. However very few or I've seen any do like what I do not only comparing the cosmic universe to a cell analogy but the relation to the Three Philosophical Principles of Organic Unity of cosmos. I was looking for a crop circle I remember seeing that had electric current flowing between plants much to the same way as planets and their moons each carry an electric charge as they travel through this plasma; the electrochemical gradient creates potential energy across the inner mitochondrial membrane known as the proton-motive force. It's all the same pattern. If you look at the second to the last picture will see a plasma Light ship and a plasma ETs with the above connect to plasma in the cell and plasma in space connecting the planets moons together; I would say another connection to how ALL things are ONE

Orphestrum: The Structure of the Universe: Challenge to the Plasma Theory (Part -VII) by Rumana Reza (Aurny) @ (<<< Blogsite has been removed)

Our previous discussion on the different parts of The Structure of the Universe: Challenge to the Plasma Theo, was about the particle physics, cosmology and some basic biological terms. There we have seen some similarities among physics, chemistry, cosmology and biology -the way they act and react. Particle physics tells about fermions, bosons, gluons, leptons etc. It talks about electromagnetism, gravity. It shows how spin, quarks, wave, photons are working constantly in atomic, sub-atomic field. On the other hand, biology talks about DNA, chromosome, genes etc. where we got the chemical reaction of amino acid, creation of proteins, code reader ribosome, communication among cells and tissues to build up the total body structure. Similarly, cosmology shows how planets, galaxies, supernova, neutron stars, black hole, nebula, comets and unknown, uncountable visible and invisible things are interconnected with each other.

Our solar system is  just as similar as cell or an atom where all the planets including earth are electrons and the sun is nucleus. 

Sun is the Nucleus Structure of Sun, and Structure of the Cell 

As like as nucleolus of the nucleus of a cell or the proton+neutron of the nucleus of an atom,sun has a core too. A strong force is mediated there by force carrier (wavy). That  strong force has different types of charges. Therefore, this core has quarks inside just like the proton and neutron have. And this special structure of the core of the sun is the main reason to give it uniqueness from other planets.

Radiative zone,connective zone of sun are as similar as nucleoplasm of cell nucleus. The nucleoplasm is the suspension fluid that holds the cell's chromatin and nucleolus. Similarly, those zones contain chromatin of sun. Filaments which  are observed as clouds of solar material suspended above the sun ,are actually the chromosome of sun. Chromosome  only be observed well during cell division. That's why sun filaments too are unstable and can last for days or even weeks only. Likely the cell chromosome ,sun filament contains DNA,RNA proteins etc.The information in DNA is stored as a code. The order, or sequence, of these bases determines the information available for building and maintaining an organism.A gene is the basic physical and functional unit of heredity. Genes, which are made up of DNA, act as instructor.In the sun,those filaments are similar to the way of cell chromosome.

On the other hand,according to particle physics, all elementary particles are depending on their spin-either  bosons or fermions.The wave-like behavior of matter is crucial to the modern theory of atomic structure and particle physics. All matter can exhibit wave-like behavior . Our previous discussion on de Broglie waves, Hilbert space,Hydrogen wave function that based on quantum state, show how they act close enough to twisted  DNA.

Photosphere of sun spot is as like as inner nuclear membrane of the cell ,where sun spot stays as nuclear pore. Chromosphere of Sun would be seen in a cell as outer nuclear membrane.


“The space surrounding the Sun, its corona and beyond, is a plasma. Indeed, much of all space is occupied by plasma - mostly in the dark current mode. The planets and their moons each carry an electric charge as they travel through this plasma. The plasma sea in which the solar system floats extends out to what is called the heliopause - where there is probably a double layer that separates our Sun's plasma from the lower voltage plasma that fills our arm of the Milky Way galaxy.” @

In quantum physics, forces result from the interactions of quantum fields, which can also be represented by particles called bosons. (These particular types of bosons are called gauge bosons, because the exact theory that describes them is called gauge theory.) The gauge bosons for the four fundamental forces are:

Photons - *Electromagnetic* interactions between charged particles in which the particles create short-lived photons, which exist just long enough to exchange the information between the charged particles.

Gluon - Gluons are the gauge boson that mediate the strong nuclear force.

W Boson and Z Bosons - There are two different types of gauge bosons that are involved in mediating the weak nuclear force.

Graviton - The graviton is a theoretical particle that is incorporated as a gauge boson in most theories of quantum gravity. Gravitons have not been detected or confirmed experimentally yet.

Grahame- *Electromagnetic* waves, whether viewed classically or in terms of quantized photons, are not affected by static electrical or magnetic fields. They have no charge. Nevertheless, they do exert electrical and magnetic forces on charged particles and magnetic particles.

To say that DNA of the quantum universe are Photons, Electrons, Nutrons Gluons, Gravitons, Bosons, and Grahame. To  DNA sequencing is the process of determining the precise order of nucleotides within a DNA molecules of the four bases adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine in a strand of DNA.

"In a study published in the Journal of Physical Chemistry by London Imperial College Department of Chemistry, the idea of micro gravitational forces forming matter out of wave patterns was witnessed in person. Dr. Sergey Leikin placed different types of DNA in a salt water solution, and differentiated the various strands by coloring them. Remarkably, the colored DNA were drawn to one and another moving very far distances to find the corresponding matches, and in time every DNA strand was paired up correctly. Although Dr. Leikin equated the phenomenon with possible electrical charges, other research revealed that gravity was the likely culprit.

In an astonishing experiment performed by Nobel Prize winner Dr. Luc Montagnier, DNA was randomly created out of nothing but sterilized water. The experiment used two separate sealed test tubes, one containing sterilized water and the other carrying both sterilized water and DNA. After electrifying both tubes and letting the tubes sit for eighteen hours, Dr. Montagnier was surprised to see that the tube that had originally contained nothing but water had produced tiny DNA strands. This was a shock for many reasons, mainly because water only contains hydrogen and oxygen and a DNA molecule is much more complex. How could something like this possibly happen? It seemed as though the DNA had “teleported” from one tube to the other, like they were connected by an unknown force.

Could this experiment reveal that forces of the universe are constantly trying to form life where ever it can by hidden micro gravitational waves? In 1984, a Russian scientist by the name of Dr. Peter Gariaev discovered another remarkable property of DNA, in which each strand had the naturally tendency to absorb and store hundreds to thousands of photons (light particles). Dr. Gariaev placed DNA inside a small quartz container, and to his surprise the DNA absorbed every photon in the room. Gravity is the only force that we know of that can bend light so therefore Dr. Gariaev’s experiment reinforced the idea of a hidden micro gravitational force.

Things got even stranger when Dr. Gariaev removed the DNA from the quartz container. To his amazement the photons that had originally been absorbed by the DNA stayed in the quartz container in the exact shape of the DNA. Anyone would have thought that the photons should have scattered, but there seemed to be an unknown force keeping the photons in place. Dr. Gariaev blasted the photons with nitrogen gas to disperse them, and within minutes the photons were drawn back to the same area and formed the same “phantom” DNA shape. This experiment suggests that gravity has a quantum structure and can exist without the presence of matter, permeating throughout the entire universe.

These discoveries could provide massive implications for science and our understanding of the universe. If gravity has quantum intelligent properties, then it could be proof that life exists or has the ability to form all throughout the universe. Further DNA studies revealed even more interesting abilities of the molecule when Italian scientist Pier Luigi Ighina was able to transform a living apricot tree into an apple tree by zapping it with DNA wave information. Ighina also zapped a rat with the DNA-wave of a cat, causing the rat to grow a cat-like tail within days. These experiments support the idea that DNA forms from information waves, and from this knowing we can suggest that our evolution may have been influenced by cosmic rays carrying encoded information from our Sun." by Jeff Roberts


DNA-the phantom effect, quantum hologram and the etheric body

Linda Gadbois

Spiritual Scientist, USA
Correspondence: Linda Gadbois, Spiritual Scientist, Colorado Springs, CO 80915, USA, Tel 303-726-9344
Received: January 18, 2018 | Published: January 29, 2018
Citation: Gadbois L. DNA-the phantom effect, quantum hologram and the etheric body. MOJ Proteomics Bioinform. 2018;7(1):9-10. DOI: 10.15406/mojpb.2018.07.00206

While modern day science used to look at DNA as a material object that was fixed in nature, therefore unable to be changed, where we were at the “mercy of our genes” so to speak, we now know that this isn’t true. DNA is actually composed of a liquid crystalline substance that acts as a form of antenna, receiver, and transmitter of holographic information. It’s constantly in the process of taking in information from its environment and the ether as signs, archetypes, and imagery and translating it into holograms. It operates predominately out of radionics where whatever frequency its tuned to, is acts as a receiver for various forms of information within that same frequency that comes in as an acoustic wave that serves to form an electromagnetic field (EMF) as a holographic shape that’s composed initially of subtle energy, which provides the blueprint or spatial mapping for constructing an exact replica as its material equivalent. Information inherent in the Ether (Akasha) always comes as a “pairing” or “wave coupling” (like the double helix) that contains both an acoustic sound and optical (visual) image as the geometric patterning inherent in the vibratory frequency.
The two waves of information form an interference pattern that together produce a 3-D holographic image as the subtle template for constructing the material body through a growth and development process. This holographic image as an invisible energy field organizes and animates matter into what’s called the “phantom effect”. This phantom is an invisible 3-D shape as a field formed out of information as a dynamic series of interrelated planes or parallel interlaced and correlating dimensions that operate without any cross-talk to form a chain-of-association as phase conjugation adaptive resonance. When one wave (Monad) resonates with another of the same or similar frequency, they’re absorbed into each other forming an interference pattern (Dyad), where certain properties are cancelled out or contradicted, and others are matched and amplified. This adaptation process reformulates the initial generic form (archetype) into a unique variation as the couplings offspring or combination. This reformulating of internal properties to form a new whole comes by way of what we call “natural selection” as the interaction of complementary opposites that either activate or inactivate each other.

When studying DNA from a purely material perspective of constructing proteins out of encoded genetic information as the selection of qualities from each parent, it was determined that only about 2% of our DNA accounted for this process and the other 98% was what they called “junk DNA”, which simply meant they didn’t know what it was used for. We now know that the other 98% actually serves as a form of memory bank where information is both written or encoded, and read or decoded, to form a virtual reality out of the information as the pattern or configuration inherent in the vibratory frequency. This works in much the same way the Akashic field of Esoteric Sciences works, where information is contained within the astral plane as archetypal ideas that serve as a generic prototype for creating in the physical realm and are accessed and absorbed into the mind through sympathetic resonance. Within this same astral plane is also stored “thought-forms” produced by humans as emotional memories that exist as a holographic template that’s “recorded” on the Ether (the Akashic book of Life), and not only forms the memory of our soul and body, but also populates the Astral plane of what we call “the Collective Unconscious”, or mass consciousness with virtual memories. Our DNA as a crystalline transmitter and receiver, draws in (resonates with) the thought-forms of others (group mind) as well as ideas from the higher dimension of the mental plane of Universal archetypes, where both come as the holographic information that ultimately serves to program our DNA.

DNA operates by the same principles as the mind and brain, where the acoustic aspect of information as “words” acts to form a visual holographic image in the imagination that turns the idea inherent in the words into a virtual reality. It translates ideas that are communicated by talking about them, whether through our own thoughts as internal dialogue, or as listening to someone else talk, into visual imagery as living scenarios. It comes as words, sentences, paragraphs, and pages of written and spoken script that forms visual imagery in our mind’s eye as we read it (absorb it). DNA works by way of the same principles as the mind and neurons of the brain and body. It decodes words into 3-D realities as the basis for organizing matter into the biological form that corresponds to the image as an archetypal idea. This is represented in Sacred Geometry by the Tetrad (Tetragrammaton), which is the physical outward reflection and projection of the Triad (inner imagining) that emerges naturally out of the Dyad, which symbolizes an interference pattern as the coupling of two wave forms (double helix) of the same frequency to produce a new whole through coherence. Most spiritual texts describe God as the creator calling forth all material life using words as breath that moves across the water (liquid crystal), causing a form to rise up and take shape.

While the genetic make-up of our body doesn’t change very much throughout our lifetime, our inner constitution as our character and mental paradigm (vibratory structure) can often change quite drastically. As our inner constitution changes, how we see and what we see in the outer world changes simultaneously. This is because the inner and the outer act as two wave forms that resonate with each other forming an interference pattern that activates different aspects while deactivating others, changing how it’s configured. We only see in everything else what’s of the same nature (frequency) as we are. As we grow, develop into higher states, and transform mentally and emotionally, how things appear to us changes accordingly. You know when you’ve undergone transformation of some form by the fact that you begin seeing others and the world in general in a different way. What we notice and how we interpret things to give them meaning changes as an outer reflection of our inner state.

DNA, like the mind, is a fluid-like substance that’s always being re-informed by an energetic exchange of subtle energy with everything else around it that’s of a similar vibration causing it to constantly flux and morph. It’s like a shimmering luster morphing moment by moment based on what new information or qualities it’s absorbing from the environment that modifies its state. Words carried on a certain frequency are naturally inducted into the individual mind where they form an internal image as the reality indicated by the words. Whenever our mind is in a passive and receptive state, such as meditation and hypnosis (Theta-Alpha state), where there’s no editing or resistance from the conscious mind (outer awareness), ideas are readily taken in as suggestion, allowed to rise up in the imagination and take hold, and entire realties as an experience are constructed out of them. These holographic realities create a form of inner experience that acts directly on the subconscious mind as the body’s consciousness (DNA), to program it through virtual memories.

Matter as particles held together by an invisible electromagnetic field is what forms the primary substance of what we call reality. Matter itself doesn’t “possess or generate” consciousness of its own, but acts as the passive receptor for consciousness as vibratory information that structures it into a holistic biological living system. DNA acts as the subtle antenna and receiver for acoustic information that forms a holographic image as an electromagnetic field that provides the blueprint as the etheric body used to construct the physical body. Form and properties always indicates function and how a system operates and behaves. Whenever we change the information used to structure and operate a system, we change how the system forms, expresses, and functions as a whole. The genetic code of our DNA isn’t static and fixed, but rather dynamic and always in the process of transforming based on the information as language of some sorts that it acts to absorb, interpret, and shape into an idea.

Scalar energy, as subtle energy, readily moves through and into matter and divides forming an electromagnetic field that serves to organize astral light as essence (photons) into the holographic reality as one possibility (potential) inherent in the scalar wave. Scalar waves exist as a unified field of subtle energy that exists everywhere as what we call “empty space”. This empty space, that’s commonly called a quantum vacuum, isn’t empty at all, but rather filled with holographic information as archetypes used to form, hold together, and sustains the entire material world. It’s the invisible field that organizes matter into organic and inorganic biological systems that are comprised of both an active (animate) and passive (inanimate) aspects.

What this shows us is that our DNA as our subconscious mind or body consciousness is literally programmed by our own thoughts and internal dialogue that are imagined as realities, and from various forms of media that act as suggestion and become the nature of our thoughts. What we hear outwardly forms a picture of reality inwardly. This inward picture formed out of hearing something someone says, becomes a part of our thoughts and provides a holographic image that imprints the DNA of our body with that information as a form of genetic code. DNA, like the mind itself, has the ability to both write and read genetic information. Most of our thoughts are formed from what we’ve been taught or heard being said, that we incorporate in a harmonious fashion to form our mental paradigm as a working model for perceiving and interpreting the outer world. Any information sent on radio/microwaves in the form of language and pictures, that we take in and think about, not only becomes a part of our vibratory essence in terms of our thinking and feeling, but also as the programming for the DNA of our molecular structure as a corresponding physical equivalent, or the reality inherent in the thoughts.

As we think through a form of internal dialogue where we’re talking to ourselves, or whatever we hear and listen to going on around us that we take in and actually think about, turning it into an imagined reality, we’re encoding ourselves with that information as a form of hypnotic suggestion. The most important aspect of our physical development and well-being comes from our thoughts and what type of ideas we expose ourselves to and actively engage in. Anytime we’re watching TV, listening to the radio, music, talking on our cell-phone, browsing the internet reading and watching things, we’re “programming ourselves” with that information. We’re becoming “one with it” by creating an inner reality out of it, and we’re tuning ourselves to that same vibration. What we hear and watch becomes a part of our natural thoughts. All we’re ever really doing is running the same “type of ideas” through our mind over and over, changing them only through adaptive resonance as a modified application to a different or unique scenario.

The most important aspect of our personal development is controlling our own thoughts, intentionally directing our attention onto desirable and beneficial ideas, and monitoring what we expose ourselves to in terms of others and various forms or media. Whomever or whatever we associate with, we take in and become like. Spoken words, whether internally or externally, form holographic images in our mind that are impressed on the ether, and permanently recorded as a memory. Just as we live our life out of memory, thinking and dwelling in the past as a way of creating the future in the present by using the same idea to create a new variation, our body is regenerated and sustained out of the same memory. The mind forms an astral image as a hologram that imprints the etheric body with the information of that image.

The etheric body as an electromagnetic field uses that same holographic imagery to organize and animate the cellular structure of the body to form a corresponding metaphorical equivalent. The parallel planes that ultimately result in our physical body, operate as a form of “step down process” or phases of vibration becoming a material form through a chain-of-association as charged plasma, that organizes essence as a form of gas, that coagulates into a liquid-light form, and ultimately results in a solid form. The causal field of the Luminiferous Aether or Akashic Field of vibratory frequencies as archetypal information is absorbed into our mind and shaped into a personal reality that simultaneously elicits an emotional response to our own thoughts, infusing them with meaning that becomes the “motivating force” that animates them into a storyline or dialogue of some kind. This imaginary sensory reality is simultaneously received by, interpreted, and used to produce an equivalent effect in the etheric hologram of the body, reprogramming and modifying it accordingly. Our mind receives information that it turns into emotional thoughts that act as a blueprint for shaping our material body, both inwardly and outwardly. We literally become what we think and imagine.


“The Pythagorean scale is a "geometric scale" originally derived from the angles of geometric shapes; e.g., triangle, square, pentagon, hexagon, etc., which produce an F# scale. Mathematically it is based on intervals of fifths (3:2).Various scales can be derived by dividing an octave into intervals of "Tones" that have a ratio of 9:8 (1.125), and "Hemitones" that have a ratio of 256:243. All intervals are Tones, with the exception of E-F and B-C which are Hemitones. Note that in this Cmaj scale, C= 512 Hz (8 Hz raised 6 octaves) (2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048...). Notice also that its notes have a more even distribution throughout the color spectrum compared to our modern A=440 Hz Equal Temperament Scale. Try tuning your musical instrument to the Pythagorean scale (A=432 Hz), and feel how it sounds. Although 440 Hz is the commonly recognized pitch for A4, adopted in 1939 by an International Conference held in London. Some orchestras in the UK and European countries use A=440 Hz and A=444 Hz. The New York Philharmonic and the Boston Symphony Orchestra use 442 Hz. Some orchestras use A=415 Hz for music composed around the baroque period. A4 was tuned to around 422.5 Hz (the frequency of Handel's tuning fork) during the eras of Hayden, Mozart, Bach and Beethoven. There are many other pitches as well. Ref:” & “When we think of a color of light, generally we are visualizing a narrow band of many frequencies (wavelengths) that comprise a single color or shade of color. In the chart shown above, the center frequency (wavelength) of each of the basic colors is shown, as well as their corresponding audio and brain wave frequencies. Also shown is the conventional musical scale, which reveals where each note lies with respect to the colors in the light spectrum. The following chart shows the fundamental Earth harmonics in light, sound, and brain wave frequencies. All of these frequencies (and many more) create Earth's unique "Harmonic Signature." "Special" astronomical parameters, such as the distance of a planet from the Sun or Earth, its diameter and circumference, to name a few, have harmonic resonances just like "time-related" parameters, like the orbital period of planet (its year); or its rotational period (its day). All of these parameters create a planet's complex "harmonic signature." That is why it makes little sense to say a planet resonates with one specific frequency. The harmonic signatures of all of the planets in our solar system, as well as a myriad of ever-changing resonances occurring between the planets, as well as those created by their ever-changing cycles with each other, produce our Solar System's Grand Evolutionary Symphony in which all life on Earth evolves. This is the "harmonic environment" in which every biological rhythm breathes and evolves.” & “The Schumann Resonances are the result of cosmic energy build-up within the cavity that exists between Earth's highly conductive surface and the conducting layer in the upper atmosphere called the ionosphere.* This creates a world-wide lightning display of broadband electromagnetic impulses that fill this cavity and that act as the stimulus for the cavity to resonate. (This is another example of spatially created harmonic resonances.) A part of Earth's upper atmosphere is ionized plasma caused by the sun's ultraviolet radiation. This layer, the ionosphere, couples Earth's outer magnetosphere with Earth's inner neutral atmosphere. The Schumann Resonances fluctuate around their nominal values because of slight variations in the size of the ionosphere and the crust of the Earth, both of which breathe due to variations in Earth's magnetic field, solar influences and other deep space ionizing effects, and the lunar cycles.” & “To support our greatest well-being, and to make possible our evolution and spiritual awakening, we must allow ourselves (and our brainwave patterns) to breath in concert with mother Earth and with her natural cycles moment-to-moment. The Earth is a spherical receiver of cosmic energy (evolutionary intelligence) which directs our biological process and spiritual evolutionary unfoldment. The Earth re-radiates the cosmic information it receives from its core outward in complex long-wave signals. We receive these signals via our spinal columns and cranial structures (a vertical antenna system). The cranial cavity, the capstone to this antenna captures this information and re-focuses it to the pineal gland, a neuro-endocrine transducer in the center of the brain, where it is then transmitted (via the hypothalamus) as signals that direct the pituitary gland, the master control center of the brain. These signals are further distributed via the rest of the neurological system. People living in dense man-made EMF frequencies (powergrids, cell phones, cell-phone microwave towers, TVs, etc.), especially common to big cities, will have extreme difficulty being receptive to natural solar and other planetary resonances and their cycles that are responsible for our conscious evolution and optimal health. This is due to quantum-biochemical fact that intercellular and genetic communication occurs via light (electrons and photons), which is easily disrupted and distorted by external man-made EMF fields. There are also additional factors, such as the quality and purity of intercellular water, that make our quantum biochemical processes possible. Man-made electromagnetic radiation can cause everything from brain cell DNA damage to sever alterations in health, mood, emotional stability and behavior.”  By Nick Anthony Fiorenza @

3D Known Stars and their Frequencies

3D, 4D, & 5D across Space-Time within the 9 Realms Matrix AND Charakas Energy Vortex points with Earth. FOR A FASTER and Smaller GIF go to my page "Crystal/Krystal Light internal & CERN tech external" a Faster verison of the same GIF @ 5d-space_video.gif (1320×720) (

Quantum Superposition of Zenith ALL points

Torus Field is Spherical the basic structure of Quantum Existence;  within/beyond TIME


ALL ~ Atom(s), Cell(s), Aura field around a Living Being(s) *Crown Chakra*, Planet(s), Solar System(s), Galaxy(ies), Cluster of Galaxy(ies), Universe, Multiverse & Dimensions.

The reason why I have Svartalfheim on the inner circle and Niflheim on the outer circle is by Observation on the Galaxies they represent. Helheim is Triangulum Galaxy and Svartalfheim being Andromeda Galaxy and Niflheim being the Polarissima cluster. However from the Quadrupole Magnetic Field model Niflheim should be on the inner circle. My theory Svartalfheim is the space between in and out of space and time the Null space. Which vibrate very near Helheim to why located in the inner circle Magnetic Toroidal Blueprint model.

A theory based on alchemy harmonics pattern with Sonatina for Piano Op.36 No. 1:

Electromagnetic Frequency 528Hz: the most popular Solfeggio frequency for healing but it is coincidentally used by genetic biochemists for DNA Repair; change the frequency,  change the effect for example from repair to destroy, love to fear/hate; or anything else. Like a good example:

*"Of course, large electric fields do have biological consequences. Five hundred deaths a year in the United States are attributed to accidental electrocutions. About 100 V/m may ca use lethal cardiac fibrillation. Similar currents can restart heart action after cardiac arrest, and smaller electric fields regulate heart action and excite other muscular action. The weakest fields that are definitely known to generate biological effects in humans  are the fields of about 0.2 V/m that act on the dark adapted eye to generate visual phenomena (phosphenes). There have been claims for other effects -- such as bone healing -- at fields as small as 0.1 V/m that are plausible, but not incontrovertibly established. Hence, the fields of 10 millionthsV/m, from the electrical power distribution system, are about 10,000 times smaller than the smallest fields known to (harmlessly) effect humans.

Direct magnetic effects are also possible. Bees, some fish, and perhaps birds and other animals navigate by use of compasses of magnetite (lodestone) crystals imbedded in their cells. But at 60 reversals a second, the magnetic forces cancel out and the energies transmitted to magnetic elements in animals by 60 Hz, 5 milligauss, fields can be expected to be less than 1/10,000 kT. Neither birds, bees, fishes, nor humans can even detect such weak 60 Hz fields, let alone be harmed by them."

^^^>>> Magnetism affects all Biological DNA cells


The Plasma in space is just like the Plasma in a cell especially with the flow of current…


Electron transport chain of the cristae: NADH is oxidized into NAD+, H+ ions, and electrons by an enzyme. FADH2 is also oxidized into H+ ions, electrons, and FAD. As those electrons travel further through the electron transport chain in the inner membrane, energy is gradually released and used to pump the hydrogen ions from the splitting of NADH and FADH2 into the space between the inner membrane and the outer membrane (called the intermembrane space), creating an electrochemical gradient. This electrochemical gradient creates potential energy (see potential energy § chemical potential energy) across the inner mitochondrial membrane known as the proton-motive force. As a result chemiosmosis occurs, and the enzyme ATP synthase produces ATP from ADP and a phosphate group. This harnesses the potential energy from the concentration gradient formed by the amount of H+ ions. H+ ions passively pass into the mitochondrial matrix by the ATP synthase, and later help to re-form H2O (water).  The electron transport chain requires a varying supply of electrons in order to properly function and generate ATP. However, the electrons that have entered the electron transport chain would eventually pile up like cars traveling down a blocked one-way street. Those electrons are finally accepted by oxygen (O2). As a result, they form two molecules of water (H2O). By accepting the electrons, oxygen allows the electron transport chain to continue functioning. The electrons from each NADH molecule can form a total of 3 ATPs from ADPs and phosphate groups through the electron transport chain, while each FADH2 molecule can produce a total of 2 ATPs. As a result, 10 NADH molecules (from glycolysis and the Krebs cycle), along the 2 FADH2 molecules can form a total of 34 ATPs during aerobic respiration (from a single electron transport chain). This means that combined with the Krebs Cycle and glycolysis, the efficiency for the electron transport chain is about 65%, as compared to only 3.5% efficiency for glycolysis alone.

"The biological emission of photons (biophotons) is a term used to describe the permanent ultraweak (1-100 photons/sec/cm2) emission of coherent (phase-locked and/or frequency-locked) photons from living systems. (F.A.Popp 1976) Popp considered it to be a quantum biological phenomenon with bio-informational character distinct from the non-coherent emission of photons as by-products of metabolism, like thermal radiation and bioluminescence/chemiluminescence caused by radical reactions, oxidation etc.

Biophoton/ultraweak photon emission originates from relaxation of electronically excited states of the constituents of living cells, which are generally associated with the presence of an oxidative metabolism that accompanies the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) which participate in the regulation of a wide spectrum of biochemical and physiological functions.

Biophoton/ultraweak photon emission reflects the pathophysiological state with respect to mitochondrial energy (ATP) production and the susceptibility to oxidative stress which is derived from the excessive production of ROS or a lack of activity for antioxidant protection.

Biophotons consist of light with a high degree of order, in other words, biological “laser” light. Such a light is very quiet (low-noise) and shows an extremely stable intensity, without the fluctuations normally observed in light. Because of their stable field strength, its waves can superpose, and by virtue of this, constructive and destructive interference effects become possible that do not occur in ordinary light." by Dr. Fritz Albert Popp


"What the Alchemy of the Philosophers? It is the transmutation, or transformation of the common man into the divine man. The common man is the person we know from our every day lives. He grew up in our society as an ordinary person, unaware of who he really is. The transmutation consists of becoming aware of the different aspects of his being: the physical body and its energies, emotions, thoughts and his divine center, and of purifying body, emotions and thoughts. This purification process will allow his divine center to shine through all these layers and become fully manifest in physical reality. It is the realization of our divine essence. . . The alchemists called it the Great Work. In the modern mind, 'alchemy' conjures up the image of a mis-guided proto-chemist locked away with his ovens and his retorts in a never-ending quest to make gold from lead, bubbling off some noxious mercury fumes from which he derives hallucinogenic images. In this view, the secret knowledge is pure superstition and the alchemist is a deluded fool. Could such a delusion have held the interest of so many brilliant minds over so many centuries? It seems doubtful. There must have been some concrete goal to all this work." ~ Vincent Bridges, "The Gnostic Science of Alchemy," @ 

Galileo said, “Wine is sunlight, held together by water.” A wine enthusiast may have this quote in calligraphy on a decorative wall hanging, but winemakers and vineyard managers know the truth behind it

The Death of Baldur

Baldur was one of the most beloved of all the gods. The son of Odin, the chief of the gods, and the benevolent sorceress goddess Frigg, Baldur was a generous, joyful, and courageous character who gladdened the hearts of all who spent time with him. When, therefore, he began to have ominous dreams of some grave misfortune befalling him, the fearful gods appointed Odin to discover their meaning.

Baldur’s father wasted no time in mounting his steed, Sleipnir, and riding to the underworld to consult a dead seeress whom he knew to be especially wise in such matters. When, in one of his countless disguises, he reached the cold and misty underworld, he found the halls arrayed in splendor, as if some magnificent feast were about to occur. Odin woke the seeress and questioned her concerning this festivity, and she responded that the guest of honor was to be none other than Baldur. She merrily recounted how the god would meet his doom, stopping only when she realized, from the desperate nature of Odin’s entreaties, who this disguised wanderer truly was.

And, indeed, all that she prophesied would come to pass.


“One of many wonderful scenes in ancient Egyptian art is “The Judgment,” sometimes called “The Weighing of the Heart.” It appears in the papyrus scrolls of The Egyptian Book of the Dead. The scene shows a deceased Egyptian named Ani being led to the chamber of his judgment. The god Anubis, the underworld guide, brings Ani before a huge scale. On one side of the scale, Ani’s heart is placed in a jar. On the other side of the scale is the feather of the goddess Maat. Observing this weighing of the heart are various other gods. Thoth (Hermes, to the Greeks) stands nearby with Ani’s Book of Life in his hands, ready to inscribe the outcome of this weighing. Horus, the god who was immaculately conceived by Isis to save the world from Egypt’s satan, waits to see if Ani’s heart is light enough for him to lead Ani out of the underworld through Osiris’ chamber and on up into the heavens. Isis and Nephthys stand behind Osiris, who is seated on his throne. All await the outcome.” ~ A Light Heart - Egyptian Key by John Van Auken

In the ancient world the combination of religious traditions with elements of Atlantean, Greek, Hindu, Judaism, Hebrew and Tibetan cultures; from the view of esoteric/Gnostic teachings. If you use you mind's eye and spin the view point from ancient Egypt to the 17th century Greek painting, from side view to strait on. Then if you notice the King/Lord Osiris/Zeus of Ancient Egypt/Greece also in the same position as Lord Krishna the Son of the King at the Zenith Point  = Apollo aka Horus and his brother Dionysus is the God of wine being similar with Ophiuchus standing on the snake, and with the Harp or Flute same high frequency sound with Eta Carina that gives birth to Suns when the King condensation is located. Krishna is considered a full avatar of Vishnu, or one with Vishnu himself. ... Gitagovinda of Jayadeva considers Krishna to be the supreme lord while the ten incarnations are his forms. Swaminarayan, the founder of the Swaminarayan Sampraday, also worshipped Krishna as God himself. In the stomach with solar plexus is the Khepri a scarab with wings in Eygption it's connection with RA and with rebirth and the underworld, he occasionally wears the atef crown of Osiris. With the Lotus flower in many cultures including Buddhist teachings, simple for the 3rd eye, Crown, and the seat of the soul. The Egyptian teachings the Spirit with Communion, the Lord Supper, and with the Passover, is all about meditation, to reflect on past mistakes, corrupted thoughts, to purify ones self to clear the leaven out (Buddhist teachings also) of your cup. The soul rises from with stomach (solar plexus) with the Living Father of Light Amun-RA the photon.  ~&~ "Early Christian art is rich with Dionysus associations, whether in boisterous representations of agape feasting, in the miracle of water-into-wine at Cana, in wine and vine motifs alluding to the Eucharaist, and most the use of Dionysiac facial traits for representations of Christ." ~Dr. Thomas F. Mathews, The Clash of the Gods, 45

^> I highly recommend this book "The Homeric Hymns and Homerica" with an English Translation by Hugh G. Evelyn-White. Homeric Hymns. Cambridge, MA.,Harvard University Press; London, William Heinemann Ltd. 1914. (It will help to understand Jupiter & Semele by Gustave Moreau in more detail) 

Hesiod (Hesiodus), an epic poet apparently of the eighth century BC, was born in Asia Minor but moved to Boeotia in central Greece. He was regarded by later Greeks as a contemporary of Homer. Three works survive under Hesiod's name: (1) "Works and Days," addressed to his brother. In it he gives us the allegories of the two Strifes, and the myth of Pandora; stresses that every man must work; describes the accepted Five Ages of the world; delivers moral advice; surveys in splendid style a year's work on a farm; gives precepts on navigation; and propounds lucky and unlucky days. (2) "Theogony," a religious work about the rise of the gods and the universe from Chaos to the triumph of Zeus, and about the progeny of Zeus and of goddesses in union with mortal men. (3) "The Shield" (not by Hesiod), an extract from a "Catalogue of Women," the subject being Alcmena and her son Heracles and his contest with Cycnus, with a description of Heracles' shield. All three works are of great literary interest. 

For Bestowed or Apprehended Journey 💧🍸🩸

The Third Book of Enoch describes archangel Barachiel as one of the angels who serve as great and honored angelic princes in heaven, and mentions that Barachiel leads 496,000 other angels. He is considered one of the seraphim class of angels who guard God's throne, as well as the leader of all the guardian angels. @

He is surrounded by the angels of the orders of Seraphim, Cherubim, and Thrones. Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, and Fanuel (Penuel) are introduced as "the four angels of the face of the Lord." (Enoch, 71: 7-13) these four stand near the crystal throne of God.


Modern Science Meets Ancient Alchemy:  Reverting to where we began, we can now take another look at ORMEs in relation to their regular ingestion by the Egyptian pharaohs and Babylonian kings, to see precisely how these monatomic elements were used to feed their light bodies, with some astonishing results.

In the May 1995 issue of Scientific American, the effect of the platinum group metal ruthenium was discussed in relation to human DNA. It was pointed out that when single ruthenium atoms are placed at each end of a short strand of DNA, the strand becomes 10,000 times more conductive. It becomes, in effect, a superconductor. For some time, chemists had suspected that the double helix might create a highly conductive path along the axis of the molecule, and here was confirmation of the fact.

Similarly, the Platinum Metals Review has featured regular articles concerning the use of platinum, iridium and ruthenium in the treatment of cancers (which are caused through the abnormal and uncontrolled division of body cells). When a DNA state is altered (as in the case of a cancer), the application of a platinum compound will resonate with the deformed cell, causing the DNA to relax and become corrected. Such treatment involves no surgery; it does not destroy surrounding tissue with radiation nor kill the immune system, as does radiotherapy or chemotherapy.

The medical profession entered the high-spin arena when the biomedical research division of the pharmaceutical company Bristol-Myers Squibb announced that ruthenium atoms interact with DNA,  correcting the malformation in cancer cells. (Monatomic gold and platinum metals are in effect "stealth atoms", and it has now been ascertained that body cells communicate with each other by way of stealth atoms through a system of light waves.) What the new science determines is that monatomic ruthenium resonates with the DNA, dismantles the short-length helix and rebuilds it correctly, just as one might dismantle and resurrect a dilapidated building.

It is known that both iridium and rhodium have anti-ageing properties, while ruthenium and platinum compounds interact with the DNA and the cellular body. It is also known that gold and the platinum metals, in their monatomic high-spin state, can activate the endocrinal glandular system in a way that heightens awareness, perception and aptitude to extraordinary levels. In this regard, it is considered that the high-spin powder of gold has a distinct effect upon the pineal gland, increasing melatonin production.

Likewise, the monatomic powder of iridium has a  similar effect on the serotonin production of the pituitary gland, and would appear to reactivate the body's "junk DNA" along with the under-used and unused parts of the brain.

It is of particular significance that, irrespective of all today's costly and extensive research in these areas, the secrets of the highward fire-stones were known to our ancestors many thousands of years ago. They knew that there were superconductors inherent in the human body: they were the elements of individual consciousness which they called the "light body" (the ka). Sir Laurence Gardner, Kt St Gm, KCD @


"Throughout the ages White Powder of Gold has been known as The Philosopher's Stone, Star Fire, The Elixir Of Life, Ormus, Manna, and ORME, an acronym for 'Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic Elements' coined in the 1980's by David Radius Hudson. It relates to any precious metal in its monatomic form, including Gold, Platinum, Silver, Palladium, Osmium, Ruthenium, Rhodium and Iridium. Superdeformation of the nuclei of these precious elements results in a monoatomic, superconducting, high spin, low energy state, wherein, in accordance with ORME Physics and ORME Biology the extraordinary characteristics of the white powder of gold can be manifested. These precious metals have the unique ability to remain stable in the monoatomic form, which can then lead to effects ranging from Superconductivity to Levitation to Zero-Point Energy phenomena. New understandings in physics suggest, however, that the powders might actually be 'diatomic' or small atomic cluster 'condensates'. It is now generally accepted, therefore, that the materials might be more universally referred to by the generic terms ORMUS or 'M-state' elements. By excluding all external magnetic fields including the Earth's gravity, White Powder Gold takes an individual beyond the 4th dimensional space-time continuum into the place where space and time cease to exist, the fifth dimension." ~ Token Rock @


7) The Seven steps of Alchemy: The seven steps of alchemy correspond to the 7 Chakras, the steps themselves are from bottom to top, from root to crown.

1: calcination: a destruction of the ego, the result is an uncoiling of the serpent of kundalini which dwells in the root Chakra. >>Mars<<

2: dissolve: a method of harnessing the kundalini in the Sacral Chakra where it begins it's ascent. The very act of harnessing the serpent itself leads to this dissolving process, where the ego is further purified or banished away. >>VENUS<<

3: Separate: takes place in the solar plexus Chakra, the separation process is the separation of the two aspects that exist in every human, the duality of passive and active, of female and male. These are separated for the next process. >>Neptune<<

4: conjunction: the process of combining the separated male and female energies, these are combined or multiplied together, so male. Becomes male-female, and female becomes female-male. It becomes a hermaphrodite essence within the heart Chakra. The ultimate combination of contrasts. >>Mercury<<

5: fermentation: takes place in the throat Chakra, this is where the hermaphroditic essence from previous is further harnessed in the throat, the place of communication in the body. The work here is similar to that of the dissolving process, it is simply a process of harnessing the new found energy >>Uranus<< 

6: distillation: it is a process of creating the third eye by consistently bringing kundalini from below up to the pineal gland, until it becomes a permanent "lotus" or Chakra (the others below are created during their respective processes). >>JUPITER<<

7: transmutation: this is the final act, it is the ability to reach the crown Chakra at the top of the head, this only happens when all of what is below is in unity with the process of alchemy. What happens at this point is utterly indescribable for each person experiences it differently, but the surefire sign is the feeling of a strong pressure at the top of the head Gold. For the alchemist, it represented the perfection of all matter on any level, including that of the mind, spirit, and soul. The symbol for gold could also be used to represent the sun in astrology. >>SUN<<

Four Elements